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Phil Austin

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Posts posted by Phil Austin

  1. [Touken TVThis isn't Youtube as such, but its oh so much better if you like your Japanese wrestling;)

    Haven't had chance to watch anything yet but this looks like an absolute gold mine! Are they complete matches?
    Yes they have full matches. They also have an amazing Liger Tiger match that shows Liger being an absolute bastard!!The commentry is awful (kawada is crap apparantly) but the shows are decent.
    As I said, commentary is pretty much dependent on your tastes-I find it equal parts informative and mildly entertaining. Plus its a refreshing change to random Japanese fellows jabbering on (which I do like, but its just nice to have something a little different).
  2. Each show is 2 hours featuring full matches, commentated by the two American guys--obviously purists will hate the American commentary, but I think it adds new insights. Great matches too, and all in decent quality from the shows I've seen! This is the greatest find I've ever come across!

  3. I was just listening to the new podcast on Wrestle Crap Radio, and RD Reynolds said that he is writing a column for a UK wrestling magazine called "fighting spirit" that comes out on April 13th. I have looked on Google and could not find much info. Has anyone else heard of this magazine?

    Fighting Spirit was being pimped at 1PW this month.It's set to be a new combat magazine featuring wrestling, boxing and MMA.The first issue should be out soon...ish.
    Thanks for the info. :thumbsup:
    Fighting Spirit should be out mid April (I think its due around the 15th), and features the following writers: Lance Storm, Dan Severn, Bill Apter, Dave Scherer, Bryan Alvarez. From what I've seen it will be superb-the focus will be far less WWE oriented and more UK oriented and TNA/ROH/Japan/MMA oriented.
  4. Misawa's Comedy Variety Show



    Ok, I think this is the ultimate Youtube find-it's grumpy old man Mitsuharu Misawa doing comedy on the Japanese version of what looks to be Noel's House Party!!! Includes a whole comedy skit in a restaurant with loads of the NOAH guys (I spotted Rikioh and Ogawa, and I think Morishima) and a sequence with the NOAH guys doing their impression of the 'Amarillo' video from the looks of things;)



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