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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Here's one thing I could propose, it probably will get shunned as a stalling tactic or trying to get you to lynch the wrong person, but please bear this in mind!


If I'm certain scum as you say, find another scum member, and leave me for the next day phase. Seriously gents, you lynch me, it's game over, I can't tell you that any simpler!

If no one seems scummier than you by the time it comes to lynch I think it'd be pretty risky to lynch anyone else. You're telling people to find another scum member, but like I keep repeating to you you're not exactly actively trying to do that yourself. Maybe you should think about it.

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Here's one thing I could propose, it probably will get shunned as a stalling tactic or trying to get you to lynch the wrong person, but please bear this in mind!


If I'm certain scum as you say, find another scum member, and leave me for the next day phase. Seriously gents, you lynch me, it's game over, I can't tell you that any simpler!

If no one seems scummier than you by the time it comes to lynch I think it'd be pretty risky to lynch anyone else. You're telling people to find another scum member, but like I keep repeating to you you're not exactly actively trying to do that yourself. Maybe you should think about it.

Are you actively ignoring my vote against you?


Here's where I feel you are scum!


Snake and Trips went for it, I tagged along! Scum were happy as three town were actively involved and fighting, you could keep low key and force a lynch through, picking votes not too early and not hammer votes either.


This I feel is demonstrated by the fact you yourself felt that Snake shod have been voted for straight away, yet you waited 2 days to actually do it. Tidy.


Snake got lynched, even though he highly suspected you too, something a fair few players have.


That left me and Trips, we were obviously going to battle it out, I was a firm believer of Snakes rouse, and Trips knew that, we were destined to go at it. We did. Again it left you the scum with no real need to play, just let us bicker like we did! If trips is lynched I look like scum for forcing it through, if Trips goes through he's got 2 Town lynched.


It left the numbers heavy in your favour, and an easy lynch to push through!


Considering Ron, that you spent times in this game fairly quiet, I can presume you were one of the ones lying in wait! To all of a sudden come out all guns blazing, going from minimal posts to a magnitude of posts, I can presume you as scum feel you have the numbers in hand to wrap the game up, try and force the easy lynch, if you get caught there's still 2 left (I have suspicions) if it goes through you win!


Based on the premise you are forcing an easy lynch, have all of a sudden become the most vocal and 'scum hunting' player when all gam you pretty much said nothing, I can only surmise that you have been the one to be selected to force this lynch through and win the game for scum!


That is my case!

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Jeez, where to start? This whole case against me seems very ad-hoc, a forced attempt to justify something.


Are you actively ignoring my vote against you?

A vote against someone isn't a case against someone, particularly in your case where if you're town it seems very WIFOM.


Snake and Trips went for it, I tagged along! Scum were happy as three town were actively involved and fighting, you could keep low key and force a lynch through, picking votes not too early and not hammer votes either.


This I feel is demonstrated by the fact you yourself felt that Snake shod have been voted for straight away, yet you waited 2 days to actually do it. Tidy.

Now this is just silly. When did I say "Snake should be voted straight away"? Never, that's when. I thought Snake should have been voted for, but there's an appropriate time to make that vote (ie. the time I chose) - if you rush a lynch valuable investigation time is lost, particularly that early in the game.


Snake got lynched, even though he highly suspected you too, something a fair few players have.

And did I push for his lynch? No. A point you just made yourself, which basically makes this next point of yours redundant. I questioned is actions, but not repeatedly, and justified my vote. But I didn't push.


And furthermore, nice of you to put words in his mouth. Where does he say he highly suspects me? Care to quote that? He says early on "nice wagon starting on Ron already" - does that imply he suspects me? No. It's early in the game and he's remarking that people are already wagoning against me. Next up he says he's OK with a policy lynch on myself or Triple A. Does that mean he suspects me? No, it's a policy lynch.


Here's his next mention of me, a mention that actually proves you to be a liar:

Getting overly defensive much Mr.A?

As far as Ron goes, more for the fact he's someone who raises suspicion becuase he's fairly agressive in his post style. But in that it should be noted he's played like that in pretty much every game we have had on here and other than being recruited to being cult, if my memory serves he's always been town.


And just to correct you again A I haven't claimed anything, you are reading into what I am posting. I haven't steered Swifts opinion of you anywhere, he's his own mind and has made his conclusions of his own accord.


I'm almost there though now.


And his final post:

And there you have it. The scum get the day lynch after being found out.


I presentmyour scum team, TripleA, Bristep123 & Carbomb.


TripleA for reasons already mentioned, Bristep who last time got involved and despite taking a day off was far too cagey implying he's a new scum not knowing how to play and Carbomb whose playing exactly like last time dipping in and out enough to sail under the radar.


I would suggest if one of those 3 isn't then you look at one of the two who joined me on e vote on A. Swift looking the most likely with the convenient hammer. I was also thinking TMS, I even left you a note via my comments to SMS. Although I would suggest you don't rush lynch tomorrow. You have one of 2 possibilities. Take the day and make sure you get the right one. at least if your getting nowhere then you have TripleA T the end of the day.


However just a side note, it is unlikely that if A is town that the scum will hit himmovernight thus setting him up for an easy lynch. So be wary.


Oh and piece of advice, if you try a new way of ensuring scum don't bother because you'll just be seen as scum. I have a bad feeling for all you sheep.


Good luck though and I'll see you all in the QT soon.


So as you can see, this point is at best wrong, and at worst a fabricated lie on your part.


That left me and Trips, we were obviously going to battle it out, I was a firm believer of Snakes rouse, and Trips knew that, we were destined to go at it. We did. Again it left you the scum with no real need to play, just let us bicker like we did! If trips is lynched I look like scum for forcing it through, if Trips goes through he's got 2 Town lynched.


It left the numbers heavy in your favour, and an easy lynch to push through!

Whose lynch have I pushed through exactly? As we've already established I didn't push through Snake's. And I actively spoke out against Triple A's! Again, you're blatantly lying. Even if you left that "push" comment out, you're saying I'm scum because I let the yourself, Snake and Triple A duke it out and look scummy, and did nothing because I'd "no real need to play"? And THAT's your case on me? THAT'S why you think I'm scum? THAT is utterly ridiculous, that's not evidence, it's just stupid.


Considering Ron, that you spent times in this game fairly quiet, I can presume you were one of the ones lying in wait! To all of a sudden come out all guns blazing, going from minimal posts to a magnitude of posts, I can presume you as scum feel you have the numbers in hand to wrap the game up, try and force the easy lynch, if you get caught there's still 2 left (I have suspicions) if it goes through you win!


Based on the premise you are forcing an easy lynch, have all of a sudden become the most vocal and 'scum hunting' player when all gam you pretty much said nothing, I can only surmise that you have been the one to be selected to force this lynch through and win the game for scum!

Early on I was bogged down with Uni work, but I've hardly been in the sidelines, I've made my opinions clear and didn't vote for Triple A last phase, I actually campaigned against Carbomb at that point, though I now think I was misguided. Triple A was the "easy lynch" and if I was going ahead with voting the "easy lynches" I'd have voted for Triple A, wouldn't I?


And this phase I've actually being advising you on how you can prove that you are what you say you are on the off chance I'm wrong about you! I kinda resent doing that as I've said, but if you are town you've screwed everyone over drastically through your false statements and erratic play.


However, you've made so many of these I think you can't possibly be a town player.

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Additional: I forced the second lynch through by your accounts, is there any reason you are ignoring Swiftstrikes actions and forcing of that lynch through as well as me?

Another lie, even Swiftstrike will admit that I made an accusation against him clear for that. He actually addressed it.

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And one more that just dawned on me, it must mean there are three mafia if we are at this stage, that we all agree! If this is so, it takes 4 to lynch!


If a town had voted by now, mafia could just hammer it home and win the game!

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My most sincere apologies, people. Sunday night, went clubbing in South London (semi-work, actually - we'd booked a DJ there which meant I had to attend). Had to crash at my mate's place, and he has no Internet, so have not been able to get online. Yes, I was signed in here, but I'd left my laptop on in order to leave Vuze running, and didn't sign out. I can't prove any of this, of course, so I'll have to ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt on this one, as I was pretty active before, despite the claims to the contrary (which I've directly disputed twice).


Carbomb, you voted for Ron last phase and you also had doubts about INH's spot (now FG). How do you now feel about this in light of the flip/NK?


If anything, my vote has now been reinforced over the past few pages since SMS showed up dead. They couldn't kill me after I'd been arguing with them so vocally, and now I see that, instead of going after me like they did before, they've changed their focus - possibly because I was being too aggressive in my dealing with their attacks. I'm going to go back and go over some salient points, but for right now, I think Ron Simmons has still avoided what I'm thinking should be a warranted lynch, so:


Vote: Ron Simmons

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If anything, my vote has now been reinforced over the past few pages since SMS showed up dead. They couldn't kill me after I'd been arguing with them so vocally, and now I see that, instead of going after me like they did before, they've changed their focus - possibly because I was being too aggressive in my dealing with their attacks. I'm going to go back and go over some salient points, but for right now, I think Ron Simmons has still avoided what I'm thinking should be a warranted lynch, so:

I think that's just a silly vote. I don't know how you can look at the case against TMS and still call me the best possible lynch at this stage. If it's the wrong vote we lose, simple as. And it IS the wrong vote.

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Well let's loose the game now, with your vote and the the 2 scums vote it'll add up to 4 with a simple:


vote TMS


Hammer it scum, we've lost it anway

That essentially confirms your scum for me. You've one vote resting on you and you go and try something stupid like that.

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Well let's loose the game now, with your vote and the the 2 scums vote it'll add up to 4 with a simple:


vote TMS


Hammer it scum, we've lost it anway

That essentially confirms your scum for me. You've one vote resting on you and you go and try something stupid like that.

Oh, and also - you had a vote on me because you said you thought I was scum. And now in this post you say with "my vote and the two scum" suggesting you know I'm NOT scum. Oops.

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If anything, my vote has now been reinforced over the past few pages since SMS showed up dead. They couldn't kill me after I'd been arguing with them so vocally, and now I see that, instead of going after me like they did before, they've changed their focus - possibly because I was being too aggressive in my dealing with their attacks. I'm going to go back and go over some salient points, but for right now, I think Ron Simmons has still avoided what I'm thinking should be a warranted lynch, so:

I think that's just a silly vote. I don't know how you can look at the case against TMS and still call me the best possible lynch at this stage. If it's the wrong vote we lose, simple as. And it IS the wrong vote.


Currently in the middle of reading over the last few pages, and am on the verge of changing my decision. However, I want YOU to answer me this question, Ron:


What is it that changed your mind on voting for me? Judging from the tone of your language, I get the feeling you either no longer suspect me (if you're Town), or you've given up on going after me (if you're Scum).


Right now, your arguments against TMS have had a little impact, but the effect thus far has simply been to potentially rule you out as Scum and maybe posit TMS and FGPMSL instead. But a lot will hinge on your answer, i.e. why you so deftly switched tack.

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