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Posts posted by GlennCullen

  1. 3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    That's what I suspected, sadly. They don't actually believe things are rigged, so much as they're like toddlers who have learned the phrase "IT'S NOT FAIR" when their interpretation of "fair" is "giving me what I want right now". 

    I still stand by that the best thing coming of this is that he won't have gained any support from it, but it'll be complacence and apathy wot wins it.

    They'll pat themselves on the back and proudly declare that due to all their MAGA efforts they wouldn't dare try to rig it a second time. Plenty will believe it too.

  2. Chicken Wings and Guacamole being the only 'market price' items on the menu has tickled me. What about the Snapper bozo?

    Goes without saying, looks strong!

  3. Springsteen, absolutely. I think I'll just lock myself away and listen to Nebraska for a week solid when that happens. 

    Also Bill Murray, so much joy from that mans work and he should always be around.

  4. Pretty tempted. My at the time student brother gave us the TV he'd wasted his loan on, after he'd moved home and we had our first born as a 'baby appropriate' present. It's still in the living room. She's now 9.

    This should be a decent step up from that antique and at that price, right?

  5. On 10/28/2023 at 6:21 PM, Tommy! said:

    Off topic but I'm fascinated with russian history late 19th to early 21st century, should anyone have podcast recommendations.

    I think you can still get a free trial to Wondrium, which has some great courses on Russian/Eastern European history.

  6. 3 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

    I never got the impression the baby was there. Swerve just cut the promo there to imply he could harm the child if he wanted.

    He 'talks' to the baby. If the house was meant to be empty, it makes Hangman seemingly deciding to run from one side of the country to the other even sillier.


  7. Angle made no sense. Was the baby home alone? Was its Mum passed out asleep at like, 9? Clearly she doesn’t watch Dynamite, or have a baby monitor. Swerve and Nana were good, but the premise was dumb.

  8. On 9/21/2023 at 3:41 PM, SuperBacon said:

    Off topic but I have to say, I have a massive soft spot for that film and watching it back not long ago, it hasn't aged terribly.

    Really good fun. And Dyer is just fantastic. "You know, really fucking hurt the geezer"

    Decided to watch this. Wasn't bad actually, mainly due to Dyer. Couldn't stand the lead guy though, although maybe that's by design. 

  9. 17 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Likely I’d say. On the day ideally as there will be people trying to get some money back. As to what kind of tickets will come up, no idea if you’ll get one of the cheap ones or not, but you shouldn’t be stuck with only premium tickets around. I managed to get a ticket for Sparks on the day of last month, 3 hours before they got on stage for about 50% off, but I live close enough to be able to get there in under 2 hours.

    I'm tempted to make a call on the day, is Twickets the best bet?

  10. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    I’m desperate to know what happened to make JR reach his final form and randomly scream, “HEY! STUPID!” at someone.

    I think it was during the brawl at the start of the Cole vs. Jericho match. Jim completely lost his rag at someone and spent the rest of the night in a sulk. Excalibur referenced something later on, talking about how the new desk at ringside resulted in their ankles getting crushed, so maybe it was that. Either way, I genuinely think that’s when the energy of this show went off the rails, with it never truly recovering until the Four Pillars decided to go balls to the wall. Just a weird, awkward atmosphere, where everything felt off and nothing clicked. Bizarre.

    Exploding Superkick though! Spectacular. For a company that normally screws up whenever they use props, they absolutely nailed that.

    Taz mentioned a memo in the main, so I'm guessing the talent were told that the table was moving to ringside and to leave it the fuck alone, and then seemingly every single wrestler on the show ignored it as the commentators got more and more mardy.

    In JR's case, his ankle is legitimately fucked up, so probably justified if their legs were taking the brunt of it.

    Four Pillars match over delivered, and the main was absolute carnage! Show savers for sure. Rumours of Danielson being fucked weren't alleviated by that main, he played it safe as houses throughout.

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