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Doctor Whos Next

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Posts posted by Doctor Whos Next

  1. It really bugs me when they call it a "podcast".   When Austin does it, its on the understanding that the audio will be used for a future podcast (i.e. something that you download and listen too) but Foley doesn't even have his own podcast does he?   Why don't they just call it an interview?  


    That whinge out of the way, I thought it was interesting.    I do wonder how much real stroke Shane's got at the moment, aside from the backstage stuff on the last Nitro, you don't really hear much about what he did/does behind the camera.    

  2. Interesting: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/may/10/andre-the-giant-biopic-hollywood

    Surely only Big Show has the size to play him.


    Meh, in this day and age, you can tinker with CGI, forced Perspective, and use other tricks so that Hornswaggle could play him.  


    It depends how much of a say WWE have in production.   I imagine since WWE films became a thing, they'd have the say about what film roles a talent under contract can have.  

  3. I get the impression that he's keeping going for his grandkids.  


    Its tragic though...  if he was in better health, if I was looking to get into this 'audience with' business, his name would have been at the top of my list.   Around for ages, has seen the business evolve right up to the Monday night War, plus he'd have had great delivery.  

  4. I’ve watched like three episodes of Impact since the WWE Network came out over here, and none of those were after September 2015, so I’ve got very little interest and might not be qualified to comment on the ins and outs of the product.     


    But I saw all of this “Set your DVR for us” business on Facebook and I have to say it's the most half arsed thing in the history of half arsery.  


    Can you imagine if the WWF adopted a similar attitude back in the day?  


    "Get Raw!... With VideoPlus+!"   (okay, I have no idea if there was a similar service,  in the US, but my point remains).    

  5. This week's Edge and Christian show started out great.   I chuckled at the Cesaro bit, and the bit with AJ Styles



    (bring him back by the end of the week, he's putting Heath Slater over) or words to that effect. 

    Then after the strong start, it just went a bit meh, with some bollocks about Paul Heyman's Ponytail.  


    I think overall the shows are improving.   You do wonder who's watching this in the office though...   cracks about Cesaro and AJ not getting the push while their pushes start seem a bit counter productive, not that it bothers me.   Then again, its not like the attitude era  where insider terminology was used all the time on Flagship programming.  

  6. The bleeped language was another thing I found a little too close for modern day WWE programming. Especially the Zack Ryder segment.


    I think some time ago they realised that the core demographic for the Network is people who are older than the demographic they want to sell John Cena T-Shirts to.  .  Jerry Springer, Swerved, Edge and Christian's show, and the Camp WWE thing is catering to an adult market.  

  7. For expressing an opinion on a forum, i am an idiot? Welcome to the internet, buddy.

    A fair comeback... lets see where this goes


    Also, you're an ignorant cunt. No contest.

    Ugh, and a fumble.


    Its all well and good that you don't like Emma and if you choose not to watch her that's your choice. But most of the stuff you don't like has been changed or toned down since the heel turn. It's like saying you're not going to watch an Undertaker match because you stopped watching when he started coming to the ring with that Paul Bearer fella, or that you don't think Shawn Michaels is worthy of the HoF because when you watched him he was in a tag team that was a knock off of the Rock and Roll Express.


    In short, yes, your entitled to opinion, but people are entitled to an opinion of your opinion especially when you base it on stuff that just doesn't happen anymore

  8. TLC felt like paint by the numbers... Like WWE were saying "Evening all... Please stick with us we've got the rumble coming up. In the meantime here's some Raw matches with furniture."


    NXT takeover shows feel like a big deal, every match had that big fight feel


    It's been two and a half hours, and I'm left wanting more... Great stuff


    What I'm disappointed about is the lack of WWF weekly tv (bar the Prime Time Wrestling episodes) from the pre-1993 period.

    It would be nice to have the whole run of WWF Superstars episodes on there and they would only be 40 mins long so a handy bite sized watch.

    Do official, definitive episodes of those shitty syndicated shows exist? I thought they were localised. Surely people in Texas and the U.K. weren't getting the episodes where 30% would be taken up by crap promos and shills for a house show in New Jersey etc.



    I suppose the closest you could get is versions of that archive show that used to be on Sky Sports - I want to say Vintage Collection?  Matches from a specific episode of Superstars or Challenge with new inserts.   Perhaps with Sean Mooney and Todd Pettingil as well as Gene Okerlund hosting to break it up a bit.   But then that defeats the purpose of archive cotnent  

  10. Does Billy Graham still hold the record for most times anyone has fallen out with the company then come back? I imagine Hogan is close


    He probably wants a new HoF ring to flog on eBay,


    EDIT: just looked him up online, apparently he's got his eyes on Dusty's job



  11. A few years ago, this place had the Shitarse 50, dedicated to the worst wrestlers in the UK. One of the lads on the list posted a joke picture of himself chucking his gear in the bin.

    That lad competes today as Rockstar Spud, who’s got international exposure on TNA, and is on the most accessible wrestling show that’s broadcast in this country.  Granted, TNA isn't the best place in the world, but he's probably still pulling better than WMC money. 

    Point is, if he’d spent his days PMming folk on this Forum, telling people to stop criticising him, reporting people to moderators, and vowing to change his name, he’d still be doing this on weekends, while he has to do something else in the day Instead, he made light of it and got on with his career.

  12. I don't understand why people are still replying to him anyway!? We established ages ago that he has no intention of establishing business plans, leaving UKFF, ect and people carrying on replying saying that just looks like you're deliberately poking the bear with a stick to get a reaction.

    It's a lesson learned.


    & Sorry I included my responses. I just thought that his wibbling needed some context. Again, lesson learned.

  13. As per Butch's Request, I got the first post in response to my Turkey and Tinsel Quip last week, and the post alternates between the two of us.  






    get a life u bully, grow up






    Mate, no offense was intended towards you.   It was a joke.   My life is doing fantastically well, thank you.  


    You’ve got three options open to you


    1.Get out of the wrestling game.  

    2.Come up with a realistic, stable business plan that brings in the wrestlers that people on the UKFF want to see, and present it in a coherent, logical manner that you personally can afford..  

    3.Stop looking for approval on the UKFF and stick with your local market.  


















    I find this tone offensive, and I will be reporting it to the moderators.

    well u should not be bullying people should u.

    I reported it and left it there.  

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