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Posts posted by aaron

  1. you don't quite get what I'm saying.

    Finally we agree on something. I was half tempted to bring up Pete Doherty a minute ago, just to get onto a topic that made as much sense as this one.

    I'm not looking to argue, I'm just saying that the fact he hasn't actually denied it's him is obviously a positive thing. Maybe if you hauled your head out of your own arse once in a while you'd realize that, I dunno.




    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


    If -> then -> else



  2. Another for Shatner here too.

    Another for Santino's Tea party.


    Still think I'm missing something classic from NXT though... there was some well funny shit. Wish I could remember what though.


    Always harder to remember the real funny stuff. Because your brain can't digest for memory when its too busy convulsing with laughter. Hmm.


    EDIT - And, yeah, "The Miz girl fan reaction" :laugh:

  3. Zoolander


    . . .


    Very funny, worth a buy (as thats how cheap im guessing it is these days),






    The Fifth Element


    . . .


    If you havent seen it, i must say.......what have you been doing? Go an watch it now!




    I like The Fifth Element. I love Zoolander!~


    "Really, really good looking".



  4. Wall-E


    So Mrs T bought this on DVD the other week and although we'd allready seen it, we thought we'd chuck the dvd on for no real reason. (Also the extra of the animated short "Presto!" is one of the funniest things Pixar have done, ever. And thats saying something considering its a 5+ min short film. I suggest you check it out if you havent!).


    Bar that Wall-E is of course the story of a little rubbish collecting robot left behind on earth whilst the rest of the planet leave until its done. For some reason he's the only one left, but is content in his role. Another robot turns up from the human ship in space, called EVE. She is looking for signs of natural life so that the humans may return.


    I wont spoil it if you havent seen it, but i will dare say this is the best movie pixar have done, (again i dare say it), even better than toystory. I'll guess you'd have to make up your own mind, but this film is a gem in the pixar history, and in some parts can really make you think about where life is heading, (mainly the fat people in chairs, drinking food from cups and not taking there eyes off the screens in front of them).


    totally amazing film, worth a watch/buy and/or rent




    Still not got round to seeing this yet.


    Is it better than Toy Story 3 because I don't see how Pixar can top that?


    Either way, it is going on my list, so I will see it soon enough.

    I would say that although toy story 3 is amazing, as is the whole series, im going out on a limb and saying wall-e is the best movie pixar have ever made.


    DOnt know if anybody else would agree, but i personally think that in the world of pixar this (for some reason to me) seems to be the most realistic. Again im aware its about robots/the future/space travel etc, but the robots behave like robots (if that makes sense) and it all just seems more plausable rather than talking cars/toys/bugs etc.


    Give it watch, either way if you watch it, be sure to watch the "presto!" feature, as its also gold.


    I would say that Toy Story 1 and 3 are way more enjoyable than Wall-E.

    Toy Story 1 being truly iconic and Toy Story 3 made me cry a little like the hype suggested it would.


    Wall-E left me a bit disappointed given the hype but it was a decent film. Nothing more than that IMO. I watched it. Enjoyed it. Barely thought about it since.

    The stuff they done to make you think just left me cursing Disney schmultz. Nothing clever. Just stuff to make kids green I guess.


    I watched Inception last week.

    If you like action films, you should like this.

    However, I thought it was a bit shit and want to slap the writers for misleading me with the awesome trailers.

    What a waste of time. If you like a SWERVE~ then, ok, you won't be pissed like I was.



    Toy Story 1 = *****

    Toy Story 3 = ****1/4

    Wall-E = **1/2

    Inception = **1/4


    Oh, and I saw Looking For Eric last week too. This was a touching film and had me thinking about bits of it over the next day. Some cartoon villains but the films about the heroes.

    I liked how they pieced together the back-story and the man himself gives the film an extra star. Nice film.


    Looking For Eric = ***1/2


    Ah, and I saw Shank too. As I made it to the end of the film... *

    Nothing noteworthy here. Its all been covered in the films Harry Brown (****1/2), Kidulthood (***3/4) and Adulthood (****) instead.


    I saw Fanboys too. Despite my love of Star Wars this was still pretty poor with some gaps in the story not fully explained (that I noticed anyway).

    Rating = *1/4

  5. Hancock


    Perfect film to watch whilst hungover, first thing on a Sunday morning! I really enjoyed it and liked the whole concept! Glad I didn't read the back of the DVD case however, as, although I realised that something was up with the wife, I didn't see her being special coming! Heared there could be a sequal in the works which would be good too!


    Verdict: Will Smith-tastic!




    For the first half of the film, I'd also give it 8/10... for the second half of the film, I'd line the writers up against a wall with the Director.


    It started great, developed nicely, and then went completely shit beyond belief.

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