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Buzz Lightyear

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Posts posted by Buzz Lightyear

  1. They're still finding their feet but this week was infinitely watchable. Certainly easier to get through than any show after Bound For Glory. Even if there were only 3 official matches. Offset by the fact that each was given a decent amount of time.


    The stories (or the way Jarrett/Dutch want them told) are slowly starting to take shape.


    I don't think the show was much more than good but I think as Slanmiversay starts to take shape (I'm guessing next tapings onwards after these tapings appear to be about re-setting the table) I think there may be a greater response to this version of Impact Wrestling.


    It was a decent show not great but the first few set of tapings are going to be very hit and miss, trying new things out and seeing what works. 


    Got a long way to go in terms of rebuilding the roster though, especially the X-Division. 

  2. That video is ace too. Love this style. I thought I was done with the wrestling for a while but I'll give TNA a go again.


    Their manifesto going forward should be WCW meets Lucha Underground.

    It's part of their push for more "digital content". It's just a shame they don't have TV tapings every week/every two weeks in order for even more content. Online is a big push for them moving forward, they want those lost fans back and following them online.


    Still think the Lashley sit down interview was very well done, more of that.

  3. http://www.pwinsider.com/ViewArticle.php?id=108279


    Impact sent them a massive cease and desist order today.

    Sounds like they have a case. Petty though.


    Since contract talks broke down, hasn't Hardys Mrs (who's the one "character" who no one gives a fuck about) been bad mouthing the company? Perhaps it's a road they didn't want to go down but her bad mouthing the company has become too much?


    Either way iMPACT were going to get shit from fans over it all.

  4. It's hilarious they're supposedly going after Senor Benjamin too. The poor bugger supposedly wasn't under contract.

    Perhaps as he's not under contract (according to her) and they own the Universe team, perhaps his name comes under that.


    She seems to be blaming Anthem for the old owner for breaching the contract too? And then admitting they financed parts of the show even after breaching the terms.


    Give them the name, fuck it. Wash your hands of them and watch Jeff do what he did again.

  5. First show i've watched in years, and it's exactly how I expected it to go which is great news for the product moving forward. No one is going to turn the show around after just one show, it's a long term project.


    Productions were top class, the opening package and intro very good. On screen graphics very good and that sit down video with Lashley was top class, going by Kevin Sullivan more of those are to come. 


    Agreed with others when it comes to the arena, the black spots at the back just need to go, but the logo in the ring worked well. 


    In ring it's going to be a long job to turn it around. World Title scene looks decent for the moment, a lot more to work with short term but the rest needs ripping up and starting again which it looks like they are doing. 


    Matthews is going to be a top manager/mouthpiece for someone isn't he? 

  6. Not watched, but the graphics at the end of iMPACT in 60 seconds on the YouTube channel are pathetic, proper amateur shit which needs to be cut out or delayed until it looks professional.


    Anyone expecting iMPACT to all of a sudden become good again needs a reality check. Plus it can't be THAT bad as the Hardys were on the show and they are amazing good and the company needed to bend over backwards to re-sign them

  7. That opening is fantastic, but it really does highlight how they absolutely fucked this company up. They had the most potential ever to be a super hot promotion. Who could possibly have those television outlets and the roster they had at one point every again? Its a shame. They had Hogan, Sting, Flair, Dusty, Angle, AJ, Joe, Daniels, Kaz, the Machine Guns, the Young Bucks, Nash, Eric Young, Low Ki, Beer Money, The Hardy Boyz, Bully Ray, Austin Aries, Mickie James, Awesome Kong and a shit load of others on their roster. And now they have Alberto Del Cokefiend and an owl.

    Add Booker T, Christian (when he was decent), RVD, Raven, DDP, Steiner etc to the list.


    They've had the talent, never been in question.

  8. Normally, bringing back sl many old employees wouldn't be considered a positive at all. But to be honest, with how much the company regressed post-2013, you have to look at it favourably.


    Getting rid of her dragging the place down should help too. Fascinated to see  what sort of office they have up in Nashville, and how this'll work with the new owners for money etc. 

  9. Not a bad effort. Their online presence and marketing hasn't been too bad, as it happens.




    It's been good for a while, wondering myself wherever it's someone with links to Fight Network. If only they could sort that absolute shambles of a website out. Also ex-photographer Lee South has been brought back to do work with the company which is another good move as back when they had a great website his work was very good. 

  10. http://www.prowrestlingsheet.com/jeff-jarrett-spike-tv-network-return/#.WL3r9DzfWEc


    iMPACT back on Spike in the US? Seems early days for that sort of talk and surely that exec who attended was there for the UK stuff? Brian Fritz also had a statement from Spike saying it's not true.


    The tapings result from last night sound pretty good actually, be interesting to see how it plays out on TV.

  11. Josh Matthews was kicked off commentary in last night's taping.

    Magnus, Chris Masters (Chris Adonis) and Matt Morgan all made their returns/debuts, face James Storm is being given a main event push, and a heel turn for EC3 by the looks of it.

    Plus a random Shane Helms match.


    As for Matthews, surely that's not the end of him? Next set of tapings are next month.

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