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Fat Boy Mendoza

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Posts posted by Fat Boy Mendoza

  1. What's the deal with the "wrestlers handshake" ?


    Is that a euphemism? Is that what Patterson used to call the ol' reach-around?


    Or do you just mean when wrestlers shake each other's hands, which best I can tell is the same as any handshake?


    I believe I know what you are on about.


    Essentially, when wrestlers shake other wrestler's hands it's a very soft handshake. None of this overly-firm, macho stuff.


    From what I was told back when i used to train, it used to be a way of knowing who was actually in on the 'work' back when that mattered. If someone tried to crush your hand with a macho handshake, they weren't in on how the business worked and were probably some bloke trying to look hard. If the handshake was soft, you knew it was another worker.


    I think the tradition just stuck. Another part of it was that it stopped backstage hardmen from trying to out-do each other in the macho handshake department.


    Just one of those little things that people did really. I certainly noticed it when being introduced to veterans while training.


    Yeah, that's the one. Seemed a little strange to me but hey ho. Is it still common place with wrestlers or is just the veterans who keep it going ?

  2. Saw Cemetery Junction last night. I absolutely loved it. It was right up my street anyway, Gervais and Merchant writing, loads of familiar faces to spot, great humour, some subtle, some smashing you over the head and four main characters that I took to right away. I thought it told a cracking story in it's hour and a half and even though I saw the ending a mile off, it worked beautifully. What a good film.


    Yeah I love it. Shame it didn't make a load of money, because its stuff like this Gervais should be doing and not balls like The Invention of Lying/Ghost Town.


    I'd like to add my appreciation of Cemetery Junction. Thought it was really good, some great characters and some great young (fairly unknown) actors. Gervais didn't even try and steal any of the scenes he was in which I thought was good.


    Also, I have now fallen in love with Felicity Jones





  3. tumblrlc5bjldo3c1qcdaed.jpg


    Being released May 25th 2012, In 3-D ( Hate 3-D :( ) Plot details not yet known but can't see it venturing from the last 2. Part of me died when I saw Nicole Scherzinger on the cast list.

    hopefully won't be as bad as the second

    I dunno :bored: At the start of the summer there were rumors that it had been scrapped and I was hoping they were true, but then I thought maybe, just maybe if they did it right it could be good and started to get excited.

    Then today I saw the cast :(

    Does it have Smith and Jones in?



    I wish !!


  4. I have just seen this on Wikipedia and although I take some stuff on there with a pinch of salt I wondered if anyone had any more information on this. I found it strange because it was on Phil Cool's page (80's/90's rubber faced impressionist):


    In a 2002 production on BBC comedy performers, Karl Howman recalled how he and Cool obtained tickets and backstage passes for a World Championship Wrestling (WCW) event while both were in the United States during the early 1990s. Cool's humour and impressions of wrestling stars such as Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair were well received by the wrestlers backstage who were told of his BBC work and keen to have Cool involved in the product in some way. Cool's schedule would not allow a long term commitment, but he did appear at one live show, portraying masked wrestler Kendo Nagasaki (also known as The Dragonmaster). Cool was unmasked and revealed as an imposter sent by Nagasaki to throw off his opponent. The real Nagasaki, played by Kazuo Sakurada (who is also well-known as the trainer of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and WCW superstar Bret "The Hitman" Hart), appeared on the rampway as Cool delivered some amusing facial expressions and a brief monologue in the ring.


    Now it could be all bollocks but if not what a strange story. Any one got any more information ?



  5. I have a couple.......


    When I was about 18/19 I used to work in Marks and Spencers. This girl started working there who was a year younger than me and was absolutely gorgeous. We struck up a really good friendship and I really started to fancy her. I decided to ask her out and to my delight she said "yes". I took her into town for a few drinks and a bit of a chat. Now a couple of things to tell you before we continue, she was quite a shy person and I can also get a little shy/nervous on occasion. We went to the first bar and I bought us a round of drinks, me a beer and her a glass of wine. We started chatting, well I say "we" but it was really just me. She said nothing. I asked her questions and she just clammed up and said hardly anything. There were long pauses and awkward silences. When I am nervous I tend to drink quicker because I need to do something to cover the silence. Because of this I finished my drink before her. I went to the bar to get another drink for me (she declined one) and returned trying to once again create conversation. Still nothing from her and so quickly my drink finished again. I don't want you to think I was downing these pints but I was getting through them probably quicker than normal. I went to the bar for the third time and still she didn't want a drink. Again more awkward silences and one sided questions, that pint slipped down quickly as well. I made my way to the bar for the 4th time and she said to me "I think you have a drinking problem, you need to get help !!!" I was a little stunned at this (bearing in mind this was 3 pints in probably over an hour. I took her home and we never really talked again :-(


    Another girl.....


    Years later I had just come out of a 5 year relationship so was looking for a bit of fun. I took a shine to one of the temp secretaries at work and on the day that her contract ended I invited her out for some food and a few drinks. It all seemed to be going well but there were a couple of red flags along the way. During the meal we sat and talked about holidays, I had just come back from NYC (for WMXX incidentally) and had mentioned it to her. I explained that I had been to this really cool store and she said she would go there next time she was in York. I explained that I was in New York NOT York and she didn't understand what I meant. She thought they were the same place. She thought that all the skyscrapers you see in movies were actually in a little city in the North of England !!! I let that one pass (she had awesome tits and I was horny !) and we left the restaurant. We walked across the town square and in front of us was a homeless guy who was bending over a fountain in the middle of the square. Without a moments thought she walked up behind him and kicked him in arse so that he span around and fell into the fountain !!!! Despite being extremely shocked I jumped in a taxi with her when she suggested going back to her place.

    We went up to her room and started fooling around. We were both almost naked on her bed when she looked at me and said "I think I am falling in love with you". We had known each other for about 2 weeks and we had been on a date for about 3 hours !! Any way I continued....I went to move my hand under the elastic of her panties and she recoils saying "No, I haven't shaved me biff for ages" !! I don't think I could have even raised a smile after that :-( I stayed the night but made an early dart in the morning.


    My favourite story comes from a guy I used to work with. He asked this girl out when he was 16/17 and he wanted to take her clubbing as she loved her dance music. His Dad offered to give them a lift to the club but when they got there the guy was refused entry into the club but the girl wasn't. Rather than leave with the guy she proceeded to go into the club and he ended up sitting in the car with his Dad waiting for her to come out hours later. He heard a few days later from one of the lads who had been there that he had fingered her that night while he waited in the car. What must his Dad have though ? My son, what a loser !

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