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then isn't that a job for united against hypocrites?


I'm no fan of the edl's tactics by the way but you cant deny that if UAF/HNH or similar groups on the left had counter protested islamist demonstrations their would be no niche for the edl to exploit and exposing them as racists would have been easier

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If it began to be introduced into mass circulation without being labled as kosher then yeah, we should, but it isn't.

Many schools have kosher meat and that isn't "labelled". Anecdotal I know, but two supermarkets near me do, or did. So what did they do? They did what any sensible business did and labelled it thus to increase their market share. It's economics. You have two fried chicken shops of equal quality, one sells halal, one doesn't. Which one will make the most money?


What is the problem with halal meat? Is it the slaughter process or is it that you don't know what you're eating? If it is the latter, would you eat halal meat knowing it was halal or would the slaughter process put you off?

Hey we just do what HNH do and concentrate on the largest group....

Except they don't just do that, do they.

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You said it's the way the animal is killed killing is killing do you really think the cows sent to a mass consumption slaughter house and the ones sent to a halal one or a kosher one are any happier


Well they are slaughtered differently and people have a right to know, they same way they have a right to know if their eggs are free range or not.

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Many schools have kosher meat and that isn't "labelled". Anecdotal I know, but two supermarkets near me do, or did. So what did they do? They did what any sensible business did and labelled it thus to increase their market share. It's economics. You have two fried chicken shops of equal quality, one sells halal, one doesn't. Which one will make the most money?


That's the thing I'm not talking about banning it or anything silly like that, just sell both options, make it fair

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That's the thing I'm not talking about banning it or anything silly like that, just sell both options, make it fair

Right, it's not the slaughter you object to, it's the labelling or lack of that is the problem. Cheers for clearing that up, man.

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If I prefer one method over the other, nothing wrong with that is there?

Nope, none at all. As I said, I find it galling when people mention the suffering of the animal as the crux of their objection to certain foodstuffs when it is just a smokescreen for more anti islamic sentiment. Obviously I'm not including you in that group as you pointed out it's the information being made available is the basis of your objection. I guess I'm the same with GM foods.

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Sure there's more but one glaring bit of bullshit was the point that

"It is a principle of Islam, common to all four schools of the religion, that there can be no secular authority that takes precedence over Islamic law."

Which is all very good fuel to the fire of the EDL and various others but, actually, it's bollocks. The Muslim faith specifically states that when living in someone else's country, you should respect and adhere to the laws of their land.

Now of course the muslim faith will say it's laws are to be obeyed, in the same way the christian and jewish and all the other religions do. But it's only the Muslim faith that specifies adherring to the laws of the land you are in.

Although facts like that, and no doubt many others destroying any worth contained in that article, would ruin the enjoyment for big Mickey. Because he needs muslims to be the bad guys to justify his actions.


What you are talking about there is the covenant of security , It it doesn

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