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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Looking at that vote count, i'd like to know why Mesacret voted Insert Name Here, when not only has INH barely posted, but Mesacret even less so.


Tripper, I don't think Mesacret has posted since RVS, where he voted because of that awful rap.

Yeah i think his vote is still from the very start of the game following my very bad attempts rapping, which i get the feeling i'm not going to be allowed to forget.


Anyways back to the here and now. My suspicions are still on Dan, Nexus and SMS.

I still think it's highly likely that Dan decided to go crazy in an attempt to derail the voting by splitting us between himself, SMS and Nexus(who are/were the top two suspects for a lot of us) and not just to "Prove he's a townie."

The fact that Nexus has now pulled a vanishing act and seems to be hoping that by staying silent he'll avoid a lynching strikes me as a very dubious move indeed.

SMS i'm sorry but i'm really not convinced that you are who you say you are, i've been more suspicious of you then anyone else so far, i'm not believing your role-blocker claim and i think you're our best bet at the moment for being scum so...


Vote: SMS

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Yes, moving back to scum-hunting.


SMS, is there anything about your role that would indicate to the town why you've been nudged one vote closer to a lynch than the norm? If there is, now would be a good time to come clean.

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Also, reading back through the thread, it's irritating how many questions Nexus has left unanswered, so if he's going to go on a complete communication shutdown instead of defending himself, I'm going to place my vote on him until he responds.


Vote Nexus

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Wait, what questions haven't I answered?


Also, I posted like yesterday, cool your jets. I have a job now, and so can't spend my entire life on the UKFF.


Go find me questions and I'll answer them.


Iirc, I was told to elaborate on my first point. I tried, and fucked it up even further. It looked bad, I admit it, but it wasn't my intention. I thought TripleA was trying to claim early to coast through, when it became apparent he was in fact town, I unvoted. Then, I attacked SMS for a couple of reasons. Then, I told Castle he was talking bull, because he was. He asked me to do one thing, then made out I hadn't done it.


So, find me the questions I've missed. It's quite easy to miss stuff in this game, particularly when you've got TripleA arguing the toss about breaking the rules for about fifty pages.

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I'm wondering if 'no town would dare pull the trigger' is a scum double bluff. It has just made Triple A rather untouchable.

Let's just suggest you're the one being lynched (it's unlikely at this stage, but let's suggest it), and you're at L-1, you at this point know you're town (I'm not saying you are either way), do you think town as a whole will gain more information from the mass of people voting you and pushing on you, than your one single vote on TripleA?


Then, taking your answer from that, would voting TripleA at this stage be pro-town or anti-town?

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Wait, what questions haven't I answered?


Also, I posted like yesterday, cool your jets. I have a job now, and so can't spend my entire life on the UKFF.


Go find me questions and I'll answer them.


Iirc, I was told to elaborate on my first point. I tried, and fucked it up even further. It looked bad, I admit it, but it wasn't my intention. I thought TripleA was trying to claim early to coast through, when it became apparent he was in fact town, I unvoted. Then, I attacked SMS for a couple of reasons. Then, I told Castle he was talking bull, because he was. He asked me to do one thing, then made out I hadn't done it.


So, find me the questions I've missed. It's quite easy to miss stuff in this game, particularly when you've got TripleA arguing the toss about breaking the rules for about fifty pages.


Yet you managed to get a response in to a vote within 8 minutes?


I think you're clearly coasting, you've not done any active scum-hunting since your 'slip', despite the fact you've been under constant suspicion since then? Personally I'd have been trying to find some scum so I can clear my name, instead of watching sitting back and watching Ron (For whom I still feel has have an underlying sense of innocence amongst his overall scummy play) and SMS (who has claimed a town power role, and as such has seen the spotlight shone on him during some difficult external circumstances) rack the votes up and take the fall.

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Well I just dropped in to check on things quickly, but it looks like my time is coming to an end in this game, so it looks like I will have to accept it.


I won't be removing my vote and voting for Triple A as I don't suspect him strongly enough to lynch him, but if it got towards the end of the day and nobody was close to being lynched, I would sooner lynch him than nobody as I feel it is important to get a first day result whateve it may be.


The only result you will get on me is what I have already stated, which is something I wouldn't have done if I thought I would have been in a situation to post and reply more, but I felt I had to reveal my role as I was the number one suspect on most peoples minds and wasn't sure whether I could post again before I was possibly lynched.


I can't talk about my role pm, I can't come up with anything that I haven't already said to defend myself, so I will have to wait the day out to be lynched.


Don't rush through your votes too quickly though as you still have time to discuss other possible scum.


I just want to add that I am sure the mod likes to balance roles out by having opposites, so scum will likely have a role blocker, plus whoever the double voter is working for will probably have a no voter as well which leads me to believe that role may be a town one.


I can't see scum, with the smaller amount of people on there side having a no voter, can you?


The only thing I am guilty of in this game is pursuing what I believe to be our prime suspect, Ron, backing up my vote with evidence but it looks like I'm in the minority.


I hope people seriously examine his posts and don't overlook him over the next few days, as I don't see anything in his gameplay that makes me believe otherwise.

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Wait, what questions haven't I answered?


Also, I posted like yesterday, cool your jets. I have a job now, and so can't spend my entire life on the UKFF.


Go find me questions and I'll answer them.


Iirc, I was told to elaborate on my first point. I tried, and fucked it up even further. It looked bad, I admit it, but it wasn't my intention. I thought TripleA was trying to claim early to coast through, when it became apparent he was in fact town, I unvoted. Then, I attacked SMS for a couple of reasons. Then, I told Castle he was talking bull, because he was. He asked me to do one thing, then made out I hadn't done it.


So, find me the questions I've missed. It's quite easy to miss stuff in this game, particularly when you've got TripleA arguing the toss about breaking the rules for about fifty pages.


Yet you managed to get a response in to a vote within 8 minutes?


I think you're clearly coasting, you've not done any active scum-hunting since your 'slip', despite the fact you've been under constant suspicion since then? Personally I'd have been trying to find some scum so I can clear my name, instead of watching sitting back and watching Ron (For whom I still feel has have an underlying sense of innocence amongst his overall scummy play) and SMS (who has claimed a town power role, and as such has seen the spotlight shone on him during some difficult external circumstances) rack the votes up and take the fall.


Because work's finished now and I happened to be on the UKFF. Life's funny like that, ain't it?


I think you and I differ on the meanings of coasting. Coasting would be posting just enough to avoid a prod, and not answering anything at all, or contributing anything. I've kickstarted discussion, and a wagon, granted, a wagon on myself. It allows us all to find valuable information out. Anything that gives information = scumhunting.


What about Mesacret who hasn't posted much except a vote? Or INH who has only posted a little bit? I'm not the worst.

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I'm putting myself in the line of fire here, but SMS' refusal to vote for me, and the sincerity of his last post is leading me to beleive he may be our Roleblocker, and the scum might take him out anyway.


I know that i'm really putting my neck on the line, but




Vote Ron Simmons

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I think I am L-2 now!


This is a mistake guys!


I am a roleblocker!


I didn't choose that role, I was given it, so what can I do to prove myself?


Don't rush this lynch and make an error.


I could easily sacrifice a so called Vanilla in Triple A, instead of myself who is town with a pro town role, but I won't.


If you are all prepared to vote for me, you are giving scum a huge advantage by taking out a role, so wouldn't it be better for them to take me out overnight instead?


If they don't, I can help out, but as I haven't been roleblocker before I don't know how I will receive my results.


Will it give me a message saying successful / unsuccessful or will I get a message saying you blocking X from whatever they were doing?


I'm not even sure at this time who I should block anyhow as we haven't narrowed down a short list so I guess it would be one of the other suspects.


Come on guys, give me something to work with here, as I don't want town to lose this game, but we look to be heading the wrong way down a one way street at the moment.

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Well I just dropped in to check on things quickly, but it looks like my time is coming to an end in this game, so it looks like I will have to accept it.


I won't be removing my vote and voting for Triple A as I don't suspect him strongly enough to lynch him, but if it got towards the end of the day and nobody was close to being lynched, I would sooner lynch him than nobody as I feel it is important to get a first day result whateve it may be.


The only result you will get on me is what I have already stated, which is something I wouldn't have done if I thought I would have been in a situation to post and reply more, but I felt I had to reveal my role as I was the number one suspect on most peoples minds and wasn't sure whether I could post again before I was possibly lynched.


I can't talk about my role pm, I can't come up with anything that I haven't already said to defend myself, so I will have to wait the day out to be lynched.


Don't rush through your votes too quickly though as you still have time to discuss other possible scum.


I just want to add that I am sure the mod likes to balance roles out by having opposites, so scum will likely have a role blocker, plus whoever the double voter is working for will probably have a no voter as well which leads me to believe that role may be a town one.


I can't see scum, with the smaller amount of people on there side having a no voter, can you?


The only thing I am guilty of in this game is pursuing what I believe to be our prime suspect, Ron, backing up my vote with evidence but it looks like I'm in the minority.


I hope people seriously examine his posts and don't overlook him over the next few days, as I don't see anything in his gameplay that makes me believe otherwise.


Quiet resignation and gentle persuasion doesn't work, so 30 minutes later...



I think I am L-2 now!


This is a mistake guys!


I am a roleblocker!


I didn't choose that role, I was given it, so what can I do to prove myself?


Don't rush this lynch and make an error.


I could easily sacrifice a so called Vanilla in Triple A, instead of myself who is town with a pro town role, but I won't.


If you are all prepared to vote for me, you are giving scum a huge advantage by taking out a role, so wouldn't it be better for them to take me out overnight instead?


If they don't, I can help out, but as I haven't been roleblocker before I don't know how I will receive my results.


Will it give me a message saying successful / unsuccessful or will I get a message saying you blocking X from whatever they were doing?


I'm not even sure at this time who I should block anyhow as we haven't narrowed down a short list so I guess it would be one of the other suspects.


Come on guys, give me something to work with here, as I don't want town to lose this game, but we look to be heading the wrong way down a one way street at the moment.


Desperation plea for survival. A complete flip-flop in 33 minutes, and to me seems like odd behaviour given the grudging acceptance of the first post. I'm close to changing my vote from Dan (although I still think he's scum too), however given that we still have 24hrs before day phase ends I'll leave it for now since SMS is so close to a lynch at this point.

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Well I just dropped in to check on things quickly, but it looks like my time is coming to an end in this game, so it looks like I will have to accept it.


I won't be removing my vote and voting for Triple A as I don't suspect him strongly enough to lynch him, but if it got towards the end of the day and nobody was close to being lynched, I would sooner lynch him than nobody as I feel it is important to get a first day result whateve it may be.


The only result you will get on me is what I have already stated, which is something I wouldn't have done if I thought I would have been in a situation to post and reply more, but I felt I had to reveal my role as I was the number one suspect on most peoples minds and wasn't sure whether I could post again before I was possibly lynched.


I can't talk about my role pm, I can't come up with anything that I haven't already said to defend myself, so I will have to wait the day out to be lynched.


Don't rush through your votes too quickly though as you still have time to discuss other possible scum.


I just want to add that I am sure the mod likes to balance roles out by having opposites, so scum will likely have a role blocker, plus whoever the double voter is working for will probably have a no voter as well which leads me to believe that role may be a town one.


I can't see scum, with the smaller amount of people on there side having a no voter, can you?


The only thing I am guilty of in this game is pursuing what I believe to be our prime suspect, Ron, backing up my vote with evidence but it looks like I'm in the minority.


I hope people seriously examine his posts and don't overlook him over the next few days, as I don't see anything in his gameplay that makes me believe otherwise.


Quiet resignation and gentle persuasion doesn't work, so 30 minutes later...



I think I am L-2 now!


This is a mistake guys!


I am a roleblocker!


I didn't choose that role, I was given it, so what can I do to prove myself?


Don't rush this lynch and make an error.


I could easily sacrifice a so called Vanilla in Triple A, instead of myself who is town with a pro town role, but I won't.


If you are all prepared to vote for me, you are giving scum a huge advantage by taking out a role, so wouldn't it be better for them to take me out overnight instead?


If they don't, I can help out, but as I haven't been roleblocker before I don't know how I will receive my results.


Will it give me a message saying successful / unsuccessful or will I get a message saying you blocking X from whatever they were doing?


I'm not even sure at this time who I should block anyhow as we haven't narrowed down a short list so I guess it would be one of the other suspects.


Come on guys, give me something to work with here, as I don't want town to lose this game, but we look to be heading the wrong way down a one way street at the moment.


Desperation plea for survival. A complete flip-flop in 33 minutes, and to me seems like odd behaviour given the grudging acceptance of the first post. I'm close to changing my vote from Dan (although I still think he's scum too), however given that we still have 24hrs before day phase ends I'll leave it for now since SMS is so close to a lynch at this point.




I had no idea just how close to being lynched I am.


I have to at least attempt some last appeal.


Triple A unvoted me whilst I typed my last post so I think I am now at L-3 but that is still much closer to a lynch than I realised.


I don't know what else I can do to get people to change their minds, so I will just have to hope my last few posts help me out, but if not then so be it.


I'm not going to get angry or go mental and have a breakdown again as it is just a game, so if anyone is expecting any kind of repeat, sorry to disappoint you but that's life.


I have to go now but will try and get online before work in the morning.

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To answer your question SMS, it will depend on the mod, but quite often you wont receive confirmation beyond perhaps "action received".


In fact, unless it's an investigative ability, you are unlikely to gain confirmation from the mod that your role worked, regardless of whether it's a redirect, roleblock, protection, kill, etc.

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And TripleA, I'm pretty positive Ron is town, I can't show why, but I just get a strong town vibe from him, I really don't think we should be considering him as a lynch today. If it was between him and SMS I would prefer SMS. Even though of all players I'd prefer Dan or Nexus.

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