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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Fair enough, but why are we not making the same point about Carbomb or Nexus?


As i've said previously, if a player shows no interest in playing (which as Lion shows with the posting facts is true about ATG) then surely we ought to get a replacement? Just because he's barely contributed, we risk losing a strong town role.


^^^ THIS. We did this to ourselves in the Royal Rumble game, lynching lurkers and it cost us then. Nexus, Carbomb and ATG are all lurking (Or just not paying attention, or in Carbomb's case getting shafted by his boss). Lynching lurkers D1 at the expense of other suspects is anti-town.


Bristep is spot on with this. By daybreak, we'll have at least one flip to analyse. That should be the point where we start to look at lurkers.

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Agreed, but it's not fair that the replacement could walk right into a lynch/hit. I think if ATG/someone else are going to get substituted it shouldn't be any later than tomorrow morning, ideally today so that the player could read and have enough time to slip into the role.

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Fair enough, but why are we not making the same point about Carbomb or Nexus?


As i've said previously, if a player shows no interest in playing (which as Lion shows with the posting facts is true about ATG) then surely we ought to get a replacement? Just because he's barely contributed, we risk losing a strong town role.


^^^ THIS. We did this to ourselves in the Royal Rumble game, lynching lurkers and it cost us then. Nexus, Carbomb and ATG are all lurking (Or just not paying attention, or in Carbomb's case getting shafted by his boss). Lynching lurkers D1 at the expense of other suspects is anti-town.

I'm gonna disagree, how could Adam 619 have been caught last game? I don't want us to get to a stage where a 'just-active-enough' poster sneaks by and wins the game in the process. I've made my feelings clear on Lion, and I'd say, if I was scum, why would I be making my opinions so clear? On day one the best scum tactic to get through the day is to be fair and balanced, and avoid targeting people. Any time I'm town I get suspected as I push my case, just as I'm doing now. You might feel it's a weak case (I obviously don't) but that doesn't necessarily make it a scummy one. I think im right, and therefore I'm going to push that.

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Fair enough, but why are we not making the same point about Carbomb or Nexus?


As i've said previously, if a player shows no interest in playing (which as Lion shows with the posting facts is true about ATG) then surely we ought to get a replacement? Just because he's barely contributed, we risk losing a strong town role.


^^^ THIS. We did this to ourselves in the Royal Rumble game, lynching lurkers and it cost us then. Nexus, Carbomb and ATG are all lurking (Or just not paying attention, or in Carbomb's case getting shafted by his boss). Lynching lurkers D1 at the expense of other suspects is anti-town.


Bristep is spot on with this. By daybreak, we'll have at least one flip to analyse. That should be the point where we start to look at lurkers.

I think the longer we leave a lurker the riskier it is - if it gets to a crucial stage and we're left to decide between a casual poster and an active person, it becomes a risk to vote for the person you have less to go on.

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Agreed, but it's not fair that the replacement could walk right into a lynch/hit. I think if ATG/someone else are going to get substituted it shouldn't be any later than tomorrow morning, ideally today so that the player could read and have enough time to slip into the role.


ATG only gets replaced if he gets prodded and doesn't respond. We can't ask for a replacement to happen. Lynching some with so little to go on day one is just counter productive. If he flips town, what does that tell us? Everyone on the wagon has plausible deniability of "voted for lurkscum", so it leaves us no further forward than we are now.

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The difference in this game Ron is that scum can't talk to each other during thed day phase, so they have to play a slightly different style surely? And did you just chooes to ignore britsteps reasoning about voting for lurkers cost the town a lot in the WCW/NWO game and his reasoning that lynching lurkers is anti-town

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Vote Count

swiftstrike (3) - Nexus, Chris B, unfitfinlay

bristep123 (1) - brownie

Ron Simmons (3) - bristep123, Kenny McBride, Lion of the Midlands

Andrew the Giant (4) - spotlightmagnet1, Snake Plissken, seph, Ron Simmons


Not Voting:

Andrew the Giant, Carbomb MA, tom, swiftstrike, SMS


With 16 Alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Day phase ends: 7pm Friday 18th March.

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Given the potential pitfalls of voting someone on day one for lurking, I'm not going to vote for Nexus or Andrew; I still think there could be something to andrew's 1,2 in line with swiftstrike's 2,2, his being voted for by swift, his response to swift which could be viewed as him trying to put himself across as not related to swift as scum, and also his bringing up of the no-scum-day-talking thing, so he still gets suspicion from me, but I'd like to hear his response to the things being said about him before rushing into a vote on him


My vote will probably either be lion or swift

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EBWOP : With regards to Lion, he is pleading to get voted for it seems and I questioned if the motive behind that was in order to avoid votes on him as people would assume he was a loyal town martyr, so I might call his bluff and hit a vote on him

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EBWOP : I'm not too sure if it is bussing as andrew nor swift have made a case against the other, but instead a vote has been put in under the guise of rvs

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Right, we're getting nearer to tomorrow's deadline and like I said, I'm likely to be V/LA for the majority of tomorrow, so I'm going to place my vote down now. Like I've previously said, Lion's aggression and posts which are more or less him saying he's going to take his ball and go home whenever people finger him as someone who is possibly scum, as well as his seeming eagerness to, in TDK's words, stitch TDK up with the PM stuff by not even mentioning the role quote whereas I always made mention of the quote, have opened him up to being a scum suspect. As such, I feel it is important to stick to my gut instincts on this, and I feel that his plea to get people to vote for him could be designed to make sure people do not vote for him and so that they consider him as a sure-fire townie; so therefore I'm going to throw down a vote on him as opposed to simply skirting over him


VOTE Lion_of_the_Midlands

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