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Posts posted by fraserbee


    I honestly can't understand anyone watching Raw live every week. I love wrestling but if I gave over three hours to Raw every week (and forget about Smackdown), I'd not be able to watch anything else.


    I have a full time job, a dog to walk, a young son to spend time with, household stuff that needs done and a wife that likes to spend some time with me too. The time I have to watch wrestling is limited to a few hours a week anyway and I'm damned if I'm going to spend that time watching mindless WWE filler.


    I think my situation is fairly normal, so I suspect my reaction to it (don't watch it live, seek out highlights, if there are any, later) is pretty normal too.

    I don't think it's that hard. I have all the same things as you, although walking the dog isn't my job, as well as football coaching, writing and a small business and I find time to watch it after everyone has gone to bed or I get up really early on a Tuesday morning. If you don't enjoy it, that's probably the problem rather than you being any super busier than anyone else.
    Walking the dog isn't my job - two separate things.


    I don't believe I am any busier than most people, that's my point. I, like many people, have limited time to myself throughout the week and, like many people, just cannot justify giving away 3 hours to a bloated Raw.

  2. I honestly can't understand anyone watching Raw live every week. I love wrestling but if I gave over three hours to Raw every week (and forget about Smackdown), I'd not be able to watch anything else.


    I have a full time job, a dog to walk, a young son to spend time with, household stuff that needs done and a wife that likes to spend some time with me too. The time I have to watch wrestling is limited to a few hours a week anyway and I'm damned if I'm going to spend that time watching mindless WWE filler.


    I think my situation is fairly normal, so I suspect my reaction to it (don't watch it live, seek out highlights, if there are any, later) is pretty normal too.

  3. Surely the biggest downside to Wembly for Wrestlemania is the weather. The roof does not completely close, so people say on the pitch and the ring itself would be exposed to the elements. At least in August there is a reasonable chance of fair weather for SummerSlam but in March or April rain would be quite likely.

  4. I was much more a WCW guy in the early 90s and had a near complete set of WCW figures (although only one attire of each guy). A relation had gotten me the Hulk Hogan with the bearhug at one point but the first Hasbro I actually got because I wanted it was Papa Shango, mainly because he was dressed a bit like Vader and I wanted to have Sting vs Vader matches. Around this time (mid 93) a friend of mine got Sky and I started to get more into WWF and gradually amassed a considerable Hasbro collection too. To the end though, I still preferred my WCW Galloobs. Although they didn't move, they were more true-to-life. Ric Flair's body was a bit saggy for example, and his hand was posed perfectly for chops. So many happy memories of these toys.


    There is one major disappointment however. I always dreamed of going into an old toy-shop and sitting there would be a Rick Rude from one of the early series just sitting waiting to be bought. I never did get him though!

  5. I remember seeing the Road Warriors vs. The Steiners in the early 90s; the Steiners hit a piledriver in the first few minutes, and the RW they hit with it just no-sold it.

    There's also a wonderful moment in their Starrcade 89 match though where Scott Steiner rolls through Hawk with a leglock. The whole thing is quick and a flash and there's not a thing Hawk could do about it. He looks petrified. The match went off without a hitch, but I think that moment was just Scott reminding Hawk not to get too big for his boots.


    Not sure if this should go here or the random thoughts but... Who was the first wrestler who started doing the dropkick as a sort of 'drop-sault'? Growing up everyone seemed to throw the dropkick in one way, which was side on as if a baseball slide in the air. Now you have guys doing the 'drop-sault' which I seem to recall AJ Style doing but not sure if he was the first. There are also guys who do a dropkick and land flat on their back so they can do a kip up.


    Paul London was the first person I saw do it, in Ring of Honor back in 2002.


    I first saw Paul London hit it on Perry Saturn during a squash match on WWF Metal \ Jakked in 2001.

    I'm sure Doug Furnas was doing something like this in the 90s


    Ron Simmons slams and beats the future Yokozuna in about 90 seconds.


    Man, Simmons was clearly out-bumped by Yoko in that match. Simmons sold that clothesline like crap.
    That must have been really early in Simmons' career in the UWF. He was really stiff there and good grief he was strong. I know Yoko was a lot lighter but Ron scooped him up and really flung him down.
  8. It is strange. Owen really didn't have a reputation for being reckless. It's doubly weird when you think Austin did exactly the same thing to Masa Chono about 5 years earlier. Stone Cold knew that move was a really bad idea, so I can easily believe he'd have been absolutely insistent with Owen not to do it.

  9. As its my birthday, I thought I'd find out what was going on in the world of wrestling 33 years ago today and discovered that Bret Hart was wrestling Tiger mask in this pretty decent match from Nagoya Japan as I was popping into the world. Probably not remotely interesting to anyone else but the match is worth watching - and it's got a Dynamite Kid cameo too.

    part 1

    Part 2
  10. It's quite scary to think how long ago this was. I remember reading about it in Powerslam at the time and being quite jealous that I, as a 12 year old,had no way of being there.


    On a related note, Sabu really is an amazing (or amazingly lucky) man. Given people were talking about things catching up with him as long ago as 97, and given the life he's led, nobody would have predicted the longevity his career had. I don't think anybody would have put money on him being able to walk let alone still be able to perform a lot of his old spots by 2015.

  11. I realised, watching the Beast in the East card on the award-winning WWE Network, that I still call John Cena’s finisher the “F-U”. Cole referred to it as the Attitude Adjustment, I was like “What?” but then, “Oh, yeah. It was renamed years ago.”

    you are not the only one. To me, The Attitude Adjustment is Lex Luger's pile driver from 1991.
  12. Does anyone know if there is anywhere you can view the second series of NJPW on AXS? Most of the first series popped up online and But the new episodes seem to be harder to come by.

  13. While I'm on a DX were a bunch of shitmongers rant, the booking of Owen Hart is bloody awful.


    *Owen's family get screwed.

    *Owen returns as a full on nutter wanting ti kill Shawn Michaels.

    *Owen get's screwed out of title match to feud with Triple H for the European Title.

    *Owen gets jumped by loads of people DX pay off, and eliminated from the Rumble by a non entrant HHH.

    *Beats Goldust dressed as Triple H and this counts as his title win so he doesn't get the decisive win.

    *Loses the title back to HHH in a fuck finish.

    *Loses at Mania to HHH after a low blow from Chyna, Owen looks shit again.

    *Loses a month later again to Triple H and turns heel again the next night.

    *Gets called a nugget of shit, end scene.


    Not a sniff, he didn't get a fucking sniff. Stupid.

    He was really treated badly wasn't he? I love that bit at the end of IYH Degeneration X where he appears out of nowhere and attacks Shawn. Perhaps if Michaels hadn't gotten hurt, he'd have done something with Owen after Wrestlemania. I suspect not though.
  14. Sad news about Tommy Rogers and a real shame it seemed to have gone a bit unnoticed. As Meltzer's brief obituary says, he was one of the most underrated wrestlers of his time. I am a big fan of the Fantastics vs Midnight Express feud from 1988 NWA. My favourite Fantastics match though is the match they had with Joe Malenko and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi in AJPW back in 1990. Poor Kikuchi took a proper kicking in that match.


    Here it is http://youtu.be/vu58uNzZjlo.

  15. For the sort of thing 'Maverick's after, there's probably more chance with; Stan Hansen, Rollerball Rocco...or guys who were there during that period of time. Rocco's story of arriving in Japan as Black Tiger, being handed $20,000 (or whatever the figure was) in an envelope & having passport control come out to his limousine, was pretty good. Having finally established who the masked character was, Japanese journalists then flew to Britain to report on his matches as Rollerball.

    I remember watching a Rollerball shoot on Youtube years ago - the interviewer goes to his home in Majorca (I think?).  Is that the one you mean?  I remember it being very interesting but I've not seen it around to re-watch since.

  16. Does anyone know what became of Davey Boy's 'cousin' Johnny Smith?


    He had some success in Stampede and AJPW in the lat 80s, I saw him wrestle Drew 'Ultimate Chippendale' McDonald in Brechin City Hall in '94 then he popped up and made a strong showing in ECW in '96 and I can't remember hearing much from hm since.

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