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It's weird, as a Liberal voting person even I feel like a minority on here, admittedly I am more centrist then a lot but it's quite ridiculous.


Take solace in the fact in spite of them positive changes for the medium and long term security of the UK are happening. For all the rhetoric, they're on the back foot. And it is a good thing.

Edited by Yoghurt
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That's rubbish though, I'm not left wing, and though some of my replies have been sarcastic, I think that's a better approach than calling people idiots or ideologues. There are plenty of people like me posting in this thread.

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Actually, Loki, I wasn't thinking of you when I posted that. For the most part, you've been great in this thread. Yes, I would probably wind up more to the right on a political scale than you would, but that's life. There are others I was more thinking of.

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It's weird, as a Liberal voting person even I feel like a minority on here, admittedly I am more centrist then a lot but it's quite ridiculous.


Take solace in the fact in spite of them positive changes for the medium and long term security of the UK are happening. For all the rhetoric, they're on the back foot. And it is a good thing.

Did you vote Lib Dem in the general election? And you're happy with how things turned out, you feel like you got what you voted for? I voted for them and now I feel like a gullible twat. I felt totally betrayed, lied to and stabbed in the back when I watched the coalition be formed and Cameron made prime minister. I will never vote for that party again as long as I live.

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Did you vote Lib Dem in the general election? And you're happy with how things turned out, you feel like you got what you voted for? I voted for them and now I feel like a gullible twat. I felt totally betrayed, lied to and stabbed in the back when I watched the coalition be formed and Cameron made prime minister. I will never vote for that party again as long as I live.

What did you vote for?

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I don't hate the coalition. Yes I voted for them at both National and Local level. I feel it's not an ideal government but it's vastly superior to Labour in every capacity and at least there are some concessions on the idiotic Tory social policies.


I'll vote for them again, I cannot bring myself to ever support Labour in any capacity.


Edit - I don't buy into the blaming banks solely for the collapse either. I think there's a good quarter to third of the blame needs to fall on the people of this countries heads. I know that's really unpopular round here.

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See, my mother (and people I know of her generation) grew up under Thatcher. And she was in power for so long, a resentment built up regardless of the policies and actions she took.


I was 10 years old when Labour won in 97. I hate Labour. Because I grew up under a Government that, to me, was far too centered around welfare, asylum, etc etc. Of course, I got older, and the complexities of all those issues became apparant to me. But it didn't change the fact that I just cannot stand Labour.

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Did you vote Lib Dem in the general election? And you're happy with how things turned out, you feel like you got what you voted for? I voted for them and now I feel like a gullible twat. I felt totally betrayed, lied to and stabbed in the back when I watched the coalition be formed and Cameron made prime minister. I will never vote for that party again as long as I live.

What did you vote for?

I'll freely admit that I was taken in by "Cleggmania", especially after the TV debates. Here's his introduction to their manifesto, I've bolded the bits that stand out the most to me as his blatant hypocrisy now he's in power.


Elections that can really make a difference don
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I don't think anyone is denying he is a hypocrite, but I'm pragmatic enough to see there are more positives in letting the coalition work then forcing a minority government, nothing happening and more Labour continuing it's march to hell.

But you said you were a Liberal voting person, so you are content to vote for a hypocrite? Pragmatism's got nothing to do with it. It guts me that the party I misguidedly voted for are propping up this coalition and putting through cuts that no-one voted for, because they were not in either manifesto, and in many cases directly contradict what both parties promised they would do when they were trying to get elected.

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I don't think anyone is denying he is a hypocrite, but I'm pragmatic enough to see there are more positives in letting the coalition work then forcing a minority government, nothing happening and more Labour continuing it's march to hell.

But you said you were a Liberal voting person, so you are content to vote for a hypocrite? Pragmatism's got nothing to do with it. It guts me that the party I misguidedly voted for are propping up this coalition and putting through cuts that no-one voted for, because they were not in either manifesto, and in many cases directly contradict what both parties promised they would do when they were trying to get elected.

People are never going to vote for cuts to anything to do with them. Yet cuts still have to be made.

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