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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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8. tom - He played quite a town game first of all, but his bomb rolefishing was worrying. Initially I was certain he was town, but having been in the same team as him last game I know he's actually a really good player. So I'm wondering at this stage if he's scum, and defended me/didn't accuse me yesterday because town were going after town (Bristep/Kenny going after me) so didn't need to. Had I been lynched, I'd have flipped town and that would have made him look innocent

How did I rolefish? Bristep asked my failed role, I told him and later said that the bomb shouldn't reveal himself; the complete opposite to rolefishing. Are you saying there's good reason to accuse you? Whilst I didn't accuse you, I didn't defend you either

You didn't directly rolefish, but you suggested there was a bomb in the game which could be a psychological tactic. It might not be, I was just giving my opinion on everyone at this stage. I'm far from feeling there's a need to make a case on you - I just feel naturally cynical I guess. Don't take it as an accusation oof scumminess, I'm just expressing doubts - but not pushing them at this stage.


I think swiftstrike's probably our best lynch for today at this current stage.

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Okay, I'm going to vote for my top suspect. Might as well try and get things moving.


For his play in the last day, primarily. It's also because, despite the fact I'm not happy with Snake's explanation, Swift's conclusion was just bizarre.


Vote: Swiftstrike

Can you explain how you reach the idea that my conclusion is BIZARRE? What about it is so out there that you don't just think it is wrong but is the words of the dictionary

strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance.


What I thought was an interesting catch was that Snake appeared to have some difficulty keeping his story straight. To extrapolate out of it that he MUST be talking in code? That's the kind of leap in a detective movie where I assume the lead character has read ahead in the script.

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Swift I actually lol'd at your post. I've seen some crazy paranoia fuelled posts but that is top draw sir.


And it's not like you to vote so fast either.


While I am suspicious of Swift, I don't like this post at all. Firstly, dismissing an argument as paranoid seems ridiculous in a game where suspecting everybody is the whole point. Secondly, he does make a valid point about you announcing that you are "finally" getting a town read from Bristep, despite saying you were getting one before.


Also Swift voted really quickly in the last phase as well (for Bristep) so I'm not sure if it's really fair to say it's unlike him. I'm especially interested to see Spotlight making that argument, considering he supported the previous quick vote with an FOS.

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RE : Swift's "quick" vote.


Trying to play the meta game when collectively we've played so few games in the grand scheme of things is just silly anyway. I'm still learning, adapting, finding my feet and I dare say everyone else is as well. Maybe when we're 2-3 years in and have over 50 games to refer back to it'll be more prevelant but right now it seems counter-intuitive.


Which is why I always get an alarm at the back of my mind when someone either plays the "this is not like you" or the "this is not like me" card, especially so early.

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Every game is different.


Different rules, roles, players, mods etc. so not everyone is going to play the same.


It might seem like it at times, but we don't honestly know what anyone else is thinking, so it is hard to know why someone plays the way they do.


We can only use the evidence in this and other games, such as how people play the game, to guess what side they are on.


I don't mind people doing that if they can back it up with strong enough evidence, but that doesn't mean I will be convinced to place my vote on them, but I will examine the case on that player as I would any other.


I also don't mind anyone quick voting someone, so long as we don't end up in a situation where the scum can all just jump on and hammer the lynch, as well as believing that if we have nothing nothing left to discuss and that if we are convinced we are lynching scum then it is ok to end the day early.


Some people might think that is scummy, but just because a few players believe one thing is scummy, doesn't mean everyone does.


I need to look back at a few things, so will try and get back online later tonight to post my findings, if I find anything.

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Maybe it wasn't much of a case but I did think it was a little weird that Swift would vote for Snake on the basis of a slip. I was going on what I had seen before and I thought Swift was quite a methodical player, being slower and more precise with voting. That was my previous experience and I thought part of this game was looking to see changes in peoples behaviour from other games.


Also, I gave Bristep a finger cause I thought there was something there. I feel that people have disproved that enough, but I'm still not convinced he's town. People say they're getting a town read where as I feel more neutral. Not saying he's definently scum but I wouldn't be surprised, can't put a finger on why just something I feel.


BTW I will be V/LA from tomorrow (Friday) until Tuesday. My Granpa's 80th so I'm going up to Swansea for the weekend and his birthday.

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@MOD That's 4 V/LA's lasting over the weekend now, would an extension be possible? That's if the rest of the group are in agreement.

Most will be back prior to deadline. Add that a lynch can happen prior to deadline and I see no reason to extend the deadline. I'm afraid it will stand.

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Ok can everyone put a vote in on their number one suspect? It will at least give us a starting point since we're going to have a protracted phase. Not looking for a quick lynch but we need to start getting some direction ASAP.

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If I have to vote at this moment, it is Lion or Swift, but as I am not going V/LA, I will wait before putting my vote down.


Lion still hasn't contributed anything and I already had a gut feeling about him.


Reading back some of Swifts earlier posts has me left me unsure of which side he appears to be on.


It looks like I don't have enough time to go back and try and build a case on Swift, but it appears there are a few others who suspect him, but if you don't then please go back and read through his posts.

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If I have to vote at this moment, it is Lion or Swift, but as I am not going V/LA, I will wait before putting my vote down.


Lion still hasn't contributed anything and I already had a gut feeling about him.


Reading back some of Swifts earlier posts has me left me unsure of which side he appears to be on.


It looks like I don't have enough time to go back and try and build a case on Swift, but it appears there are a few others who suspect him, but if you don't then please go back and read through his posts.


If you suspect someone you should be voting for them, really as far as I can see it's as simple as that. Fence-sitting is why we're always struggling for a meaningful lynch come deadline. Take a chance, vote for Lion or Swift, put some pressure on and watch the reaction. People are less likely to slip or show signs of scumminess if they're allowed to post on their own agenda.


and while I'm on, Request Vote Count

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