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Otto Dem Wanz

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Posts posted by Otto Dem Wanz

  1. I've just finished the ebook and its a truly excellent read.


    As someone who is just starting a career in publishing I really appreciated his detail about the various ups and downs of the industry and the candidness with which he admitted his own shortcomings and the detail behind tough decisions he had to take.


    I started watching the WWF as a wide-eyed 9 year old in 2000 and found PS an invaluable source of 'inside' information in the (for me at least) pre-internet days, so I owe Fin for helping develop my passion for wrestling which endures to this day. I obviously had no clue before reading the book that PS was in so much trouble back in '97, but I'm damn pleased he persevered with his brainchild until it clearly wasn't viable for much longer.


    If he's ever around London I'd like to buy him a half.




    How do you access the WWE presale?


    O2 priority website.



    Do you know whether a friend or family member on O2 can just provide us with a code to get access for this? Or is it trickier than that?


    Should be able to you just need their number, then O2 send a code to that number and you need that.



    Pal of mine is gonna log in with his details and buy them for me, thanks Setalight.


    I'm sure grime's a tad divisive here but I'm a fan, there's nowt better than old Nasty Crew/Meridian Crew/Roll Deep sets.

    Oh yeah, could listen to sets all day/ Don't forget Slew Dem and Ruff Sqwad


    my favs to listen to, roughly are Esco, Dizzee, Wiley, D Double, Rapid, Slix. Crazy Titch too for pure unhinged-ness. Not too sure what's happening in the grime scene lately, heard a few nice singles/tracks but good new material is pretty sparse nowadays.


    Also gutting grime's never really had any connection with rasslin'. So many badman entrance themes gone to waste



    P Money - Slang like this would be a top entrance tune

  4. Apart from the Steve Austin one the SCG Radio Podcast is the only wrestling-based show I bother with. It sounds like the chat I'm sure I would have if the only people I knew that liked wrestling weren't bellshines.


    I think second only to the well-planned and interesting discussion is the laugh Liam does, which is adorable. Looking forward to the next one chaps.

  5. The content from The Kliq DVD release they've put up recently is brilliant, some fantastic backstage footage but in particular the bit about BSK where Charles Wright explains the origin and meaning of the name is something I got a huge kick out of. This bit also includes some of the first (if not the first) WWE sanctioned footage of the Undertaker backstage and 'out of character' while in the 'Deadman' gimmick. I seemed to get extreme nostalgia for a period I wasn't even watching as an active fan so can't imagine what it would do for some of you folks.


    Thoroughly recommended.

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