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Posts posted by Vito

  1. Why live with it? Why not try and change it? No human being is worth more than another.

    I don't understand what kind of system you're even suggesting we change to. Anarchy? Communism? A dictatorship?

  2. I'm astonished that anyone can still be sympathising with the rioters after everything we've seen over the past few days. You can only bury your head in the sand for so long.

  3. I hate how the media are reporting on Police deployments, I heard them mention relocating officers from my hometown to some of the worst areas of London to back up the Met, which is all well and good for the Met but now every cunt in my hometown is going to be out raising Hell tonight knowing that the Police in the area are short staffed. It's massively irresponsible of the media to do this.

  4. Is there any link to this? Haven't heard it reported.

    That's the problem though, isn't it? Everything's happening so fast the the media outlets can't keep up.

  5. Long story short: Some cunts watched some other cunts looting shops unopposed on the news and figured they'd get a few mates together and have a go at it.

  6. Here's a tip for anyone looking to keep up to date, go to Twitter and search for "ukriots" and you'll get a constant stream of live comments and pictures. It's going so fast now that I can barely keep up with it.

  7. I'm watching and it looks like mainly white kids with a few black kids thrown in.

    I've seen a lot of footage today from mainstream media outlets like Sky and the BBC but also a lot of raw footage from webcams and suchlike and from what I've seen the rioters seem to be overwhelmingly ethnic. I saw a white guy tossing around lumbar but those attacking shop windows with hammers and throwing shopping trollies at Police have been black.

  8. It's incredible, I'm sitting here watching various news feeds and for the most part the rioters seem to be doing whatever they want unchallenged, on the few occasions I've seen a Police presence they seem to be playing a passive or a defensive role. Is this really what it's come to? The Police having to stand by and just watch as homes and businesses are destroyed by cunts. I'm sorry if this is "right wing" or whatever but the Police should be getting in there and beating these people back, I'm sure they'll think twice about stealing that pair of trainers when I've had a few clouts to the skull with a baton. This isn't a child having a tantrum, you can't ignore it and hope that they tire themselves out, it's time for action.

  9. Live


    Why aren't the Police cracking skulls? Jesus Christ, there's people pelting the Police with rocks and wood and they're just standing there and taking it.

  10. As far as in the short-term, all you can do is appeal for calm from local community leaders and hope that the police are transparent as far as the shooting goes.

    This is an interesting term that I'd like to explore for a moment. I'm not trying to pick a fight here but isn't "local community leaders" a bit of an archaic term in 2011? The only communities which seem to have leaders whose opinions carry any real weight seem to be in religious communities. My own town has a mayor and elected council representatives but I don't think any of them could calm the rage of an angry mob.

  11. This works two ways though, as people will have to be employed in the construction trade and various others to recover these buildings. As long as they have insurance, it shouldn't be a problem. In fact, they'll get nice shiny buildings out of it to make up for the inconvenience, it is the people paying the extra premiums who will suffer.

    I'm not talking about building owners, I'm referring to the people who work in them on a daily basis. Take Carpet Right for example, the building owners and Carpet Right themselves will claim off of their respective insurances (assuming Carpet Right don't own the building) and will probably rebuild, but what about the staff who work there on a daily basis? How many people are now out of a job because Carpet Right burned to the ground? I don't know exactly how big the place was but let's take a wild guess and say that it's probably at least thirty people, the core management structure will probably relocate to other branches, but where does that lead the rest of the staff? And that's just Carpet Right, what about the other business that were destroyed? As someone earlier in the thread rightly pointed out a lot of these areas are impoverished and known for high levels of crime, what happens if all of these businesses (read: employers) decide that they don't need a presence in said areas?


    These riots have achieved absolutely nothing positive, all they've succeeded in doing is making already crappy areas even worse. Organising a protest or even rioting to achieve an intended goal is one thing, but this served no purpose, it was nothing more than absolute carnage for shits and giggles.


    Sorry for all of the question marks in the above post. I'm trying to bring to peoples attention the one thing which tends to be forgotten when these things happen; the terrible price that the average person always ends up paying.

  12. The death penalty for rioting? Jesus Christ, it just gets worse.

    That's not what I was suggesting at all. Protesting is one thing, but deliberately burning homes and livelihoods to the ground is inexcusable. How many people do you think are on the phone right now talking to the Jobseekers/Housing Benefit people because their place of work has been destroyed?

  13. Guardian photos



    Some of those pictures are incredible, picture nineteen being particularly poignant. I wonder how many people went to work this morning to discover that they no longer had a job because a bunch of cunts decided to destroy everything in sight. The Carpet Right store in flames was an incredible image, but it was still a livelihood to everyone who worked there.


    It's oddly appropriate that last week people were signing petitions to retain this countries ban on capital punishment, I wonder how many peoples views on it have been changed after this.

  14. As I understand it, they weren't protesting against the shooting, they were asking for information about what happened to him from the police, who were ignoring their request, hence the protest.

    I understand that the family wanted to know what happened, but surely most sensible people would understand that it was going to take more than one day for the Police to collect statements and put the pieces together adequately. Mark Duggan was shot by Police on Thursday evening and the protest and subsequent riot occurred on Saturday, that means that the family must have spent all day Friday putting the word out about the protest. It seems strange that they'd decide that the Police "were ignoring them" and that the only course of action open to them was to protest.

  15. Typical hysterical dickhead mentality. Everyone complains and accuses the Police of "not doing their jobs" when shootings occur, but when the Police shoot someone who appears to be carrying a gun in public everyone still complains. It's the same shit every time, Police marksmen take down an uncooperative and aggressive person who appears to have a firearm (in this case he did) and then everyone loses their shit because apparently we're supposed to believe that the Police have nothing better to do than go around arbitrarily shooting members of the public for no reason.


    According to several articles I've read Mark Duggan was paranoid and sad because one of his friends had been stabbed recently, his friends and family have claimed that he wasn't an aggressive or a violent person yet he was carrying a gun and exchanged fire with Police officers. People who are "no trouble" don't get into a firefight with Police, Hell, people who are "no trouble" wouldn't know how to obtain a gun. Eyewitnesses have claimed that the Police gave Duggan every opportunity to go quietly but he refused, hardly the actions of an innocent man, are they?


    It seems to me as though a bunch of luddites decided to go on a riot and figured that the Police shooting a fellow thug would be a great excuse.

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