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Posts posted by MungoChutney

  1. The Jakks line on the bottom right was the first I collected rather than played with. They had some excellent figures in that range until they got to the Titantron Live era and they went a bit shite until the first Legends series came out.

    I have to say though the current Basics and Elite series from Mattel have both had some absolutely storming figures. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    You need a read through this thread Chutters. It doesn't matter who is doing the serving. If they serve any kind of foreign food they are not a fish and chip shop. 

    I can't read this thread unless I'm either posting in it or have just eaten a huge meal. Otherwise I'm heading for the nearest chip shop. Given it's coming up lunchtime I am quite frankly playing fast and loose with my diet by just being here now.

  3. 14 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Pizza of course is an Italian food, and by the strict rules of this thread, is disqualified. 

    Maybe in England. We do things differently up here. Vast majority of chippies in the 1960s Glasgow were run by Italian families and this order came from a place called Mario's. Fish and chips = Italian food. 

  4. 20190218_171858

    I've had a really good start to the year diet wise and I'm down about 16lbs since 1st of Jan. 

    Decided to have a blow out this week and after being out for a pint or eight on Sunday I had this for dinner yesterday.

    Half pizza crunch supper with curry sauce and a can of IrnBru Xtra. Batter on the pizza was better than it looks here but the chips, although well cooked, had gone a bit soggy during the delivery. Overall 7/10.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Really? I don't see any funny comments.

    I thought a few were quite funny and thought the social media staff handled some of then really well.

  6. Haven't been for more than 1 run in the 3 years since I stopped refereeing Sunday football. 

    Having had a Florida holiday and been to some very well-catered work events in the interim it's no surprise that I'm back up to 15 stone. It's not horrendous or unmanageable  as I'm 5' 10" so only around 2 stone from a comfortable weight for me. Never really subscribed to using BMI but even with that I'm only 2 and a half from being 'normal weight'.

    Definitely looking to get that sorted over the next few months. The hardest part won't be the diet it will be the building up activity levels again. Thankfully, Mike Ashley has opened up an Everlast gym 2 minutes from my house that's well kitted out and only costs a fiver per month.

  7. Kat, I love the thought you've given to this and the effort. Honestly though, the families who I've been talking about don't just not have the 25 quid. They don't have time or the inclination to make milk like that. I've never tried it but I'd be amazed if the taste wasn't quite different too. 

    That said, if you're asking people to consider switching to a plant based diet it would be helpful to have more stuff like your mini experiment here. It would for me anyway. 

    We have a decent shopping budget in our house but time is limited. However, we're thinking of giving a vegan diet a go for a couple of days a week once we're back at work after the break. More from a health perspective than an ethical one if I'm being honest.

  8. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:

    It might not be. However, a bunch of the ingredients will be enough to make multiple currys or use for other meals. So if you make curry for 8 and freeze it, you've just halved the per-meal cost. The bulk-buying of a bunch of the ingredients is where the bigger savings come in (and often where a little of the dishonesty about the 'per meal' costs turn up in articles, which sometimes present it as if you can buy 3p worth of rice).

    This makes the assumption that people can afford to buy in bulk. A lot of families live day to day and eat what they can afford on that basis.

  9. I'm yet to be convinced that it's cheaper to make a vegetable curry from scratch for 4 people than it is to buy frozen pizza and frozen chips that will feed them same 4.

    You guys obviously have much more idea of cooking on a Vegan diet than me though, are there any article or reports that compares the cost?

  10. Yeah, Butch has picked my point up. Just as a very quick example, 1L of almond milk in Tesco is £1.70 and 2.7L of semi-skimmed cows milk is £1.09. If you're a family in some kind of financial hardship (hello Universal Credit) then you're not able to afford the vegan option in this case, or in fact many others.

    Take the square sausage I was on about too. That's a common breakfast item up here. Those vegan ones can be bought in a pack of 4 for a fiver. A pack of 4 pork ones will be less than half of that, even for a decent brand or direct from a butcher. 

    The other issue for low income families is that convenient, easy to make food, is much more readily available to them. If you're a single parent with a couple of kids you're unlikely to have time to get out the cook books and do a low cost vegan recipe. Much easier to buy processed food that is cheaper and easier to make. This is a point that is also missed by Jamie Oliver.

    Basically, I think there is so much more to consider in the argument for a plant-based diet than simply the ethics of eating meat.

  11. 20181211_084225

    I'm not a Vegan by any manner of means but popped into Rose & Grants in Glasgow today to try their Vegan square sausage. Square sausage or slice as it's known in the Ayrshire backwaters is a major delicacy up here. This was reasonably tasty but much more expensive than the usual £1.50 pork version made up of pigs ears and feet. Wasn't as tasty either tbh.


    I find that's a huge issue currently with Vegan options in that they're much more expensive than the processed meat alternatives.  We really can't expect families in deprived communities to be switching to a plant based diet anytime soon.

  12. Sympathy for Theresa May? No. Sympathy for families pushed into using food banks by her party's policies? Absolutely. 

    Political discourse is fine but there is absolutely nothing I find admirable about that woman. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I imagine there will be a big away support for the Scotland game, what with the number of Israeli flags you see among the Rangers fans.

    The SFA has been tweeting that no flags other than those of the countries taking part are permitted inside the stadium. Obviously expecting a few Palestinian flags to be brought along on the night.

  14. The illegal immigrants getting more benefits than pensioners should be a giveaway before you even need to look anywhere else.

    They just rocking up at the DSS and declaring their illegal immigration status to get onto benefits aye? 

  15. Anyone having issues with the Network on the Android app? My son has a Samsung Galaxy Tab and we've been using it for the Network since he got it about 18 months ago. Since last week no videos will play, they get stuck on the 'getting location' screen that normally disappears after a second.

    I've tried every fix I've heard of and that's suggested when you Google the issue. All the usual stuff like clearing the cache, adjusting location settings to max, uninstall/reinstall etc and  nothing has worked. Weirdly, other apps that rely on location settings like Netflix or Google Maps work fine. The tablet works on 4G as well as WiFi and I've tried just using  mobile data too with no joy. It's a pain in the arse because we have a few devices to watch on at our house but he relies on using the tablet when he's at my mum's house or out and about elsewhere. 

    Any further ideas for a possible fix would be most welcome.

  16. 20181105_18174720181105_18175420181105_181757

    Top to bottom: King Rib, Sausage and Fish Suppers. Plates and cutlery because we were at my mum's to do fireworks. Amazing batter and unbelievable chips. They do pizzas and kebab meat but don't tell me that's not the product of a real chippy. 

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