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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Right, I'm back. I take Ron's claim at face value as it would seem an odd role to falsely claim and would be easily debunked if, for example Snake isnt neighboured (obviously it could just be a case of not wanting Snake but more likely would be a case of Ronnot having the power at all). Whilst I still hold my suspicions of Lion, a lynch on him is clearly not going through in this phase, so my focus is going to switch onto Andrew; there is of course the lurking case against him but also for reference I'm going to quote what I've already said on him


The swiftstrike thing is interesting as the same thing he has been seemingly pushing at chris and lion for, he has done similar to with Andrew. He went for 1,1 and andrew 1,2, and then voted andrew. Then andrew posts next and makes a post distancing himself.


Now, you may ask why he'd do something like that which would bring attention to himself? Well, scum can't day talk so no one would be able to tell him it was a bad idea. Scum, obviously, are going to know all about the fact they can't talk to eachother, so does andrew bringing it up make him more likely to be scum? Also, not having his scum buddies to help him could explain his lack of activity, and maybe Nexus's too.


I'm glad bristep has called for a prod on Andrew, as it gives him another chance to post before I decide if I'm going to definitely vote for him; of course, if he doesn't post then it is likely to be enough to make me place a vote. So for now :



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Right, I'm back. I take Ron's claim at face value as it would seem an odd role to falsely claim and would be easily debunked if, for example Snake isnt neighboured (obviously it could just be a case of not wanting Snake but more likely would be a case of Ronnot having the power at all). Whilst I still hold my suspicions of Lion, a lynch on him is clearly not going through in this phase, so my focus is going to switch onto Andrew; there is of course the lurking case against him but also for reference I'm going to quote what I've already said on him


The swiftstrike thing is interesting as the same thing he has been seemingly pushing at chris and lion for, he has done similar to with Andrew. He went for 1,1 and andrew 1,2, and then voted andrew. Then andrew posts next and makes a post distancing himself.


Now, you may ask why he'd do something like that which would bring attention to himself? Well, scum can't day talk so no one would be able to tell him it was a bad idea. Scum, obviously, are going to know all about the fact they can't talk to eachother, so does andrew bringing it up make him more likely to be scum? Also, not having his scum buddies to help him could explain his lack of activity, and maybe Nexus's too.


I'm glad bristep has called for a prod on Andrew, as it gives him another chance to post before I decide if I'm going to definitely vote for him; of course, if he doesn't post then it is likely to be enough to make me place a vote. So for now :




I don't think we'll hear from him the end of the day phase, which is now only 55 minutes away.

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Good point; just in case he doesn't post I'm going to :


VOTE Andrew The Giant


I can always pull it back off him if he happens to post something that convinces me not to vote for him


By my maths, he is L-2 now?


EBWOP - Am starving as have just got back on, so will be eating shortly, so didn't want to miss deadline and not have voted again


EBWOP2 - I re-considered my wait and see approach as we're so close to deadline

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Know what? Lynch me if you like. You've all been led by Bristep again, sometimes the most vocal people AREN'T scum, you need another wake-up call to see that. I'd rather go early and then people like him will get found out, as will all the sheep doing what they're told.


Then maybe we can win the game. There's a reason the town is on a lose streak - predictable patterns are followed each game, and people wrongfully get lynched for the same reasons.


Power wise I might as well claim, I'm a neighbouriser and my plan was to create a network of people I trust on the sly and then try to work out who was scum by plotting under the radar. There are one or two people I believe to be town that I'd consider neighbouring tonight.


All I can say is trust me, I'll vote whoever the consensus is with.


I'll confirm that this role is in the game, because it's the one I went for.

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Back later than I expected to be, this day is nearly done no viable vote for lynch apart from Andrew and I suppose getting rid of the spot now as opposed to a modkilling being possible later with Nexus also missing most of this day and I can't think that Mike would have that many replacements left so





I believe that's L-1 if Tom is right and by my calcs he is.

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Been reading comeback to this


And to say that the only reason I have suspicions of Chris is in regards to the numbers and the interplay is again incorrect as Chris has OMGUS and WIFOM a defense up much as I did when SMS was fingering me as scum based on TDK writing a good case on SMS and therefore SMS said we had to be scum together despite the fact that TDK wasn't scum, given that me and Chris have similar scum games I beilieve this could be telling.


Let's justify this one, shall we swift?


I was pushing TDK for a while, but the fiasco with the PMs sidetracked that one. However, before that, while you were building your 'case' on me, I was pushing TDK. I started pushing you afterwards, based on you removing significant elements of my quotes in order to push a case on me.


It's not been 'WIFOM', it's been 'this is blatantly false, and here's why'. THAT'S why you got my vote. Not OMGUS, and my defences haven't been WIFOM, with the exception of 'your theory involves scum deliberately giving themselves less of a chance' (which it does).

I take it you just didn't read my last post


Let's blow this MYTH that if the scum are low down on the list they cannot be powered wide open in the sign up thread there were 15 roles between 16 people that means with duplicate picks possible it is more than fair to say that lower down the list scum (or even town) have a chance of being powered ESPECIALLY if you consider the couple of roles that are only useful to the scum Janitor and framer, no towns person should have gone for these roles meaning that even the very last player in the game if he was scum would have a very good chance at getting these roles and therefore be a powered scum.

Or do you disagree with the fact there are 15 roles and 2 of which are pretty much scum use only.



Also Snake giving off town reads does 2 things 1 if town can let scum know how they are doing 2 if scum are a good way of getting town not to vote for you as your on "there side." or do you disagree with that?


It hadn't occurred to me before, because I'd been looking for a role that I'd be interested in. However, I can see six roles on there AT LEAST, which would be more useful to scum. It would involve overlooking vigilantes, bulletproof, bomb, doctor and rolecop at least.


So, is it possible? Yes.


Is it likely? I really don't think so.


At the moment, I continue to think that it's more likely that you're scum. The fact that you've barely acknowledged your lousy play this day phase is actually a pretty big signpost to me. You're acting like you've decided I'm scum, rather than found anything to back it up.


Fuck. Not happy about this, but I'm not preventing it.




Vote: Andrew the Giant

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Thanks unfair to say I haven't anknowledge my poor play, I have said before and I'll say again that my day 1 play is generally poor which is why I offer to replace so much but this game I didn't want to miss the start of. I will say that I don't believe how much I have miss quoted you and that has been really poor and I'm going to make sure I double read all your posts before I reply in future.

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you were right it was 8 I went back and recounted and it was



swiftstrike (1) - Nexus,

bristep123 (1) - brownie

Ron Simmons (4) - bristep123, Kenny McBride, Lion of the Midlands, Seph,

Andrew the Giant (8) - spotlightmagnet1, Ron Simmons, SMS, Snake Plissken,, unfitfinlay, tom, Swiftstrike, Chris B,

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I appreciate those points. What has got me concerned most about your gameplay is that you've misquoted me that much, and it's been pointed out to you, and yet it hasn't deterred you at all.

I really don't know what to say the TDK - anti wagon comment tucked on the end. The football stadium thing I didn't go back and check it before I posted but I was sure that what I had read it's just shocking that I have misread so much but does go to show me that I shouldn't take on more than one game at a time as spliting my time isn't a good thing in these games.

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So we were against lynching a lurker, yet we lynch a lurker. Makes no sense.

Needs must to avoid a no-lynch which wouldn't be a viable start to the game, and no one was going for the lynch on yourself which you seemed to be suggesting was a good idea. For me, it's not just because of the lurking but for reasons I quoted again prior to my vote on him; it's not ideal but I did have a few doubts about him anyway

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That's a lynch!


Vote Count

swiftstrike (1) - Nexus

bristep123 (1) - brownie

Ron Simmons (3) - Kenny McBride, Lion of the Midlands, seph

Andrew the Giant (9) - spotlightmagnet1, Ron Simmons, SMS, Snake Plissken, unfitfinlay, tom, swiftstrike, Chris B, bristep123


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, Carbomb MA


Andrew the Giant is dragged, to the gallows, he says nothing on his route there, but due to his size it takes the entire group to get him there. He says nothing as the noose is placed around his neck, and barely registers anything when the trapdoor swings open and he's left swinging.


A check is done on his belongings to reveal...


Andrew the Giant - Vanilla Townie


Night phase begins now, and will end at 7pm on Monday 21st March (As I'm out all weekend)

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