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Posts posted by kidzero

  1. 11 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

    While WWF tag teams from the mid 90s and Owen Hart are the topic of discussion, is anyone aware of any hidden gems involving the short lived team of Owen Hart and Yokozuna? Aesthetically as a pairing, I loved them and I enjoyed watching them individually for very different reasons. Any matches that might not be obvious picks that are worth checking out? 

    Yes I loved WWF in 95 bad gimmicks and all

  2. 19 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    have a wrestleuniverse subscription (amazing value for money) and will check out whatever catches my eye, on there.

    Yeah I have that app handy to watch Noah and DDT I never really watch it I've only watch bits of Noah and gan pro and seen bits tjpw

  3. Match of the night was sting retirement match went out his way fair play ..I'm happy for Roddy's title win .. Wardlow vs Joe main event of the next ppv probably.

  4.  it had a bad reputation up till about 15 -20 years ago  "you don't watch that crap it's all fake isn't it" but I think the younger generation are more accepting of it now days even if there not fans of it particularly 

  5. Anyone watch no surrender I enjoyed the show shame gyv didn't win the tag belts but I like ABC are we gonna get rscls vs ABC in a gimmick match at rebellion ..I would have liked Simon Gotch to have won by cheating but they made the right choice with Ali and the X title...whats the word on Leon Slater any idea when he's gonna turn up.

  6. 4 hours ago, air_raid said:



    Whole lot of “think” in these replies, shame there aren’t resources online where these things can be checked.

    Road Dogg vs Al Snow was the planned Hardcore title match for the Massacre, but according to the Observer he had to go to drug rehab. He did a stretcher job at MSG on the Saturday before the PPV which they tied in on TV mentioning he was injured, and hastily started an issue between Al and JOB Squad mate Bob Holly which resulted in their match for the vacant belt on the Massacre show. Later on TV would Bob start calling himself “Hardcore Holly”. Roadie would return on 1st March Raw, thrown straight back out on TV roughly 3 weeks after his “neck injury.”

    Billy was in a triangular rivalry with Ken Shamrock who he’d unsuccessfully challenged for the ICT at the Rumble, and Val Venis who was vying for the affection of Kenny boy’s storyline sister Ryan. Mr Ass was the guest ref for Shamrock vs Venis at the PPV which had the hilarious sight of Ryan forgetting what she was doing and Ken having to obviously - visibly and audibly - tell her “slap me” on camera - with Venis picking up the win shortly after.

    The aftermath of these two matches later on being a Russoriffic episode of Raw where each Outlaw won the title that the other had been persuing, which they would contest the week after title for title but go to a no contest when the various other interested parties interfered… culminating in each defending those titles at Mania XV.

    What kind of name is “Ryan” for a girl anyway??



  7. 3 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

    The Royal Rumble match from 1999 for me. Although nothing really happens once Austin and McMahon leave the match after the first 10 minutes it’s just pure nostalgia for me. Even though there’s lots of tripe in there like Kurrgan and Tiger Ali Singh I always revisit it every year. It was the first PPV I ever watched in full so has that special place for me. 

    Love that ppv but I also love st valentines massacre 99 al snow vs hardcore holly in a river didn't Billy gun won the ic title at that ppv

  8. 39 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Worth reminding that as well as recent involvement, D’Amore was head of the booking team for a lot of TNAs peak years 2005-07 before Russo stuck his beak in. He’s a guy you want on your team. Madness.

    Yeah I love 2002-2010 TNA Scott was a big part of my love for the company Beit as the leader of team Canada (04 Petey Williams rules) or in creative I was diggin the company again I reckon we will see changes for better  or worse in the next six to 8 months with talent leaving or just the shape of the company moving forward.

  9. 2 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

    Come to think of it, it seems amazingly behind the curve for TNA to revamp its own streaming service when the media rights industry is generally in a pattern of amalgamation.

    It may explain why AEW hasn’t bothered yet and may well be holding out for an Amazon Prime deal?

    Its much easier to justify paying for a streaming service that also contains films, TV shows etc than one (often coating just as much) catering for the back catalogue of one pro wrestling company (essentially a niche within a niche).

    Cool..lads is this deal for Ireland well?

  10. I've watched ever episode of aew tv and ppvs the last 3 years I haven't watched aew since the world's end ppv I'm glad Joe won the world title and I'm a fan of his work the last 20 odd years  I've been meaning to get back in to aew ..how is aew been since Joe as champ

  11. 17 minutes ago, Daddymagic said:

    ICW have announced that creator Mark Dallas had left the company with Duncan Grey (previous Co owner) now fully in charge and a group including Jack Jester running creative. 

    I personally think the WWE tie in really damaged them as a brand and they haven't recovered so hopefully this marks a new direction .

    Who cares

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