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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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Yesterday was incredible but once again so can't wait for today either. :thumbsup: Also just been on the WXW website and had a look at the German show and wish I could of gone to that too.


Main Event

Naruki Doi (Ikoma, JAP) vs YAMATO (Ichinoseki, JAP)


wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship

Zack Sabre jr. (Isle of Sheppey, UK) [C] vs Masaaki Mochizuki (Tokio, JAP)


Tag Team Match

Big van Walter (Wien, A) & [Open the Twin Gate Champion] Susumu Yokosuka (Yokosuka, JAP) vs Cyber Kong (Osaka, JAP) & [16 Carat Gold 2009 Winner] SHINGO (Yamanashi, JAP)


Singles Match

[Open the Triangle Gate Champion] CIMA (Osaka, JAP) vs "The Star Attraction" Mark Haskins (Oxford, UK)


Singles Match

BxB Hulk (Sapporo, JAP) vs [Open the Brave Gate Champion] "The Man that Gravity forgot" Pac (Newcastle, UK)


Singles Match

Dragon Kid (Aichi, JAP) vs Tommy End (Amsterdam, NL)


Singles Match

"Tremendous" Emil Sitoci (Ede, NL) vs [Open the Dream Gate Champion] Masato Yoshino (Osaka, JAP)


Singles Match

"German Psycho" Bad Bones (Oberhausen, D) vs Brodie Lee (Nebraska, USA)


Bonus Match

Anthony Zeus (Amsterdam, NL) vs "The Vigilante" Johnny Moss (Egremont, UK)


Bonus Match - 4 Way Dance

2-Face (Essen, D) vs Axeman (Dresden, D) vs Carnage (Oberhausen, D) vs Thumbtack Jack (M

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Another bloody excellent show from Dragongate UK.


I really love Shingo, it's really amazing how someone can (virtually) speak no English, yet can get his whole character and persona over crystal clear. The whole roster of DG guys are the same actually, fantastic workers who defy the language barrier.


I thought the crowd was great, on the whole. There were a few pockets of "Total Non-Stop Chanting", but not too much. Wrestler based chanting was prevalent and mostly made sense. The overall level of respect and appreciation for the DG guys made for a great atmosphere.


Quite frankly,it would have taken having The Assassin one side, his mental sister/lover the other, and that fat bloke who smells of cheese in front to have even started to ruin this show for me.


Really happy with my choice of seats. Middle of the terrace a few rows up was perfect. A completely un-obstructed view of the entire ring and ringside area. Boooosh!


Off to St Ives soon. Nice!

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just to add to the massive praise for the show. mark sloan deserves a huge amount of thanks for a great night. everything flowed really well, it finished on time, the production was really good (and im sure it will look good on DVD) and just had a great time overall. kong/hayes was what it was bound to be and the crowd got into it, haskins looked great coming off his first tour (reminds me abit of chris sabin circa 2003). the top three main matches all delivered in bounds. shingo looked like an absolute monster in real life, and i echo whoever said that he gets his character across really well. doi/yamato was great and the 6 man tag lived upto all the ones ive seen on DVD in the last 4 years, tremendous.


kong was great at ringside throughout, him shouting at hayes, "come on joey" was brilliant.


plus as always i got talking to some really good people, and i managed to get back home relatively quickly, no getting stranded :)

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Excellent Night overall and a much more fun atmosphere


Dean beat Stixx 6.5/10

Kong Beat Scrull 7/10

Yoshino Beat Lion Kid 6/10

Yokosuka Beat Mochizuki 9/10

Hulk and Doi Beat Shingo and Yamato 9.5/10

Pac and Haskins Beat CIMA and Dragon Kid 9/10


I would have to say better than the first night as an overall show


May do a more full review at another point

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Shant go into an in depth review as there are already a few up so will just put my thoughts;


* I Love Cyber Kong, he is funny as hell and has a great presance and has surprisingly good english

* Joey Hayes and Lion Kid in my view stood out as 'Dont belong' guys, in any other show in the UK they would be fantastic but at this level I felt they got left behind and were out of their depth

* There seems to be no end in sight of the improvements Haskins is making, the lad has a long and successfull career ahead of him in this business

* Xtreme Dean really impressed me, had no idea who he was before tonight but now I feel bad for not chatting with him at the M&G

* Im shocked no one has mentioned it yet; PAC'S NEW MOVE! A reverse 450! (From top rope facing outwards, doing a 450 whilst moving backwards), he calls it The Flaming Star Press

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Yeah I'll do a more thorough write up of both nights tomorrow, but for right now I can only say that we just witnessed the best weekend of wrestling in England EVER! Shingo vs Yokosuka II is now my favourite DG UK match that has ever taken place, that 6-man on the first night was nothing short of amazing, Mochizuki vs Yokosuka at the very least rivalled Shingo/Yokosuka I and Doi/Hulk vs Shingo/YAMATO was awesome as well and I'm not sure if that was match of the night, or of Mochizuki/Yokosuka was.


I will say I preferred night 1, but I thought both shows, as stand alone shows, both of these nights beat the very first DG UK show.

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PAC's new move was just plain ridiculous. He continues to blow me away every time I see him - and not to mention the shape he's in.


Anyhow, a fantastic night and by many accounts better than night one. Here's my take on tonights matches:


Dean beat Stixx 6.5/10

Kong Beat Scurl 7/10

Yoshino Beat Lion Kid 5/10

Yokosuka Beat Mochizuki 9.5/10

Hulk and Doi Beat Shingo and Yamato 9.5/10

Pac and Haskins Beat CIMA and Dragon Kid 9/10



- Xtreme Dean too, impressed me. It'd be good to see him around a bit more methinks. I don't think I've seen Stixx on a top rope until today either!

- Expected a squash match with Kong/Scurl and to be fair, and whilst not quite a squash, a good match nonetheless

- For me Yoshino carried the match, and looked a bit bored to me. Was also a bit miffed that he missed the super quick 'duck/duck/dropkick' out

- Yokosuka/Mochizuki was MOTN for me. Never really been into Mochizuki until THIS match.

- I'm a BxB Hulk mark so I was always going to like this. Yamato is also fantastic

- Haskins continues to improve. I echo the statement above about how he has a great future ahead of him. PAC - Awesome Dragon Kid- Awesome CIMA - Awesome



Oh and the show? Awesome

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Erm, yeah... What to say?


Two great nights, but I think St. Ives just edged it. I even think Doi/Hulk vs. YAMATO/Takagi might have been better than the Broxbourne six-man and may seriously be my Match of the Year at this point. Just astounding. Mochi vs. Susumu wasn't far behind either.


I've just realised that four of the best matches I've seen this year have had either YAMATO or Mochizuki in them or both.


My awesome DG messenger bag is now going into retirement as a display item. It's now a bit battered and sports the signatures of Yoshino, YAMATO, Kong & Shingo.


Hello to the cool guys I met on the train back: Ben, Matt, Theatre Director Guy and "Super Jew". And a special "how you doin'?" to the smoking hot brunette in the polka dot dress and red heels. Good lord...


Photos (of the wrestling, not her, you perverts!) to come when Facebook stops messing about.


EDIT: FB has stopped messing about - Night Two photos

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Doors opened on time which was great and there was a similar situation to the previous night with the merchandise tables just through the door. Weirdly security were checking bags and taking bottles from people who were bringing them into the main hall. The set up was smaller than the previous night and there were less people but it did seem like it had pretty much sold out. Also TNA’s Magnus was there which was fun to see him wandering around. Overall the crowd was much better tonight as it was a less intense and more fun with a lot more comedy coming from crowd interactions.


In the bonus match xtreme dean best stixx with an impressive top rope C4. Dean really impressed in that match and made it very enjoyable while Stixx played to the crowd perfectly and they certainly fought back with chants like “Your just a shit Phil Mitchell” and “We want Peggy” were great fun. Overall a great bonus match and it worked really well to get the crowd warmed up


After a 10 minute break Cyber Kong beat Marty Scrull in a good match. I was very happy to see this was less squash like as the night before and Scrull got a selection of good offense throughout the match and he really took it to Cyber Kong. There were also some great interactions during the ring announcements with Scrull spitting Kong’s Pineapple into his face and then ripping up a banana. I really could see Scrull in Dragon Gate in the near future.


Yoshino beat Lion Kid by Submission. For the second night running Lion Kid has failed to impress me but luckily Yoshino really helped the match along and made it better than it should have been. I really don’t think Lion Kid has proved himself over this weekend as much as he could have and he seemed out of place on both shows. But for another match the crowd took one of the best roles of the night managing to get a fair amount of “The Lion Sleeps tonight” out in unison which was impressive.


Yokosuka beat Mochizuki in a great match which was expected and really made the show start to feel great although personally i don’t feel it was the best match of the night it was defiantly second with a combination of technical brilliance and hard hitting action. I think there was such high expectation for this match that may have set the bar a bit too high especially after Shingo vs. Yokosuka 2 the night before. But it was still brilliant and there was very little wrong with it.


BxB Hulk and Naruki Doi beat Shingo and Yamato in the match of the night. It was great throughout the match and needs to be seen to be believed it was great. Although the crowd did boo when hulk didn’t dance but then they started chanting “HAGE” which was hilarious. Also there was another boo when Kong and Yoshino who were on the outside hinted at it becoming a 6 man tag yet although the fans wanted it they decided against it. I think if you need to select the best match of the 2 shows it will be down to whether you prefer Singles wrestling or Tag Team.


Pac and Haskins beat CIMA and Dragon Kid in another amazing match that was just really good and felt very like a main event with Haskins coming into his own as a Dragon Gate star and looking defiantly up to par with the other 3 men in the match.


Overall from both nights the venues definitely worked and i hope both DVD’s come out the same way they did last year because Night 2 needs to have to option to listen to just the crowd. From both nights i think the only thing i would want to change about next year is if there was more of the dragon gate merchandise because i got my Veterans T-shirt on the first night but there was very little else and at the end of tonight they mostly had fans and banners and it would have been nicer to have a better selection of merchandise from the dragon gate guys

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