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Otto Dem Wanz

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Posts posted by Otto Dem Wanz

  1. 6 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    He has been very vocal about Brexit and Boris Johnson, so it may not have been as weird a link as it may have seemed. I thought the Brexit chants were funny.

    Really enjoyed the show - KENTA vs Ibushii was great too, although someone suggested KENTA got knocked silly. I thought he was just selling but may be wrong. 

    Oh don't get me wrong I think the chants were great, just these guys had a whole debate over it completely ignoring the match which I thought was quite weird! 

  2. Going to be completely honest here and say I didn't enjoy the show that much until the main event, sure it was good and maybe my expectations were too high, but for me it didn't kick into gear until the very end of the penultimate match. I'm also a relative newbie to New Japan so maybe I couldn't appreciate it as much as some of you.

    That said, what a superb main event, Okada is just brilliant and Suzuki a hard bastard, that really was as good as I expected it to be. 

    Edit - yeah crowd was really good, although I could have done without the two lads next to me talking about fucking Brexit during the ZSJ match.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    I don't think that's normal. I have never forgotten that I don't like a food or drink. I might try again to see if my opinion has changed but that's different.

    Edit: splitting this out because I need to know what the consensus is. If this is normal behaviour then I understand and empathise with the rest of humanity about 50% less than I thought I did.

    I've never forgotten that I don't like a certain food or drink, but there are instances where I'll order certain things from restaurants or fast food chains and remember how much better another item I could've ordered was. 

    Food buyers remorse might be the most appropriate.

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