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Halitosis Romantic

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Posts posted by Halitosis Romantic

  1. Even in the context of a wrestling show it promotes domestic violence. What comeuppance did The Power Trip receive? None. It was a stupid angle, and the kind of thing wrestling shouldn't have and doesn't need. Ditto the Trish Stratus bark like a dog stuff. The Attitude stuff gets worse with every revisit.


    That's why I don't revisit it - don't want to spoil the memories. I prefer to think that it was the arse end of the era that was this bad, and that 98-99 were untouchable.

  2. I just finished watching all of Community and it is by far my favourite show currently on air. I think in time I may even like it more than Arrested Development.


    As a fan of Big Bang Theory I would happily sacrifice the show in favour of Community and it baffles me how Community suffers in the ratings and Big Bang is such a huge success.


    Save Community.


    Well, Big Bang Theory is a lot simpler show than Community - one is built to try and pull in a similar audience to the Arrested Development viewers, whilst the other is prime syndication fodder.


    Community is wank, anyway, and although it's totally subjective, I think that saying you prefer it over AD marks you as a suitable case for treatment.

  3. The horror stories about getting a job post-graduation make me realise how lucky I've been. I ended up graduating with a shit degree but fortunately had spent a placement year with a multinational car manufacturer and had been offered my graduate job before my degree went tits up. Now I'm doing well enough at my current company and have tailored my development with transferable skills so that when I want to move on to another company/field (which will probably be sooner rather than later as I can't get the geographical transfer I'm after) I shouldn't have any problems doing it. God knows what I did to deserve lucking out like I have.


    Transferable skills are for lightweights. You need to specialize like crazy, preferably in a dying industry. That's what real men do.

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