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Posts posted by Joe_the_Lion

  1. I have to agree with harry on this.


    At the end of the day if we cannot act in a civilised manner and allow even a cretin like Nick to have his say (he was elected in a democratic election plain and simple) then we have no moral high ground at all and will just end up giving ammo to likes of Nick and his ilk.


    The problem is you are agreeing with a statement where Harry seems to be replying to statements that he has made up in his head. None of what Harry posted actually links back to the post made by Kenny.

  2. On Question Time do they have to stick to current affairs or can they question a particular guest? I'd love someone to bring up Nick Griffins comments like these... "Some unfortunate people suffer from homosexuality so we will just have to tolerate them." and in homage to the upcoming gay pride parades "I call it gay shame, a freak show, revolting." So I hope one of these "AIDS Monkeys" or "bum bandits" (as the BNP Director of Publicity so delightfully called homosexuals) calls him on these comments and watch him squirm in his seat.


    I believe that questions have to relate to issues, they don't have to be totally current but the question has to refer to an issue rather than a panel members viewpoint, and have to be addressed to all the people present rather than an individual.


    Question Time died when they had that dickwit Emma Jones on.

  3. Watched The Brave One at the weekend.


    Strange film, couldn't help but feel that if the lead role had been played by Jean Claude Van Damme it would have been a hell of a lot better because they wouldn't have felt the need to try and give it quite so much meaning and thus dilute any potential for fun which may have existed. It was a revenge based action film that really, really tried to be something other than a revenge based action film.


    It also features one the strangest performances of all time from Jodie Foster. If you don't want to watch the film but want to know how she protrayed the role just close your eyes and remember the face she pulled when she was talking to Lector about the lambs - she pulled that face for two fucking hours.

  4. It's a good idea, and it'll be interesting to see how Cameron does. It'll make him or break him I think.


    It could break him if he says something daft but I don't think there's anyway that it could make him - he's already made, Brown is a disaster and the election is the Tories to lose. If I were a betting man I'd say Cameron has thrown out this challenge under the assumption that Brown would turn it down.

  5. Well yeah, but Sylvia is a pretty immobile, one-dimensional fighter and his chin is suspect as fuck. Randy Couture is nothing special as a boxer and he knocked him loopy. Fedor knocked him cold. And once you've been knocked out, it becomes much easier to knock you out again. And again. And again.


    The thing is that yes, a good boxer will have better punching technique, so if you leave yourself open he'll probably hurt you worse than a guy who spends his whole time training MMA. But he'll have no defence for kicks, takedowns and submissions. He'll probably find it awkward to stay in a clinch and deal with knees. It's a different game, you know? Boxers are better boxers. MMA fighters are better MMA fighters.




    Thing is even though they are combat sports the idea of trying to compare boxing and MMA is kind of pointless in the end. If Roy Jones had two fights, one boxing and one MMA, against Anderson Silva I'd predict a first round stoppage in both fights, with different winners in each fight.

  6. 1. Bryan Robson - boring, unfunny, managerial talent lacking, alcoholic fuckface.


    His appearance on Superstars when he had to do the push-ups challenge and didn't back down despite the fact that only have one working shoulder proved to be an hilarious disadvantage gets him a bye in my book.

  7. By all means, I think that we need strong free speech legislation in this country and that people should be able to hold and express any views that they like. If the practice of those beliefs is to the harm or disadvantage of anyone else, that is grounds for regulation. So specifically, the BNP as a registered political party is not allowed to restrict membership on the grounds of race, just as an employer isn't allowed to racially discriminate in hiring practices.


    An employer is allowed to discriminate in hiring practices. The equal opportunity laws apply to the advertising of roles. If I wanted to headhunt someone to come in and do a specific job (and did so by inviting candidates I was interested in rather than putting out a general advertisement) there is nothing stopping me from deciding that I wasn't going to look at anyone black and there is equally nothing to stop from asking a woman if she intended to have children in those circumstances.

  8. We'll hand this one over to Mr. Seven.


    What's left to say about this disgusting duo? It's an indictment of our culture that shit like this is popular. I truly believe that there are certain bands out there who exist purely for the attention and pleasure of modern-day neanderthals, cretins who don't really understand what music actually is.



    Saying the same about Slipknot would not necessarily raie too many eyebrows.


    They are, overall, shit and annoying but "Thats not my name" is a cracking tune

  9. Just when you think the BBFC are getting better, they do something like this. Utter cunts.


    Watched Narrow Margin last night. Good fun, nothing too taxing, and you get JT Walsh AND M Emmet Walsh in the same film, and it doesn't get more awesome than that.

    I have to say I agree with their decision. If they award it an 18 rating then doesn't that give it the possibility of being put in more cinema's across the UK? If so then a film like this shouldn't be readily available. At the end of the day, like the article says, they have only rejected three in the last fours years which is an unbelievably small number. Whether you agree with it or not, censorship he there for the right reasons (in some countries anyway) and now and again it has to be put into effect.


    Nothing should be censored. Ever.

  10. I've recorded Iron Man but haven't got around to watching it. Did watch The Incredible Hulk last week and found it shockingly enjoyable, much better than the Ang Lee/Eric Bana effort. They laid it on a bit thick at the beginning with some references to the TV show but other than that it was a fun ride. To be honest I can't work out if it was a better film that I was expecting or if I've just begun to lower my standards.

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