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Phil Austin

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Posts posted by Phil Austin

  1. Smash had been Krusher Kruschev, working in Mid-Atlantic and then Mid-South, from where he was poached.

    Who went on to become Repo Man, and do that awful golf gimmick in WCW. Didn't he have other gimmicks in WCW?
    He was also Blacktop Bully (? I think I remember that horrible name right), and the best gimmick of all----Barry Darsow.
  2. Who was the first WWF wrestler to have entrance music that was an actual song by an actual band rather than "stock" music?Also, what was the first PPV to have a real theme song? WM17?

    Perhaps the DX music, if that counts? Can't think of anything before that...
    Hulk Hogan originally had the Rocky music. I guess he must be one of the first? Or maybe Gorgeous George?
  3. How long was Barry Windham involved with the WWF for in 1989? I know he is on the back of the Survivor Series 1989 video as he was meant to be a member of Randy Savage's team that night. What happened?

    It must have been a matter of weeks or months-it was long enough for him to get a theme tune though, as I have a copy of that on my PC.
  4. Haven't watched it in a while, but I believe it was Stan Lane.Oh, and John Lister knows all this stuff because he is in fact the true God of Wrestling (so suck on that Triple H!)Great to hear about the Orient Express again, a truly underrated WWF team! Never knew they had a transitional period as a three man team!My question: Where did Jamison (the nerdy Bushwhacker manager guy) appear from? Was he like Ralphus, a ring crew type guy or did they employ him especially-had he worked as a manager or something elsewhere? And what did he do once he left?

  5. Interesting-I saw the Sting one and thought it was ok. Given that naive first impression, I must dig out the Michaels & Bret Hart ones on Limewire or edonkey!The Matt Hardy one is good, I personally also liked the Jeff Hardy one if only for the awesome shot of him and the Undertaker they used, but my favourite was the history one (until they NWO'ed it!). I remember getting to see it on the big screen at Insurrextion with the fans cheering loudly for each legendary star as they appeared.

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