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  1. I struggled with this one too! ‘To The Beat’ is even harder though, I’m seriously struggling with that one. And it’s what stands between me and getting every bot right now… EDIT: I completed it! Turns out there is an even harder optional challenge, which is now eating up my time…
  2. You could probably rush through the whole thing relatively quickly, but I don’t imagine you’d want to. I’m going on a 100% run because I’m loving it that much, and I’m 19-hours in and I’m close-ish to completion. To be honest, shorter games suit me down to the ground these days, but this is one I don’t want to end. I imagine I’ll be doing a second play-through sooner rather than later. If it wasn’t for Zelda being on the horizon, I’d be replaying it immediately. It’s brilliant.
  3. I have, I didn’t enjoy it as much as their other podcasts though. Maybe I need to give it another shot.
  4. I said it a couple of weeks ago, and I still feel the same - their ‘feud’ is ridiculously boring to me. I’ve no idea how or why it started, although I’m sure there would have been something that happened on screen that I’ve forgotten about. In spite of me, on the whole, preferring the storytelling in WWE right now, it’s probably more accurate for me to say I prefer the storytelling on Raw. While I do enjoy the Bloodline stuff on Smackdown, I think the show is suffering from its paper-thin roster. Hopefully they’ll address that in the near future with a few trades or call-ups.
  5. I know there are a few people here who listen to the Beef and Dairy Network podcast, and the St Elwick’s Newsletter podcast - does anyone have any recommendations for something similar that might scratch my surrealist comedy itch? Or just my comedy itch in general?
  6. Talking of Zelda, I’m going to suggest the depth in Tears of the Kingdom. When I first ended up underground, I expected to find interesting things - maybe an underground village, or creepy abandoned ruins of a town or something adding to the story, making you wonder what happened there - instead, it’s just as copy/paste expanse, which isn’t particularly fun to explore and doesn’t have much to it. The fact the game forces you down there at various points is a a bit annoying, it’s just not a fun area to visit.
  7. I’m at the point where I know I’m going to finish it soon, and I don’t want to. I really, really hope they release DLC and release it quickly. I feel like I’ve been waiting for Spider-Man 2 DLC forever, to the point I’m not entirely sure it’s coming. I don’t want to wait that long for more Astro Bot content!!
  8. I’d also add, to @DavidB6937’s brilliant summary, that there’s a sense of thought behind the storytelling, and as far as I can think, they’re yet to just ‘drop’ a storyline thread for no reason, as was commonplace in the McMahon era - that means it’s much easier to invest in what’s going on. There’s also rarely any content you’d feel embarrassed to watch in front of a non-wrestling fan; again, something that was commonplace in the Vince era. I probably prefer the wrestling in AEW personally, but I think WWE has the storytelling side of things nailed in a way that caters to my personal tastes. But on the whole, I find both companies very enjoyable. Between what WWE, AEW and TNA are offering, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed being a wrestling fan more. Long may it continue.
  9. That’s fair enough, you can’t help fatigue and maybe a break will have you feeling more enthusiastic about it again - I dipped out of the Luke and Pete Show for a while for similar reasons and loved it again when I came back to it.
  10. Yeah, Wrestle Me is ans much about the personalities of the two hosts as it is the wrestling. If you don’t enjoy listening to them, fair enough - but I thought the All In episode was a lot of fun. I’m sure they’ll do a full review in the future, much as they did with Wrestlemania (where they typically do an episode about the live experience, then one after they watch the show back)
  11. That’s definitely not true. Look in the All Out thread - there’s a healthy discussion on some of the spots that took place. In the case of this match, as @LaGoosh said, it’s one match on one episode of Dynamite - it’s hardly an extended feud. I’d also ask the question again - during this run, what matches have we not got from Danielson that we should have? And I’d point to retirement runs in WWE - Ric Flair’s last matches included a tag match against Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke, and a 4-on-2 against Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Chavo Guerrero and Edge. Hardly blockbuster stuff. There’s room for a variety of matches in runs like this - but ultimately, we don’t know when Danielson is retiring and this is the end of his full-time career, not his career as a whole. So even after it’s done he’ll still have matches. And it’s not like this is his retirement match. It’s not Kurt Angle facing Baron Corbin (though facing McGuinness is leagues above that). You’re just, for some reason, choosing to die on a hill that wasn’t worth climbing in the first place.
  12. I’m not really sure what your problem with this is. You say he should be used in marquee matches - which main event wrestlers in AEW has he not had the opportunity to wrestle? Where are the missed opportunities? Not every match can be a ‘marquee match’ and nor should it be. There’s room for him to face whoever the heck he wants to. If he decided he fancied a bout on Dynamite with Fuego Del Sol then fine, that’s totally OK. McGuinness is a stride above that and a fun aside in between his title matches. He has Christian, Moxley and Darby gunning for him - there’s still a lot going on in his storyline world.
  13. They’ve not specified when Bryan will hang up his boots - just that this current run will be his last run as a full-time wrestler. To be fair, a Bryan has had plenty of marquee matches recently - and will continue to do so. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them doing this match, even if the way they announced it was just plain stupid and avoidably weak.
  14. I played the 3DS version of this, which has a lot of quality of life improvements. I actually really enjoyed it at first, but there came a point where I just felt fed up of it. I’d invested so much time in it by that point that I felt obliged to complete it, and I did - but it’s a game that would be much more fondly remembered if it was half the length that it is. I’d highly recommend DQV - the DS version ideally - which is just so innovative, introducing so many cool concepts which were completely new to the genre. I’m really looking forward to you getting round to Live-a-Live too, to see if you love it as much as I did.
  15. They absolutely did, though. Listen to the reaction he got and was getting in the weeks before the allegations broke - fans were still enthusiastically singing along to his theme song, and he was getting a very positive reception. There was absolutely an online narrative as you've said, but it hadn't affected the reaction. The allegations did - and things fell sharply from there. He had to pivot sharply into his current character. God, I don't want to cast myself as the defender of Jericho as that's certainly not my intention - but ultimately, when is the last time he even flirted with the main event? He's been a midcard legacy act for a long time, whether he's intended to be or not (I suspect not). The people you've listed - he was beaten by Andretti, but he also lost to Starks and Cole. He lost to Hook at Wembley - he's been losing to younger wrestlers, but for a variety of reasons it's not really benefitted them. It's probably a sign of a fall in Jericho's value, but it's also partly a symptom of limitations the wrestlers you list have.
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