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Posts posted by neil

  1. There was an interview with the 'real' David Calvert on Sky News this morning.


    His house was a fucking tip. The did the interview in front of a filthy wall that had half the wallpaper torn off and crayon scribbles all over it. TBH that made me like him less than if he had been Venables.

    The real Jon Venables would have a PS3 and Xbox in his living room wouldn't he.

  2. Great decision. Those threads/posts are annoying as fuck. I wish there was a way to ban similar things in the football threads too, but it's obviously a bit harder to legislate.

    It applies to Off-Topic too. In particular for the World Cup it will be terrible, so the same rules will apply.





    Spoiler rules have been updated. Please read and follow.


    Bigger news:


    LIVE DISCUSSION THREADS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED - if you want to "chat" about some live event then use the UKFF chatroom.


    Join #theukff on WorldIRC. If you have an IRC client then join irc.worldirc.org, if you don't then use the webchat located at http://www.worldirc.org/index.php?page=webchat


    A brief intro to IRC for those that haven't used it:


    Type /part to leave the channel you are in

    Type /join #theukff to join the UKFF channel

    Type /nick big_sexy_kev to change your name to big_sexy_kev


    Otherwise it is pretty straight forward. Questions can be asked here about it too.

  4. Posting the spoiler rules on here again seeing as it seems to have gone nuts recently with the whole TNA thing:




    Any posts about TV shows which haven't aired yet in the UK (Raw, for example) should have SPOILERS clearly placed in the subject line. It is important that you abide by the spoiler rules as people revealing spoilers will have their accounts suspended, so take care before posting. If we suspect you of deliberately revealing spoilers or continuously revealing spoilers we will disable your account permanently.






    Raw & Smackdown


    Raw or Smackdown spoilers can be posted after the evening show (i.e 9/10pm) has aired. It should be noted that with Raw now being broadcast live in the early hours of Tuesday morning, threads relating to the show should still be marked as SPOILERS until the evening show has aired. This is to give people who are unable to stay up for the live show a chance to see it without having the show spoiled.






    Pay Per View events


    SPOILERS should be marked for the next 2 days after the event has taken place, therefore until Tuesday evening (9 PM) in the case of a Sunday PPV. A Tuesday PPV would alter that deadline to Thursday evening at 9 PM.






    TNA Events


    ALL TNA results must be clearly marked as SPOILERS until one week after the US airing. This includes Impact, meaning no unmarked spoilers should be posted until a week after the relevant episode has aired in the US (or on the Internet, as is currently the situation). Obviously this also includes placing any spoilers in your signature.


    This is to give people enough time to either download the shows or get them from a trader. Even though we're not implementing a rule to go alongside the delayed TWC shows, we still ask that everyone be considerate enough to try and not post important spoilers in topic titles just for the sake of doing so.

  5. we were totally laughing about that thing that neil said.



    3rd place in the awards says different mate, and these awards do mean something yeah? The lads bought me drinks all night after hearing about it. They were so proud. That tosser Finchy had to start up though, giving it the big'un and going "mate you fixed them awards didn't you" which proper pissed me off.

  6. I'm the type of lad who loves knocking back 10 pints at the boozer, having a doner kebab after (extra chili sauce), then coming home and just so happening to log in a forum a year after quitting it in a massive crybaby huff, and finding a post mentioning my username? What are the chances eh? What a giggle.

  7. In regards to BaZtnM. He contacted me through bebo to tell me he apparently got caught being in the paid members forum when he is not a paid member and he got suspended/banned? Also i have noticed that since i became a paid member my account has not let me access to the paid members forum. Apparently im told it only appears on the main UKFF page once you have paid member status which i do. Anyone help sort that out? Cheers.

    Try it now. You had some weird user permission mask set.


    Also, bAzTNM has not been banned, but the account that he was using to access the Paid Member forum has been. This account goes by the name of 'Larry' who some of you may remember as being that utter moron klown's girlfriend.


    Maybe he should clear his cookies :rolleyes:

  8. Another thing. I was suspended on the UKFF for aparently saying a racist joke but here on this thread the offending word which i wont say as i fear permanment ban is being said in a joking context. If the moderators here dont suspend the people here for the same then poor show that the forum moderators will have one rule for their favorites and one rule for people that they are dying to have an excuse to ban.

    Tommy missing context as per usual. This thread, a thread about masturbating while drunk turns into some harmless faux "your racist" talk where someone says the word "nigger" with absolutely no context (also receiving zero reports). While good ol dangerously420 here posted the following:


    President Barack Obama was informed that that he was going to be receving a papal visit from the Vatican. He replied back to one of his close aides that "I aint ordered not italian shit from ebay ni**a"



    If the new people stick to the rules, the first thing they'll do is ban you. Previously banned members can't sign up. You should be grateful for the fact that you are even allowed to pollute the forum.

    Something he ALWAYS forgets by the way.


    The UKFF management needs a shake up i think with new people being in charge.

    May as well announce it here, but I've recently handed in my 30 day notice to Moo. We've parted amicably, and my replacement is going to be selected in a "UKFF's Next Top Moderator" type event.

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