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Posts posted by Joe_the_Lion

  1. 17 minutes ago, Whistling Skull said:

    I have. For the record, being raped doesn't make you normal or abnormal or anything. It makes you a victim.

    And a female, apparently


    17 minutes ago, Whistling Skull said:

    The thing that you're describing as happening 'often', does not happen often at all in my experience. I (sadly) have heard many accountings of sexual abuse and when in my experience, if a comparasome is made, it's more like to refer to previous sexual abuse, not an accident or injury that had nothing to do with the subject of sexual abuse in the first place.

    There's that made up "experience" coming to your rescue once again.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Whistling Skull said:


    - I've been a social services worker in the prison with the highest security requirements in my country. Me linking people not knowing how they come across (in a high stakes situation like a court case) to a malicious personality disorder thing stems from my experience in that field.   It's a red flag that i take into account when assessing the entire situation.



    the first thing that your "experience" would have taught you is that you can't make that kind of judgement about a person you've never fucking met.


    There's a red flag alright but Ashley ain't waving it

  3. 2 hours ago, Whistling Skull said:



    This took the cake for me. I have never heard a rape victim describe her assault in such a manner. Mostly because the kind of trauma we're talking is not something you'd compare to anything else. Comparing the pain of sexual assault to the pain of wrestling injuries is insane, to em. It seems to me she just tries to bring the story back aroud to the lawsuit against WWE.



    Actually people who have been victims of either heinous acts or suffered in some other way that a normal person couldn't comprehend often compare their experiences to seemingly mundane day to day events.


    You haven't heard it before because you're a dickhead who hasn't spent any time around such people.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    That's by a wide margin my favourite thing they've done. For all the talk of being an "alternative", I think a lot of us are looking in the wrong places - we're looking for a different way of presenting the in-ring product, whereas actually the most important changes are behind the scenes, or in how they engage with the outside world.

    The WWE are probably already working on an autism friendly Undertaker entrance on the off chance that AEW get some serious traction from this

  5. 11 minutes ago, ColinBollocks said:

    The fight highlighted the margins at this level of boxing. One second AJ was in total control - "Ruiz was an out of shape can" the headline. Then one terrible bit of decision making changed the course of his career (if only temporary) - "Ruiz was overlooked by all; what a fighter. AJ overrated and a quitter".

    I noticed the great Paulie Malinagioajsneh was very critical of AJ's corner over their instructions. Not something I picked up, but he reckons AJ was totally bewildered and needed more tactical advice than he received.

    I'm sure he'll be back and have some success but it wouldn't surprise me if Ruiz turns out to be Joshua's very own Lloyd Honeyghan

  6. It was a good match, it was hardly Hart/Austin.

    The eye roll is more that you could bet your house that whatever the best match on the card was Meltzer was going to give it five stars, regardless of whether it deserved it or not.

    He's their hype man.

  7. 20 hours ago, Teedy Kay said:


    If Labour don't jump on a second referendum their fucking idiotic. 

    Diane Abbott is all over it, she's decided  “supporting a people’s vote strongly now because it’s the right thing to do and it’s the democratic thing to do”, or to put it another way she's cottoned on to the idea it's a vote winner.


    Just don't let her try and count the votes.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    I'd say he's one of the most over rated. He's good but no where near worthy of the fellating he gets from some quarters. 

    Absolutely, he does a cracking dusty/ flair love child bit ( with a dash of super smark) on promo's and skits but bell to bell he's still a one I paced Cooke cutter guy

  9. 5 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

    Just being positive and excitable about a competitor the industry needs and is re-engaging lapsed fans like me. There really isn't anything wrong with championing something you want to be successful, is there?


    13 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

    Dave Meltzer is like marmite on here, but I like this tweet!

    Meltzer is AEW's biggest mark. Reckon he'll give the event as a whole 7 1/2 stars


  10. 4 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Got to be. You have to assume they have it as well, seeing as it happened before an episode of Raw. It’s not like it was on some random house show. 

    Doubt they'd ever use it for anything, it'd just be rattling the Martha Hart tree and I think that's something they can do without

  11. People thinking that this story will somehow get some traction and actually have an effect on the WWE should probably look at how much of a dent the James Deen scandal made in the porn industry.


    Wrestling and porn, peas in a septic pod

  12. While Davids view is somewhat extreme it is also nearer the truth than most people are comftable with. Ali is held up high. Therefore he must be judged accordingly. He fails. Forget Frazier. Its Ernie Terrell you should be looking to. A man butchered for using a 'slave name'. He was proud to use his own 'slave name' and thought he was promoting a fight. If only Ali or a member if his crew gad told him it wasnt a work.......but they didnt and Ali instead picked him aparty like a fly

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