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Posts posted by Chili

  1. I have an AEW watch party every week with a non wrestling mate to keep sane, she is vaguely into it because they're keen on Orange Cassidy and Hangman. She's always dropping in on Eddie Kingston that he feels like something from a completely different show and he feels real to the point of completely dangerous. 

  2. There is an absolutely wonderful put down by Paul Merton during a game where they throw out one liners relating to be being the world's worst at something. 

    The suggestion is 'World's Worst person to be in a elevator with' and Merton just strides forward and says 'Hello, I'm John Sessions'.

    Agreed with above, he is an absolute mare to deal with on Whose Line, those early shows are almost utter cack.

  3. First WCW match I saw was his barn burner against the Midnight Express at Bash '90. Met him at an event in 2006 and he seemed delightfully nuts. A really great territory worker though, his SMW work is a real great CV of work, especially his stuff with Dirty White Boy.

  4. I live in Urmston in Manchester and we have (among many) one guy near the train station down the road from my flat. There is a smashed out old phone box near by where he sits in the day and he keeps his stuff in there which has grown to include a sleeping bag and several other bits and bobs after someone donated a sleeping bag etc to him. The local Facebook group had a few turgid folk saying how the phone box was an eyesore with all his gear in it and that it should be removed if it's not being used.

    Kicking off not because a person is homeless, but because his stuff in a disused phone box is apparently harsh on their poor eyes. I assume they think he just goes off to his nice house with his coffee cup of coppers and silvers when the day is done. Like what my Nan would say to me when I approached homeless people as a kid. Look, he's even wearing nice trainers.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I had some of the caramel VIBs a couple of weeks ago and they were shite.

    Flatmate works at McVities in Manchester so brings stuff like this back all the time, didn't think these were that bad. He brought a whopping massive box of Jaffa Cakes too so I've been distracted.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

    The Trotter's flat wasn't grey filth (although I think there was a bit of damp in the corners), but the corridors and lifts looked like they were modelled on the 1980s era New York subway.

    Yeah Nelson Mandela House is meant to look like a sty in its communal corridors, loads of places still look wretched like that. I always though their flat was meant to be bang average a bit under the line of decent, but filled with so much random tat to make it look a bit more claustrophobic and squalid.

  7. 1 hour ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    It is massively depressing, but - and this might just be my blighted imagination - I feel like any Thatcher-era sitcom that wasn't about the middle classes looked like that. Wasn't Del Boy's flat similarly grim? I think OFCOM came for your head if you didn't demonstrate someone was poor via the iconography of a graffifi stained piss-lift. Even the kids drama/comedy shows were at it.


    It's almost a shame it has such a fantastic theme tune, like it's literally the only thing making it worthy of any remembrance. Wish Channel 4 would launch a channel just showing what they had on that day say 30 years ago. I'd never leave the house if channels did that.

  8. Van Halen were always a brilliant yet odd band for me. Everyone loves the Diamond Dave era, but I'm absolutely more into the Hagar era material. Great band and also what a superbly brilliant name. Always really liked 'Why Can't This Be Love?' but obviously Jump is a classic and fair fucks that most people know that song. That synth riff is absolutely set in stone.

  9. I'll be fascinated by what Trump writes in his outgoing letter on inauguration day if he does lose. They're usually cordial 'best of luck' letters, but I can see Trump being the first to never do one, or get crayon marks on the desk.  

    Debate should be an interesting yet absolute car crash tonight, and twitter afterwards will look like 'Threads'.

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