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Posts posted by herbie747


    But it's not about the media schedule, despite what anyone is saying. UFC will give him a reduced schedule which he'll happily do, since he know he has to do some media - it's about money



    This was everyone's suspicion, mine included but a lot of people on here seemed to change their mind as soon as Conor posted that Facebook statement. Just believing him despite the fact he'd just pretended to retire?


    That sort of bullshit doesn't work on Lorenzo.



    Guy's worth over over $1.5b. In my (albeit limited) experience of dealing with mega rich people it stops being about money once they're rich & becomes about control & power. I envisage Lorenzo seeing all these people online claiming 'Conor is running the show' & seething.



    I don't even think that would bother him. I'd say it's more about McGregor's tactic of negotiating. 


     Well, yeah, this appearance is alright considering he's not exactly training for anything now and has free time to do so since he isn't fighting. You're trying to make something out of nothing there. 



    Isn't he? Supremo said a few posts ago he's apparently training like a beast now?


    I'm not trying to make anything. Conor claimed that flying out for UFC 197 was unreasonable but is appearing on some shitty talk show a couple of days later. You think he was booked for this on a couple of days notice?


    That appearance was already booked a good while back, so he's likely just fulfilling prior commitments there. 


    But it's not about the media schedule, despite what anyone is saying. UFC will give him a reduced schedule which he'll happily do, since he know he has to do some media - it's about money. That's why he threatened to no-show the press conference, as a negotiating tactic that backfired. That sort of bullshit doesn't work on Lorenzo.


    Re: David, Yep, if he was anyone else he would be blasted. But he's not, and no one else is Conor McGregor.


    he's looking like someone who's managed to do himself out of around $5 million, which is fucking dumb whichever way you look at it


    Not if he ends up not training properly, making $5m, but then losing again.


    Another loss to Diaz affects his earning potential in the longer term. And he'll make that $5m next time he fights anyway - so nothing is being left on the table at all.

  4. The tabloid ones are interesting to see. Herbie, have the latest Conor developments made the front pages over there at all?


    Yeah as above.


    Plus my Dad even asked me yesterday on the phone. And he hasn't a clue about any sports! And my wife paused House of Cards last night to get me to fill her in because she'd been reading & hearing so much. It's big news - well, as big as MMA is in this country - which is pretty much McGregor.


    To put that into perspective, a headline last week read "Former McGregor opponent accused of assault in strip club" - Brandao was not in the headline.

  5. I'd say he wouldn't get on the plane to do the PR because of the issue with UFC. So while it's true that Dana may be pulling him from UFC 200 for not doing the press conference, the reason why he isn't doing it is the issue at hand.


    FRB is saying it's other promises that were made to Conor that UFC did not deliver on - not money. And as much as I despise the scrote, that does make sense. We don't know what they are - but it's likely because UFC failed to deliver something agreed, that Conor is staying put in Iceland until they make good on it. And if Conor stays put in Iceland & doesn't do the press conference, then he's in breach of contract and can be pulled from the event.


    That seems to be the most likely picture right now.

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