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Posts posted by Joe_the_Lion

  1. 10 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    In this thread on a Liberal-leaning forum, the Tories are cunts. Please feel free to start a thread called The Tories Aren't Cunts and post the many examples where they aren't.

    And use a comma and a full stop once in a while so you don't look like a gimmick account that'll try to "lol I was drunk" in 7 hours' time.

    I, don’t, think, you’re, liberal, leaning, I, think, many, of, you, are, politically, immature, morons, who’ve, taken, philosophically, opposed, positions, and, are, too, fucking, stupid, to, realise, it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Yes, yes they are. 

    Please continue being super woke in order to compensate for the fact they your useless piss head self is never more than 14 minutes away from making the poor woman who is currently with you from fucking off and living a better life

  3. Woah


    tories are cunts


    but on the bright side they aren’t an anti Semitic arsehole who convinced you bunch of dumbasses that you were super double mega remainers but also supported someone who wanted a no deal brexit which he would use to take  us back to 1970’s levels of fiscal destitution 


    fucking children 



  4. 28 minutes ago, David said:

    But how many fighters are there who are active today who can actively make that much of a difference business-wise?

    I think it's a perspective thing, the UFC will only worry when it looks to the casual fan that they are losing fighters to the competition despite wanting to hold onto them. There were plenty of guys that WCW poached who weren't dial movers for the WWF but the effect of losing talent to the opposition has a corrosive effect on the brand as a whole.

  5. I meant from a business perspective rather than any reflection on his abilities as a fighter. The people running the fighting side of the business would have been sad to see Mousasi and MacDonald go but I doubt the marketing department even noticed.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Bear in mind also that Mousasi and MacDonald left the UFC of their own volition; that Reebok deal, coupled with Coker's scouting ability, could end up doing a lot more damage to the UFC's roster in the long run.

    They're both second level guys so I don't think the UFC is losing much sleep about them. The ESPN deal and the way in which the UFC are hoarding earnings in order to go public has more chance of causing the kind of damage that would hurt them. But until they see top level fighters walking like they were in the days of Shamrock, Couture, Penn etc nothing is going to make them change course.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    By the measure of having an opinion about something that is shared by quite a lot of people.

    Good for them. His matches are usually quite good (can't think of a great singles outing off the top of my head), he's not a a particularly great promo and he's never been in a money feud on the big stage. Fuck all about his career screams all time great. He's a good hand, nothing more.

  8. 12 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    I'm not sure it's what Ambramovich set out to achieve.

    An international profile that was very prominent and also completely benign and non-threatening, bit of  an insurance policy against falling out with Vlad. Given what's happened to some other oligarchs over the years maybe it's working for him.


    He also wanted half a dozen European cups and a profitable (thanks to Ian Kenyon) football club.

    Can't have it all.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Whistling Skull said:

    In showbusiness, it happens a lot that people will OD on drink or drugs, or just be in a bad way, and then cancel their appearance citing "dehydration". Given the telling of the story and her substance abuse problems, that sprung to mind. Don't know if it's true. But it sprung to mind.

    Decent question to ask.

    Is show business something else you have "experience" of?

    always pay more attention to things that are underlined.



  10. 4 minutes ago, Whistling Skull said:

    How would you know what that would/should teach a person? During studies you're confronted with cases that mimic real situations and learn to assess them. I have never heard anyone in my life that needed to put up the framework of how great the themselves thing that they are, and it coming from a well-balanced person. Never.

    This isn't that. It is real. If you had the kind of expertise you are trying, and failing, to portray yourself as having you'd understand that spouting off about a real (recently deceased btw) person in the way that you are is unprofessional, unethical and just plain fucking offensive.

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