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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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The it's snowing again Votecount


3. (Kane) Swiftstrike

4. (Dolph Ziggler) Brownie (L-6) Dan Williams, Mike Castle

5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL (L-7) Ron Simmons

6. (CM Punk) Dan Williams

7. (Cody Rhodes) Ron Simmons (L-6) Lawz, Burchills Buddy

9. (HHH) Chris Stone

11. (Santino Mariella) bristep123 (L-7) Swiftstrike

13. (Kofi Kingston) Carbomb

14. (Sheamus) Mike Castle (L-5) Corey Vandal,Chris B, Family Guy PMSL

16. (Edge) Burchill's Buddy

17. (Rey Mysterio) Wolfvinson

18. (MVP) Lawz

19. (Jack Swagger) Chris B

20. (Christian) CoreyVandal


Not Voting - Brownie, Bristep123, Carbomb, Wolfvinson, Chris Stone


With 14 in the ring it takes 8 to throw someone over the top rope. Ad Break will occur on Wednesday 22nd December 2010 at 16:00


Additional note, I am thinking ahead to next weekend and what I may do if everyone wants to is extend the Day phase until Friday, but then have the night phase until Tuesday 28th as Im sure everyone will be involved in Christmas festivities (I will) and posting in this thread will be the last of your worries... Thoughts?

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I won't have time to put up my case until this evening but here is some stuff for the moment, unrelated to it.



Mike you say I am not telling the truth about not dying by hiding behind either the serial killer or PGO, although I no longer have the PM from where I asked you the question, here is the role pm posted in game.



swiftstrike, you are the Town Hider.



Hide - Once per night you may PM me the name of a player to hide behind. If that player dies, or is mafia, you shall be killed.


You win when all mafia are eliminated.


Now this game didn't have a PGO or a serial killer in so here is the one which did have a pgo




Lawz, you are the Town Hider.



Hide - Each night you may PM me the name of a player to hide behind and any actions targetting you will fail. However if the player you hide behind is killed, you will be killed as well. You will also die if you hide behind a Mafia player.


You win when all threats to the town are removed.


Although while looking for this I did notice this which I didn't at the time, so this does back up your claim on a one shot PGO.


stevon, you are the Town Paranoid Gun Owner, and you have no abilities. However through your paranoia you have saved a bullet in your gun in case someone tries to enter your house. Therefore the first person to target you at night in the game will be killed.





You win when all threats to the town are removed.



Other interesting titbit




I was very happy we hit scum at the end of the day phase and thought this would be a turning point to weed out more since then. However I did not expect our Cop and Doc to be thrown out along with Triple A who was the most active player in the game and could of been crucial to us. This day phase will be crucial to taking out one of the Nexus now we've been weakened severly, whilst also working out if we have another scum group or sk/vig in the game.

Interesting use of another, rather than saying whilst working out if we have two scum groups, the use of another would seem to indicate that you are part of a scum group and are looking for another one Lawz also you where one of the last people to switch off the Dan Williams wagon and on to the Nexus one is there anything you have to say for yourself?

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I won't have time to put up my case until this evening but here is some stuff for the moment, unrelated to it.



Mike you say I am not telling the truth about not dying by hiding behind either the serial killer or PGO, although I no longer have the PM from where I asked you the question, here is the role pm posted in game.



swiftstrike, you are the Town Hider.



Hide - Once per night you may PM me the name of a player to hide behind. If that player dies, or is mafia, you shall be killed.


You win when all mafia are eliminated.


Now this game didn't have a PGO or a serial killer in so here is the one which did have a pgo




Lawz, you are the Town Hider.



Hide - Each night you may PM me the name of a player to hide behind and any actions targetting you will fail. However if the player you hide behind is killed, you will be killed as well. You will also die if you hide behind a Mafia player.


You win when all threats to the town are removed.


Although while looking for this I did notice this which I didn't at the time, so this does back up your claim on a one shot PGO.


stevon, you are the Town Paranoid Gun Owner, and you have no abilities. However through your paranoia you have saved a bullet in your gun in case someone tries to enter your house. Therefore the first person to target you at night in the game will be killed.





You win when all threats to the town are removed.



Other interesting titbit




I was very happy we hit scum at the end of the day phase and thought this would be a turning point to weed out more since then. However I did not expect our Cop and Doc to be thrown out along with Triple A who was the most active player in the game and could of been crucial to us. This day phase will be crucial to taking out one of the Nexus now we've been weakened severly, whilst also working out if we have another scum group or sk/vig in the game.

Interesting use of another, rather than saying whilst working out if we have two scum groups, the use of another would seem to indicate that you are part of a scum group and are looking for another one Lawz also you where one of the last people to switch off the Dan Williams wagon and on to the Nexus one is there anything you have to say for yourself?


Really? The use of the word another? I think its pretty obvious that the basis of all Mafia scum games are that the town players try to find out who is scum (at least thats how it was on the flash demo I saw first time) and the fact that Snake very clearly posted flavour text that we are looking for the Nexus which is a scum group takes it to indicate that there is at least ONE scum group, coupled with the fact Nexus died. Now when three people die after a night phase that alludes to either a third party SK/Vig or the possibilty of ANOTHER scum group. Saying "whilst working out if we have another scum group" and saying "whilst working out if we have two scum groups" is minimal at best especially since its the whole purpose of the game that there is at least one scum group.


As for the Nexus vote I wanted to make sure we didn't risk a No Lynch happening with only two hours left till the deadline so I switched my vote so we'd have a certain lynch. I was the hammer on the vote if you'd read the flavour text. I understand scum have a tendency to gain favour if they join the voting wagon when its obvious that that player will be lynched but if I was scum and theres two hours left on a vote I'd rather take a chance and see if someone comes along to hammer rather then doing it myself.


With this weak case and the one where you tried to link Bristep and Mike together as another exceptionally weak case I feel you are trying to sow confusion and cast doubt in many different places. You've come into this game later and it would be very simple for you to use that as a way to say your still reading through all of the thread and appear to try and scum hunt but its not coming off very well. Two weak attempts so far I'm feeling more and more like your trying to hide something or deflect attention away from somebody to help them.

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Without quoting your post swift. I could hardly say to the hider "hey, watch out for the PGO" as it tells the hider that there's another role in the game. However the PGO role itself covers that the first player targetting them (be it hider or scum (No SK, but if there was, I would have likely just made it read "anti-town player" or something)) will die. So really you've proven that what I was saying is correct. The hider would indeed die if they hide behind the PGO (As long as the PGO (in my game at least, and most others) has used up his shot).


(Now the non-game Christmas stuff)


Not sure if I mentioned it, but I'll be V/LA from Friday 24th until Wednesday 29th Due to the fact public transport up here is shite and I can't get back from my Mum's until then.


What I'd personally do Snake is have the night phase hit as normal (considering we may not even go until deadline anyway, depends on whether we get a lynch prior to it or not really), and just have an extended night until the 27th/28th (Me missing the first 24/48 hours wont affect the grand scheme of things anyway).

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My vote on Mike is, at the moment, less a push that I think he's absolutely definitely scum as much as it's a push that I really don't think he's in the clear as much as he makes out.


I'm in favour of the idea of someone hammering Mike (and again...chortle) on the basis that he's still in my top five suspects, and I think if he's taken out along with someone he seems to suspect strongly, then the chances are pretty damn high that we'll hit scum.


As to who I want to see do it, I'd still like to see Ron do it. I still can't get past this idea that Ron thinks that Mike is lying/bluffing with regards to his role claim and yet doesn't see this as suspicious. That strikes me as hugely suspicious, so I'm pretty certain one of them is lying. With regards to the Mike/Swift thing, it's a bit muddier - I can see where Swift is coming from, but the PMs don't address what he said they'd address either.


I'd rather do this first and Corey/Brownie second. If we're going to lynch one of those two, though, I do think it should be Corey first. The main part of suspicion on Brownie was his defence of Corey, and I'd rather see a player that hasn't been contributing be lynched than a player that has been, since the cases are linked. If Corey's scum, it's pretty obvious that Brownie is too.

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As to who I want to see do it, I'd still like to see Ron do it. I still can't get past this idea that Ron thinks that Mike is lying/bluffing with regards to his role claim and yet doesn't see this as suspicious. That strikes me as hugely suspicious, so I'm pretty certain one of them is lying.

I think Mike might be using it to put people off lynching him. You can still be town and do something tactical like that. His general play strikes me as being pro-town. If he thought I was a vigilante then I think he would have just killed me rather than held onto the info. Also, he did push after Nexus - our first scum lynch. I don't want to be the hammer as I'm the only person the scum can't kill. I think the plan's daft, knowing that my role is what it is. If Mike's telling the truth and we both end up dead, that's two valuable town members gone. We might as well demand a thank you note from the scum for handing them the victory, and sit back to let them do their thing.


I'll also be V/LA on Christmas Day and possibly boxing day and the following Monday too. The latter two aren't a certainty.


If we go through with this Mike plan that's all well and good, but I refuse to hammer him. My vote will stay on Family Guy this day phase. If anyone wants to follow suit, feel free. Also, if you want to dump Mike you can go for it. I won't be the hammer though.

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I'm happy lynching either brownie or Corey to be fair (though as I've said, I'm more than happy to lynch swift as well).


As far as lynching me and having Ron hammer... would it not be just as good to lynch brownie or Corey now, and also see if we get more than the single night kill tonight? If at any point we get more than one night kill then we can look back in Ron's direction (I would say unless it can be explained away, but as we've lost both the doc (that could potentially be a weak doc) and the hider, I don't think we'll have any other roles that might accidentally off themselves (unless it's a scum death via them targetting me, which would be stupid at this stage... unless we have a redirector of course, in which case it's possible).


So yeah, brownie or Corey I'd say are the best choice for lynches. May I also point out that deadline is getting closer, and discussion appears to have less tapered off, and more come to a stand still. Noting of course that Corey has again vanished, and swift is barely posting compared to his previous games of post a lot and get deeply involved in hunting scum. This time he's slowed right down, is barely talking, and appears to be trying to make up cases that don't really make much sense (and in bristep's case, failing to even attempt to provide a case despite the fact that without fully reading the thread he is positive bristep is scum... and yet couldn't even provide evidence for that at the time).

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Sorry Mike, my vote is staying on Family Guy. Corey hasn't posted much, and brownie hasn't done anything to make me suspect him. Family Guy, on the other hand, has played a ridiculously scummy game. I've a really slow connection right now, so trawling through the thread is a chore and pretty much impossible, so I urge you all to read back his attempts at disuading me from voting for him last day phase. He went from "you're an awful player!" to "Ron, I know you're town, I know I'm town..." and made some other suspicious plays throughout the day. I'm not sure enough about anyone else to move my vote. There obviously are other scum, but I'm not sure who they are. Yes I have suspicions, but nothing solid enough to act on.

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Is no-one else going to pull him up on this blatant, almost constant tunnelling?

You're my main suspect, so what am I supposed to do? It seems like any time I mention you, you play the tunnelling card. Last day phase too, when I merely voted for you and you accused me of tunnelling because I responded to your points. You tried to create an imaginary scenario that Bristep (I think) came out and told you to stop, as anyone who looked back at the day phase previous could see that you were constructing a lie.


And yeah, I've mentioned you quite a bit this day phase. When you're my main suspect that's all I can do. I'm not helped by the fact my slow connection is stopping me from looking back in the thread (I'm at my girlfriend's for Xmas week, so I'm either using a phone or slow dial-up) to actually querie things other people say, or even construct a post of evidence on you. That's not to say that evidence doesn't exist, I'm not the only one who has suggested that you're scum. If you're town my mentions shouldn't bother you as much as they seem to, as the focus seems to be on lynching either Mike or me.

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OK, I'm going to have to go now, so my vote will have to stay where it is.


However, I'll give Family Guy the chance to respond to one of my points against him, it's only fair.


Family Guy PMSL - Last day phase you strongly disputed my one vote against you. You came out with a line that I found particularly scummy, that said "I know you're town, I know I'm town" - now, there's no possible way you could know I'm town other than if you were scum. What is your explanation for this comment?

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Well it seems that once again we cannot decide on a single lynch, and as for those who mentioned me being bad at trying to lead the town at least someone is trying to make sure we don't end up chasing our own agendas to the point where scum slip through the net due to a no lynch. Can we try and make some kind of decision as to who to actually vote off, I'm pretty much up for voting anyone as long as someone can put a decent argument forward for lynching them although this may help scum slip through at this stage its our only option.

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I don't remember the "I know I'm town, I know you're town" line. I'd like to see you quote it.


As for the case on brownie, it's basically that he played the chainsaw defence card in regards to my case on Corey, accusing me of just trying to lynch someone not posting, and stating we should "force" a replacement rather than lynch him, and then out and out ignored the facts that state that Corey cannot be replaced unless he stops posting outright and Snake replaces him. We, as players, cannot decide when someone can be replced. Thus to claim we should let someone live who is just coasting through the game, when their only posts have been to fence sit and avoid debate. Not to mention saying there's not much to discuss at points when there's tons going on... is, to me, blatant attempting to save someone.


Thus, brownie used a strong chainsaw defence (attacking me and pushing for my lynch based on my attack of someone else, rather than actually showing reasonable points in response to said case), and tried to get me lynched based on that.


It also therefore leads into why I believe the scum have yet to take me out. Nexus investigated me night 1, and I was revealed to scum as the bomb, so scum cannot target me, meaning they have to try and get me lynched.


It's also why I feel it's better to look into myself and Ron tomorrow (in regards to if we get more than the single kill when it comes to Ron) because lynching us now means we potentially remove the two players scum cannot kill, and thereby also losing 3 town players in the process (Me, Ron and whoever they kill at night. If Ron's town). While leaving Ron until tomorrow means we find out if Ron is a SK (If there's two kills), and even with the worst case scenario, we're still only three town down (Ron's kill, scum's kill, and the lynch).


So of the two situations, the worst case scenario in both leaves 3 town down, but the best case scenario on me and Ron surviving the night far, far outweighs the best case scenario on lynching me and having Ron be the hammer.


Which is why I'd rather take the option of keeping Ron alive tonight, and, all being well, we'll be moving towards an endgame where, if Ron's town and we play our cards right, the scum cannot kill us.


In fact, if both me and Ron are town, scum can only win by taking us to endgame with me and Ron alive and 3 scum still alive. a 2/2 position doesn't work as the most that can happen there would be a draw (one scum kills me, but dies in the process, the other scum kills Ron but dies at the same time. If the PGO doesn't die if targetted by a kill, then Ron would win it for town).


So yeah, if Ron is telling the truth about being a PGO, and it being multi-use, in essence the scum cannot kill him, and thus the only way to win would be to take it to endgame in a 2 scum/1 town position (to allow for the Ron lynch, as they wouldn't be able to night kill him if it was 1/1).

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Well you have been waiting for it here is the case on Bristep.



Intro post



Pair of cheap vote posts


Claiming TripleA claim is accurate without any proof that it relates to his pm, this is just what I managed to do in Family guys game, and then beat that drum lots


Raised already, Bristep did have a good responses to the SIS part


Switches from his position that TripleA was quite accurate in his pm to it

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