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Posts posted by kidzero

  1. Sad news I'm 41 and I loved Razor Ramon I grew up in the new generation era i was at the hight of my fandom in 94-95 I know 95 gets a bad rap but I thought it was a great year razor was king back then rip my old friend.."say goodbye to the bad guy"

  2. There is a go fund my page currently at $12 grand of an $18 grand goal..it's supposedly set up but Mr wonderfuls daughter in law...I'd rather donate to the ads on itv 4 about donate £2 a month to adopt a monkey/donkey/tiger etc. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Because it’s old school wrestling mentality innit? He knows full well there will be folks out there making sure he doesn’t have to dip into his own pocket. “Who wants to buy Mr Wonderful a coffin” is pretty high on the Foley scale, but people will do it. 

    Yeah true

  4. Rip Mr wonderful...But I think it's terrible that his son is looking for donations to pay for his funeral I mean why can't the son pay for it ?or did Paul not have any savings to cover the cost? what about WWE royalty checks coming in?  Like it's sad news..but I would rather make a donation to someone that is on the bread line that needs the money more than someone who main evented wrestlermania

  5. I like Shane Douglas but he was over rated and is full of bs and excuses when it comes to why he didn't make it he blames everyone but himself it was all was someone else's fault..etc

  6. I thought the the first season of powerrr was good and half of the second season was and I did buy hard times and the time so I did support the nwa...but it went shit before the pandemic and they have no roster of any one of note and that is worthwhile I'm sure Chris hero or some ex WWE guy will show up at the ppv

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