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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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looks like i just shot myself in the foot as i've realized swagger didnt win the ecw title in 2010, he wont it the year before that, so what eveyone has said has been completely valid.


this is how i rate the worst title changes


1. david arquette

2. james storm

3. jack swagger

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looks like i just shot myself in the foot as i've realized swagger didnt win the ecw title in 2010, he wont it the year before that, so what eveyone has said has been completely valid.


this is how i rate the worst title changes


1. david arquette

2. james storm

3. jack swagger


so James Storm and Jack Swaggers title changes were worse than Vinces Russos as WCW Champion? or the finger poke of doom? Or when Jeff Hardy won it and made it that stupid belt? Any Anderson reign?


Wise up. + we haven't evens seen this one yet.

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pardon me, i kinda rushed into that one, i guess im annoyed at the fact james storm is tna champ, so in my frustration i'm putting storm nearer the top.


but now that you've mentioned all the other bad title changes, maybe i should do my homework and make a video detailing the worst title changes ever!

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pardon me, i kinda rushed into that one, i guess im annoyed at the fact james storm is tna champ, so in my frustration i'm putting storm nearer the top.


but now that you've mentioned all the other bad title changes, maybe i should do my homework and make a video detailing the worst title changes ever!


I'm not jumping on the wandwagon but you have made yourself look like a moron. Number 1 you don't know what your talking about and number 2 your lack of capital letters doesn't win you any brownie points.


As said before you haven't seen Storm's title reign so I don't see how you can comment on it. Therefore your comment is invalid. I myself am feeling pretty optimistic abut the whole thing. TNA have always been slated about pushing ex-wwe talent in favour of the guys who have been there a while. After a while of not doing it they finally do it and the IWC takes a drizzling shit all over it. With a wide range of the TNA demographic being over 18+ many may relate to Storm and personally I think he is more marketable than Roode. Don't get me wrong Roode is a hard worker and can put up some great matches. I would have loved to see him win the title but I am just favourable that we are seeing Storm as champion. Adds abit of the unpredictabilty into wrestling dispite seeming pretty random as in the booking sides of things.

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Glad to see my favourite member of Beer Money win a World title, but I kinda wish they'd kept it for PPV, the slow burn of Storm chasing the title as Roode couldn't followed by the next chapter in the story would be great. By having World title changes on TV relatively regularly I can't help but think TNA cost themselves PPV buys.


All in all, sounds like a fun show. Can't pretend I enjoyed BFG, it left me rather underwhelmed (much like this year's Wrestlemania), but Impact's come with a guarantee of fun recently and I hope they keep that up.

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Forget Hogan and Savage, except perhaps in the way Beer Money might break up. As I see the pair, they're more akin to Bret Hart (Roode) and Steve Austin (Storm).


Problem with Roode is he HAD a gimmick. In order to become the (undeniably) good babyface he is, that gimmick had to be diluted, if not completely disposed of. Unfortunately, in the course of making him the face he now is, I think they've also made him pretty bland and unsellable (personally love him, think he's probably the closest thing to Arn Anderson there is). Yeah, he cuts a good, fiery promo but that's not what the paying customers neccessarily want. At least not on its own.


There's absolutely nothing outlandish or unusual about Bobby Roode. No larger than life character, his physique, while impressive in its own right, doesn't make him stand out. If he were champ with his current persona you'd be getting quality matches and sincere, believable promos but not much else. Even storyline wise, there's only so much mileage in the way he's been portrayed. Look at Chris Benoit- once he won the WWE Heavyweight title what else did he do? Once the chase was over, there wasn't anywhere else to go with him. Same with Roode, if he'd won at BFG. I hate to say it, but realistically he's just a good guy in trunks as it stands. Even down to his name- what sort of wrestling company would hang their hats on a good guy called 'Bobby Roode'? Seriously? Maybe if he had a nickname... (Seriously, try ring announcing 'Bobby Roode' or 'Robert Roode' on their own. Can't even put any massive emotion into it. And Christy Hemme doesn't...)


I feel for Roode- I do believe he was genuinely in line to win at BFG. To be told you're not going to be winning after all must be crap, especially given that it looked like the company was solidly behind him. Then to lose out to your tag team partner...


But I'm on the side of TNA with this one. It's actually their fault they had to do this to Roode, just because of how they've portrayed him. At least they've seen sense and changed tack before it was too late. As is, though, Storm's ten times more marketable and has more storyline potential, without even previously having had any sort of main event level push.


I honestly think the only way to salvage Roode now is to do a heel turn to give the guy a bit more character than he currently has. I'm sorry, but as has been proved in the past, gimmickless, clean cut, pure baby face doesn't cut it any more (Bret Hart, y'see. Excellence of Execution, maybe, but what was there beyond that, other than a guy who gave out sunglasses to kids?).

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Just going by the Tnaasylum.com


the main event for tonights taping will apparantly be Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe in a number 1 contenders match for the title


Samoa FUCKING Joe??? In a number one contender's match??? That is some fucked up shit right there.


Actually wouldn't be surprised if Joe won it.

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I would have roode lose the nunber one contender match and walk out. then to build back his fans i would have him vow that he will work harder then he ever has to win the title. then have him turn heel and take the title from storm saying he needs the title as he doesnt feel he can face his wife and kids without it. right there a fued with storm can begin. maybe not even have him turn fully heel for a while and maybe regret what he has done, but once he gets a taste of being champion could slowly turn.

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I would have roode lose the nunber one contender match and walk out. then to build back his fans i would have him vow that he will work harder then he ever has to win the title. then have him turn heel and take the title from storm saying he needs the title as he doesnt feel he can face his wife and kids without it. right there a fued with storm can begin.


There could be videos of him training for his comeback to Impact Wrestling with his new found attitude. There could be home videos of his wife and kids telling him that he has nothing to be ashamed of and then a shot of him sitting with a towel over his head saying 'don't look at me, i don't deserve to live in this world!'. And then the fans in the Impact Zone every week could chant BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY and each week the anticipation builds for his return.

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I would have roode lose the nunber one contender match and walk out. then to build back his fans i would have him vow that he will work harder then he ever has to win the title. then have him turn heel and take the title from storm saying he needs the title as he doesnt feel he can face his wife and kids without it. right there a fued with storm can begin.


There could be videos of him training for his comeback to Impact Wrestling with his new found attitude. There could be home videos of his wife and kids telling him that he has nothing to be ashamed of and then a shot of him sitting with a towel over his head saying 'don't look at me, i don't deserve to live in this world!'. And then the fans in the Impact Zone every week could chant BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY and each week the anticipation builds for his return.


Oh yeah. These ideas would really work.


Roode 'takes' the title from Storm? As in steals it? Because he doesn't think he can face his wife and kids without it? But in his mind, they'd accept him as a thief? Cause, y'know, they wouldn't watch his matches or follow the news to know he hadn't actually won it or anything.


I really hope one or both of you are taking the piss here. Because, you know, it isn't in a million years going to happen THIS WAY... And, if it does, quote me- I'll eat my own weight in pubic hair.

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Impact started with TNA World Heavyweight Champion James Storm, who came to the ring. Storm had a new theme song and TitanTron video. Storm talked about how he has fought to be champion for fifteen years after deciding to become a wrestler when he watched Wrestlemania III with his late father. Storm said he would not be here without the fans and then he called Fortune to come out to the ring.

Storm thanked all four of them, particularly Roode and said that they are the reason that the company is beginning to turn around.

Samoa Joe came down to the ring and told Storm that he might just turn into another Bischoff and hand out opportunities to his close friends. Joe called out Roode for his failure to win the title at Bound For Glory. Storm told Joe that his window of opportunity had closed a while ago and that Joe has done nothing to earn a title shot.

Sting came to the stage and made Bobby Roode versus Samoa Joe tonight and the winner gets a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship when Impact comes to Macon, Georgia next week.

Match Number One: Rob Van Dam defeated Christopher Daniels by Disqualification. AJ Styles was on commentary for the match. They went to the floor and Daniels hit Van Dam with a toolbox causing the disqualification. Daniels took a screwdriver out of the toolbox and Styles left the announce table and ran to the ring to chase Daniels away and Daniels ran to the back.

Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Karen Jarrett, and Traci Brooks came to the ring. Gail talked about how she left "the other company" and is better than everyone else and praised herself for giving Velvet Sky a concussion last week. As a gift to Gail for returning, Karen Jarrett gave Gail Kim a title match against TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky at Turning Point.

Match Number Two: Gail Kim defeated Tara via Eat Defeat.

Match Number Three: TNA Television Champion Eric Young defeated Robbie E in a non title match with a Crucifix pin.

After the match, Robbie E and Rob Terry attacked Young. Young grabbed a mic and said that he is not the brightest when it comes to decision making, but in Macon, Georgia, Robbie E and Rob Terry should watch out because Ronnie from Jersey Shore will be at Eric Young's side.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring and called out his son Garrett. Eric told Garrett about how many more opportunities Garrett received from coming up in the wrestling business that most wrestlers do not get. Bischoff brought up how Garrett was backstage with him in AWA. Eric told Garrett to apologize to him by the end of the night. Garrett tried to get a word in, but Eric did not want to be interrupted and called Garrett a punk and a prick.

Ric Flair was backstage with Garrett talking to him about how he should apologize to his father.

Jeff Jarrett came to the ring and ranted about Jeff Hardy again. Jarrett said that what the video package didn't show (one was not played for the live crowd) was what happened at Victory Road 2011, saying that most people may not remember including Jeff himself. Jarrett referenced Hardy no showing back at Turning Point 2004 before Hardy came to the ring. Both men had to be separated by security. Bully Ray came to the ring and attacked Hardy and this led to an impromptu match.

Match Number Four: Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray with a Swanton Bomb.

After the match, Hardy went to the ramp to be interviewed by Christy Hemme. Hardy welcomed the fans back into his life. Jarrett ran in from the crowd and attacked Hardy. Ray told Jarrett to put Hardy in the ring. Jarrett grabbed a table and they tried to super powerbomb Hardy from the turnbuckles through the table until Ken Anderson's music hit and Anderson ran out for the save.

Match Number Five: Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe in a Number One Contender's Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with the Payoff. After the match, Storm came to the stage and stared at Roode.

Roode also had a new theme and TitanTron video.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring and called out Garrett once more and asked for an apology. Garrett came out and refused to apologize. Ric Flair came to the ring and got in Garrett's face asking him what he thinks he is doing and told Garrett to apologize. Garrett shoved Flair, and then Flair attacked Garrett. Eric gave Garrett a low blow and then Eric and Flair attacked Garrett and threw him out of the ring. After the attack, Flair and Eric hugged.


Match Number One: Madison Rayne defeated Brooke Tessmacher with a rollup the assistance of Brooke's tights. During the match, Madison kept trying to get Earl Hebner's attention. At one point, Madison was thrown towards Earl and Earl caught her in a dancing position and kissed her before dancing a bit.

Match Number Two: TNA Television Champion Eric Young defeated Rob Terry w/Robbie E with a Crucifix Pin.

Match Number Three: Gunner defeated Kazarian when Kazarian went for a sunset flip from the apron to the ring, but Gunner countered it by covering him and grabbing the ropes.

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