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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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I haven't really got much else to say, except to re-iterate that I'm incredibly suspicious of both Nexus and SMS, the former for his apparent "forgetting" of SMS' role and what he could possibly have done with the result anyway if SMS really was a cop rather than a rolecop, and the latter because I'm not so convinced now that his behaviour is pro-Town; Snake's been lynched because of it, and now he's effectively outed bristep's role. If he's Town, I don't know what he was hoping for: bristep was nowhere near a lynch, and that's the only reason anyone Town with a power role should ever claim or be claimed for.

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I thought that by putting the two roles together, it might have led to the neighbouriser contacting me, as I was the rolecop.


In other words, it was very crappy breadcrumbing, which didn't matter in the end as I had to reveal my role and results anyhow.


In reply to the other question asked of me, several roles have results, not just cop.


If we are not going to reveal or roles, without revealing your role Bristep, did you uncover anything suspicious?


I believe you are town so please share your info if you can.


If I missed anything, then sorry as I have a terrible headache, so I am having an early night.


Please ask me again and I will answer tomorrow.


Seriously?! Okay, that was not the response I was expecting. I know you said it was crappy but I really fail to understand how you thought that was ever going to work. At the very least surely using them as examples of town roles would make more sense?


I'm really suspicious of you now SMS....


Anyway, Tom, I don't think there was anything particularly scummy about what Ron tried to do. I do think we are falling into the trap of only suspecting the people who are most vocal, which really cost town the game last time. I'm particularly interested that SpotlightMagnet hasn't posted this phase, given how vocal he was about lurkers earlier.

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I haven't really got much else to say, except to re-iterate that I'm incredibly suspicious of both Nexus and SMS, the former for his apparent "forgetting" of SMS' role and what he could possibly have done with the result anyway if SMS really was a cop rather than a rolecop, and the latter because I'm not so convinced now that his behaviour is pro-Town; Snake's been lynched because of it, and now he's effectively outed bristep's role. If he's Town, I don't know what he was hoping for: bristep was nowhere near a lynch, and that's the only reason anyone Town with a power role should ever claim or be claimed for.


Hey, don't throw that at me, when everybody on that Snake lynch played an anti-town game.


Wanting results to try and work with at this late a stage is not scummy, it is called using your resources, otherwise it is game over.


I have tried playing this game by normal must play town rules, it didn't work and we got Snake lynched, so I will play by how I feel the game needs to be played.


I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am town.


All scum would feel the need to doubt me and try and set up something to get rid of me.


You are the one acting odd Carbomb.

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I thought that by putting the two roles together, it might have led to the neighbouriser contacting me, as I was the rolecop.


In other words, it was very crappy breadcrumbing, which didn't matter in the end as I had to reveal my role and results anyhow.


In reply to the other question asked of me, several roles have results, not just cop.


If we are not going to reveal or roles, without revealing your role Bristep, did you uncover anything suspicious?


I believe you are town so please share your info if you can.


If I missed anything, then sorry as I have a terrible headache, so I am having an early night.


Please ask me again and I will answer tomorrow.


Seriously?! Okay, that was not the response I was expecting. I know you said it was crappy but I really fail to understand how you thought that was ever going to work. At the very least surely using them as examples of town roles would make more sense?


I'm really suspicious of you now SMS....


Anyway, Tom, I don't think there was anything particularly scummy about what Ron tried to do. I do think we are falling into the trap of only suspecting the people who are most vocal, which really cost town the game last time. I'm particularly interested that SpotlightMagnet hasn't posted this phase, given how vocal he was about lurkers earlier.


It was crappy breadcrumbing because it didn't work as I had to reveal to attempt to save Snake and I will admit I have been useless at breadcrumbing everytime I have previously tried.


Still won't stop me trying again if I feel I have to.


I have proven I am town, the only one who has, yet you are another player suspecting me.


Seriously guys, get your heads sorted and look elsewhere, as you can't have forgotten yesterdays play already.


I thought a guy who was going to be lynched would most likely be town because of his role and I didn't see his play as scummy.


I revealed my role and info to stop the lynch as he wasn't around to defend himself.


I almost managed to get the vote swung around on to Lion, who I honestly thought was scum, but it turned out he was Vanilla.


It still would have been better to lose Vanilla than a Bulletproof though.


So why are you looking at me, not the people who wanted Snake lynched before Ron could meet up with him that night , as well as us interrogating him the next day.


We should have let him live, then if people still didn't believe him, he should have been todays lynch.


No proper discussion on lynching such a powerful role is anti-town.


I am going to take a look at the lynchers, minus the two names we lost last night, as well as taking Bristep away from the list as I believe he is town.


That leaves me with the following names: Swiftstrike, unfitfinlay, Brownie, Ron Simmons and Nexus.


I am unsure about Ron but believe there is a good chance he could be town, but I have left him on the list incase, as I still don't know how to trust him because of how paranoid he has been about meeting up with Snake and now me.


We need to look at those names as one of those 5 must be scum.

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Vote Count

Nexus (2) - Ron Simmons, tom

swiftstrike (1) - SMS


Not Voting:

bristep123, spotlightmagnet1, swiftstrike, unfitfinlay, Nexus, brownie, Carbomb MA, Chris B


With 11 Alive it takes 6 to lynch.


Deadline: 7:30pm Wednesday 6th April

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I see Ron's point, but it hinges on something.


What did SMS gain if scum by outing himself AND Snake when Snake was already under heavy suspicion already last phase?


The only other way this works is if the Scum have the Jailkeeper,Roleblocker and Weak Doc roles, tried to kill Snake on night 1, and knew that there was no way he could have been protected. In which case SMS could lie about being a rolecop, but it is a dangerous game in case another player further down the list counter-claimed.

Well, I definitely think he's telling the truth about being a rolecop - if he's scum (and I'm becoming more concerned about it - ironic because I neighboured him last night convinced he was 100% town) could it not have worked like this:


* SMS is convinced Snake will be lynched. He knows he's not scum, and he also knows he's bulletproof, either through investigating or scum targetting (meaning he'd have confirmed the roles of 3 players by now)


* He decides to stick up for Snake to make him look like town, and roleclaims at the same time to explain why he's defending Snake ("I've got a feeling" seems a bit odd to me) and also to make it less likely for the wagon to switch to him.


* Snake dies, I make a second terrible neighbouring choice, and SMS investigates Bristep and in his excitement at finding the role the scum really want to find he trys to hint to his partners.


Problem is, SMS rallied HARD for Snake to live last phase, and almost got the wagon going on Lion instead. Why would scum push so hard to move the wagon from a BP to a Vanilla? And what happens today when Lion flips vanilla town? Snake and SMS are still in the firing line, SMS most of all since he pushed the wagon onto Lion rather than Snake. It just seems he wasn't going to gain anything.

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I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am town.


God this line just screams scum. SMS please don't say things like this because otherwise the scum will find it very easy to push.


Right, viable wagons people, top suspects.


SMS isn't going to be proved either way, certainly not to the point of certainty which is what we really need this time out. While the Snake thing points to him being town but he has said and done a lot of really suspect things over the course of the game. If push comes to shove, he can reveal my role and that will settle any doubt over his role. Alignment maybe not but role yes.


Ron is really suspicous, I've said it before and I think as time goes on I get more and more of a feeling about him. Darting around the wagon both days, being uncertain, eventually getting on the lynch wagon while making sure people know he's not happy about voting while pushing a Lion lynch. Jumping on little false slips and having to backtrack really quickly. One occurance is curious, two occurences is suspicious. The wagon behaviour has happened twice now, and the slip-jumping has happened twice as well (tom yesterday (actual yesterday not phase yesterday) and me on day 1) so there's now form.


Add to this, Ron was behind a Lion lynch, but moved to Snake once SMS started going gung-ho. I think he was trying to put the seeds in place for the day 3 lynch and Lion's vig death last night threw the spanner in. Now Lion is dead and flipped as town. Ron was one of the main (if not the main) spokespersons for Lions death, so with him gone overnight that puts him in an awkward position. So, we get this little passage.


What?! Lion's town?! That's shocking - but in a way a blessing in disguise. I know I, along with a good number of others, would have focussed on him today given the result of the Snake lynch, wasting even more time. So at least we have a distraction eliminated.


Then, constant reminders to everyone that he was wrong about pushing Lion but hey, remember when he did that to Family Guy in a previous game and was town? It all really really points to him being scum.


And sorry, Lion :( I did the same thing a few games ago when I became convinced Family Guy was town, and my narrow focus probably cost the town that game. As I've said I'm actually glad he's dead now otherwise I'd have wasted much of everyone's time bleating on about why you were all daft not to be lynching him.


Bugger, I'm pretty sure a certain player is town but I've noticed something about one of his posts, I'm not sure if I should point it out or not because it potentially creates a risk for another player in the game. But the thing is, this post MAY be a day message to scum - though on instinct, I don't think it is. I'm in a quandry here and would appreciate advice from others as to whether I should reveal my spot or not. Does the reward outweight the risk, basically.


That looks pretty suspect to me personally. But again, Lion did over the past two phases. Any time I present a case on anyone from now on I think I'll have my Lion and Family Guy cases/obsessions thrown back at me :( *sigh*


And bloody hell, I'm even throwing it back at myself.


I also "REALLY" jumped on Lion beforehand and was wrong - I've pointed that out. So if you think I'm focussing too hard on just the one person, just say I guess. I've done it before with Family Guy a few games back, and I did it with Lion. I don't want to end up doing it a third time, because I'm probably allowing the scum to sit back and let me do all the work when I do that.


And to clarify, I have not posted whole posts, just passages from the posts which are relevant. I haven't changed any contexts as far as I can see, please feel free to check back.


We're here again.. VOTE Ron Simmons

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I have proven I am town, the only one who has, yet you are another player suspecting me.

You haven't proven you are town at all. If you are scum (which you may well be), you know who is town and thus can defend them with ease, appearing town. If you were a townie, you wouldn't know alignment and would have to be careful in who you defended. You certainly wouldn't beg for someone elses life if you didn't know alignment.


I thought a guy who was going to be lynched would most likely be town because of his role and I didn't see his play as scummy.

It's already been clearly established that in this game, with one exception, role has no bearing on alignment at all. So that's a worthless statement. As for the one exception, it's the weak doctor. The scum would be moronic to take this role as if they used it to protect one another, they would die doing it. Hence, it's going to be a town role.


I am going to take a look at the lynchers, minus the two names we lost last night, as well as taking Bristep away from the list as I believe he is town.


That leaves me with the following names: Swiftstrike, unfitfinlay, Brownie, Ron Simmons and Nexus.


I am unsure about Ron but believe there is a good chance he could be town, but I have left him on the list incase, as I still don't know how to trust him because of how paranoid he has been about meeting up with Snake and now me.


We need to look at those names as one of those 5 must be scum.

SMS, if you're playing the game of who voted for the lynch, don't forget to examine who you wanted to lynch, that being an obvious townie. Before you say anything, Lion's reactions were those of a frustrated townie and it was clear he wasn't scum. Previous play to support this is yourself, Dan Williams and Stevon.


Having looked at what happened overnight, I think it's clear Kenny killed Lion and the scum killed Kenny. Scum would have left a major suspect in the game on the hope they'd be lynched.

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I have proven I am town, the only one who has, yet you are another player suspecting me.

You haven't proven you are town at all. If you are scum (which you may well be), you know who is town and thus can defend them with ease, appearing town. If you were a townie, you wouldn't know alignment and would have to be careful in who you defended. You certainly wouldn't beg for someone elses life if you didn't know alignment.


I thought a guy who was going to be lynched would most likely be town because of his role and I didn't see his play as scummy.

It's already been clearly established that in this game, with one exception, role has no bearing on alignment at all. So that's a worthless statement. As for the one exception, it's the weak doctor. The scum would be moronic to take this role as if they used it to protect one another, they would die doing it. Hence, it's going to be a town role.


I am going to take a look at the lynchers, minus the two names we lost last night, as well as taking Bristep away from the list as I believe he is town.


That leaves me with the following names: Swiftstrike, unfitfinlay, Brownie, Ron Simmons and Nexus.


I am unsure about Ron but believe there is a good chance he could be town, but I have left him on the list incase, as I still don't know how to trust him because of how paranoid he has been about meeting up with Snake and now me.


We need to look at those names as one of those 5 must be scum.

SMS, if you're playing the game of who voted for the lynch, don't forget to examine who you wanted to lynch, that being an obvious townie. Before you say anything, Lion's reactions were those of a frustrated townie and it was clear he wasn't scum. Previous play to support this is yourself, Dan Williams and Stevon.


Having looked at what happened overnight, I think it's clear Kenny killed Lion and the scum killed Kenny. Scum would have left a major suspect in the game on the hope they'd be lynched.

Brownie that is fairly weak logic because by that argument I could say the scum wouldn't go after a cop role as they already know who is innocent and who is guilty. Given the weak doc role is as much about clearing innocent people as actually protecting players the scum wouldn't take it to use it merely to deny the town the ability to clear a number of players same as the cop role.



Now having read through I am not worried about SMS (despite some of his strange play this day phase) given that as scum he still could have lynched snake at the end and explained it away by avoiding the no lynch, he would have had to be cutting it very fine as scum to lose the chance of getting rid of a player who if he could be confirmed by either cop or weak doc would have been a boon to the town, it's just a shame that Snake's scummy play meant that I and a number of others thought he was Scum, but given he wasn't scum and the scum would know that it is interesting that his wagon grew as soon as SMS revealed he was bulletproof. I'm going to go back and see exactly who jumped Snake wagon after that reveal and see who was quickly to jump the waggon based on that info.

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Brownie that is fairly weak logic because by that argument I could say the scum wouldn't go after a cop role as they already know who is innocent and who is guilty. Given the weak doc role is as much about clearing innocent people as actually protecting players the scum wouldn't take it to use it merely to deny the town the ability to clear a number of players same as the cop role.

Whilst in essence a good point, you have to remember the difference is the doctor, if scum HAS to stay still through the night, whereas the cop would still be free to roam about.

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I'm not going to bother arguing with Bristep. There's unfortunately no point, it rarely makes a difference. If you want to vote for me, go for it. You'll cause another town lynch, but that's neither here nor there. Your lynch against Snake which you were 'certain of' turned out to be a dud, and you wouldn't budge of it. I just hope today you'll be a bit less caught up in your own opinion and be open to see other points of view.


I think Nexus is scum, I really do. People don't seem to be as convinced as I am. I'm also very wary of SMS, but he may be right - I might just be letting paranoia get the better of me. Bristep's generally looked town to me, but when it comes to actually voting he's been stubborn and led a false lynch last stage that he's trying to make me take the flak for, it seems. Can you play town, yet at the same time, absolutely not? Disguising yourself...He also keeps pushing at me, and yes, it's slightly WIFOM of me to say this, but it's a lazy suspect choice because I've been vocal. I was wrong about Lion, but so was Kenny McBride - was he scum?!


I switched from voting Lion to voting Snake so we'd actual get a lynch through! No one was around to support my Lion case, and SMS was rallying to save Snake hard which made me wary.


But sod it, people pussyfoot around this guy:


FOS Bristep

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I have proven I am town, the only one who has, yet you are another player suspecting me.


See it's stuff like that that makes me suspicious of you. The whole point of the game, from a scum point of view, is that you try to look like you're town. Realistically, you aren't "proven town" until you flip, are verified by a Cop, or you lead a lynch against scum. Being right about someone not being scum certainly doesn't clear you since the only people who would know that for sure are the scum.


You aren't the only person I'm suspicious of, and I don't think lynching you today, but surely you agree at this stage we should look at everybody and question everything we find suspicious? Regardless of who posted it.

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To elaborate (I'm accessing the site on a phone, so sorry for any incoherency!)


People say Bristep's played a pro-town game. But has he? Look at the people he's targeted, and look at the people he hasn't even questioned. For example, Kenny McBride. Yeah Kenny turned out to be town, but look through the whole thread: does Kenny accuse Bristep even once? In fact at one stage Kenny says he wants to wait and see what Bristep thinks before he makes a decision - in other words he let himself be led by Bristep. So Bristep didn't accuse him, or even question him once.


If Bristep's town, even if he's cop (he claimed to be roleblockrd night 1) he wouldn't know that Kenny's a town player. So he SHOULD have questioned him, he SHOULD have pressured him - but he didn't. The fact is, Bristep has only accused vocal players, or people who've accused him. Is it likely the scum JUST consists of people like that? Hell no, and that's why the town haven't won a game in ages - that's who we chase, being led by people like Bristep.


But I believe Bristep knows this. Look at his tactics - if you accuse him he plays WIFOM hard to the point it's a tough prospect to do anything other than buddy him. He's a strong case-builder (or so it seems, he's frequently built incorrect cases this game) and can make anyone look bad. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who (whether you admit to it or not) actively tip-toes around him. Otherwise he'll chase you. But sod it: look at his targets this game - and that's what they've been - targets. I'd like to think I've questioned everyone this game and tried to look at the field openly. Bristep's played with a narrow focus, circling the same players that he knows there's a chance of lynching - or alternatively justifying the pushing of.


And I believe this is because he's scum. When he was scum last, he played NO differently than in his town game. He didn't have to. If you push him, he'll push you back. And he's gone through this game relatively unpressired. I think it's time to change that.



Vote Bristep


Do I think Nexus is scum? Yes. Do I think he's the pressing issue? Not at this moment.

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