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Posts posted by Joe_the_Lion

  1. Shawn Michaels by such a distance that it makes me sad to think of how shit the business is these days. Even though his character has largely been crap for most of the period during his comeback he's still pulled it out via his untouchable ringwork and the fact that he's managed to escape from being completely screwed over by the booking department unlike any of his potential challengers.

  2. I think 'challenges' might be a bit of an exaggeration. We'll let him off seeing as he already had symptoms of the early onset of Parkinsons.


    As for my prediction on Khan - :blush:

  3. Emily Booth is gorgeous - saw her in Piccadilly Circus station the other day. Very nice.


    I also remember her from her soft porn days as "Emily Bouffante" on L!ve TV, presenting the "Blue Review".

    Emily Booth is the reason I once accidentally fondled Bruce Willis. True story.


    Finish or die.


    Thats what Bruce said.

  4. and musicals are for lames.


    You couldn't be more wrong.


    West Side Story, Oliver, My Fair Lady and Blood Brothers are all ace.


    I'm with Rockwell. Anything where you go from talking, to singing, to dancing and then back to talking as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened is just too stupid for words. Throw in that 99% of the songs in musicals are completely shit and sound incredibly awkward as they desperately try to cover all of the points that the narrative wants them to and you really have a pretty good reason to avoid all musicals like the plague.


    Apart from Spamalot, because it's ace.

  5. Law Abiding Citizen


    Really disappointed by this. The premise was good, but the script and acting were really poor and parts of it were predictable. It wasn't a terrible film by any means, but I'm glad downloaded an R5 version as opposed to spending money on it.


    See I don't think they even got as far as having a premise. I think they had something that could have become a good premise but then Butler decided that looking slightly moody, and chubby it has to be said, would get the job done so they just started filming.


    LAC wins my "Looks as if they didn't finish the script but started filming anyway and really hoped no one would notice" award for 2009.

  6. The much-anticipated bout between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao is all but set for March 13, a source told Yahoo! Sports.



    I'll save an awful lot of people some trouble :

    Gee, Manny wasn't nearly as good as I thought he was.
  7. I didn't realise that it was happening yet either. Always seemed like a strange fight for Jones to be honest - the only possible outcomes seemed to be either Jones boxing circles around him and nobody caring or Green taking his head off.

  8. He'll never beat Khan. I know its hard to rule out after Khan lost to Prescott, but Salita is little more than a sacrificial lamb for Khan. The odds say it all, Khan 1/7, and salita 9/2 on skybet. I'm sure theres plenty of different ones out there, but thats an example.


    He's not quite a sacrificial lamb. I think Khan should beat him but he's certainly not a total gimme. And the odds show one thing - A high profile Brit is facing a Ruski no one has heard of the bookmakers, quite rightly, assuming that the cast majority of the money will be going on 'our boy'.

  9. We were late comers to the House party, we watched the first 5 seasons on DVD finishing season 5 just prior to starting to watch season 6 on Sky. I think it has taken a dip and there are times when you find yourself thinking that they are re-treading old ground but then House and Wilson have conversation and I realise that what I'm watching is still better than 99% of the everything else on TV.


    And Cuddy's ass could close the Religion thread, when I look at that wonderful creation I have to ask - "How can there not be a God?"

  10. I'm probably being worked like it's 1989, but what is the deal with McMahon's commentary during the Austin - Bret Hart match at the Survivor Series in 1996? It does seem rather mean-spirited, even though McMahon is the good guy commentator here.


    "Bret Hart's offence looks like nothing at all"

    "He should have stayed retired"

    "Austin is the miles better competitor and wrestler!"


    Things like that. The match is on Vintage Collection this week.


    Isn't that Vince laying the foundations for Brets heel turn when he dd the 'shoot' type promo on Vince and the way that he'd been mistreated and undervalued by the WWE?

  11. Waterboy, PLEASE enter the Secret Santa this year so one of us can get you a Dictaphone to document this brilliance.


    I read that and really didn't get it - I'm sure Waterboy has a very nice voice and all but I didn't see any extra benefit from having him tell us the stories in audio form, the written word seemed perfectly adequate. Then the penny dropped.


    I'm at work and I'm an idiot.

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