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Posts posted by Pinc

  1. In a strange way, I don't find his stuff any more hilarious than the current Government telling us that "we're all in this together". That statement right there belongs in the same company as lizard men.

    Even if neither statement is true, surely you can see how the former statement is at least more parsimonious than the latter? There is reasonable warrant to believe that 'we' and 'this' exist, while the same cannot be said of 'lizard men'.

  2. If they find the ones he was fighting off would that be a manslaughter charge they would be facing?

    Radio City News here in Liverpool said the Police are treating it as murder.




    A fire on the ninth floor of a tower block in Southfields, southwest London, has forced the evacuation of more than 150 people


    Let's hope it wasn't arson.


    Edit: The anchor on Sky News just acknowledged this story. A man in his 40's is in intensive care but the fire is not thought to have been linked to rioting.

  3. Hey, I'm in New Cross, very quiet here at the moment and has been for hours. Lots of police traffic in and out though, on their way to Lewisham and Peckham I imagine.


    Some hooded youths tried to start a fire in front of the block of shops I live above at about 8.30, but it was put out quickly and other than the front of Curry's up the road getting kicked in that seems to have been the sum of the incidents here.


    Shat a brick when I saw the smoke though.

  4. A mate of mine loves a good conspiracy theory and since we'd recently had a chat about a documentary I watched that debunked the conspiracy behind the Moon landing he decided to send me a link to one that says Stanley Kubrick actually watched over the filming of footage in a studio to be used as they were concerned they couldn't broadcast a live image back from the moon.


    I found it to be an interesting documentary that included a nice piece of footage (an outtake) of someone climbing out of a shuttle and then studio equipment falling over in the background.


    Now as I think about it, it makes sense that they would have concerns about broadcasting the live image back and actually it also makes sense that they might pre-record a backup in case of problems, after all, they needed to be able to show this, however I have some serious issues with this documentary.


    It has some pretty high up people talking, but if you actually pay attention you'll notice that bar 1, maybe 2 people no one directly refers to the subject matter. In fact many quotes could have been lifted from interviews talking about something entirely different, but dropped into this context it comes across as though they're talking about the Moon landing.


    Let me know what you think, here's part 1:



    EDIT: I've just discovered that this was indeed a mockumentary, which I have to say gives me a great deal of satisfaction!

    I've just watched the first two parts, and must admit to having been McWooshed in that I hadn't yet realised it was a satire. I was coming here to say how flagrantly out of context the interview clips are, and how incoherent the film's thesis is.


    Anyone who's ever been taken in by Jose Escamilia or other conspiracy documentary makers of his ilk would benefit from seeing this piece.



    There's a new book, by apparently legitimate journalist and not just a nut, Annie Jacobson, about the truth behind Area 51, and why it's classified. According to the book, which was researched by interviewing 75 sources, with 32 of those having lived and worked at Area 51 in the 1950s, mostly all it was hiding was mundane secret-but-dull stuff that's not for public eyes. But when things get to Roswell, that's where it gets interesting. And fucking CRAZY.


    Scroll down to 'Interview highlights'


    The jist of it, is that a real flying disc did crash at Roswell, but a disc of human, third reich aerospace origin, that was Stalin's attempt to create a War of the Worlds-style panic in the United States by having it deliberately crash on American soil. The bodies inside the UFO? Children who'd been mutilated by infamous Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, to resemble aliens. Yeah.


    Stick 'Annie Jacobsen' into Google News, as it's all over the place.

    Annie Jacobsen has been criticized for basing the entire last chapter of the book (in which all of the Nazi/Mengele/Stalin claims are contained) on a single anonymous source, and neglecting to put any of the extraordinary claims made by this anonymous source to any of the many former Area 51 employees who had been interviewed during the research process for the rest of the book. It has all the hallmarks of having been tacked on at the end for publicity's sake, separate from the actual research which informs the other chapters.


    Here's an AOL News story with quotes from one of the former Area 51 personnel expressing how shocked he and the other people interviewed for the book were to read the last chapter.

  5. Anti-kindle/pro-book sentiment is intolerable. It's just the same silly reaction to anything new that always happens. Kindles are 'soulless' compared to books and other such tripe has many antecedents, like MP3's are soulless compared to CD's in the 00s, CD's are soulless compared to vinyl records in the 90s, vinyl records are soulless compared to live performances in the 20s.


    Reactionary Daily Express bollocks.


    Anyway, finished the Great Gatsby the other night. Thought it was great, hadn't read any Fitzgerald before. Despite its status as a modern classic I seldom hear people who've actually read it say they liked it. Maybe its widespread use in english literature classes hardens people against it. Spotted 'The Pocket Essential F.Scott Fitzgerald' in a box with 'extremely cheap' written on it in felt-tip in the corner of a book sale at my university the other day, got it for 50p. It seems to be an extended essay on the way that Fitzgerald's fiction mirrored his life. I'll make a start on it some time this week.

  6. The most odious thing about Jeremy Kyle is that his show splits up relationships and families based on fucking polygraph results, which he disingenuously refers to as a 'lie detector' and dishonestly (it can't be called anything else) asserts is reliable in 96% of cases. He then compounds this stupidity by responding to many of those who dispute a negative polygraph result by saying things like "Oh, you're one of the 4% are you love, do me a favour." If he only says that twenty five times then even in the fantasy world he inhabits where polygraphs can detect dishonesty in 96% of cases he's likely to have dismissed the objection of at least one sincere person.


    Pointing out stupidity on the Jeremy Kyle show is a redundant exercise I know, but the cunt doesn't get enough shit for the harm he does. I'd have been hard-pressed to think of anybody to place above him if I'd submitted a twatlist of my own.

  7. I've always been under the impression that they are not some organisation with any kind of structure, but instead various groups who have a common goal. Much like the Anonymous group of hackers.

    Yes the clip linked to above appears to posit a similar idea. Titling it 'BBC now admits Al Qaeda never existed' is legalistically true but in little more than a semantic sense. The uploader was being a tad sensationalistic, it seems.

  8. That Ventura series is hilarious. Sensationalistic far beyond the point of parody. The moment you realise that one of his 'team of researchers' is the June Sarpong of T4 fame is the best bit.


    I'm not even necessarily saying the theories he's investigating are false, though I believe they are, but if you view that show as having a modicum of journalistic validity you're being had. That Alex Jones has anything to do with it damns him worse than any of the other nutty shite that he's done.


    The network who produce the show even seem quite open about the fact that it's not to be taken seriously. From Wikipedia:


    'The "Police State" episode surmises that various prison-like facilities built around the country will be used during martial law for the internment of citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. However, officials have stated the facilities are emergency FEMA camps for the housing of civilians displaced by hurricanes or other natural disasters.[9]


    Another allegation that focused around a private facility outside Covington, Georgia, was the stockpiling of thousands of plastic bins alleged to be used for mass burials. The company that runs it is Vantage Products, the country's largest manufacturer of burial liners, and the facility is their storage site.[10]


    In a response to the criticism, Misty Skedgell, a Turner spokesperson, described Conspiracy Theory as an "entertainment program that appears on an entertainment network."[11]

  9. From having watched the interview I think it's safe to say it is bollocks. Crane summarises it thus:


    -At some point before the 6th of June 2006, Ian R.Crane 'realises' that the powers that be won't let the date 06/06/06 pass without 'something' occuring.

    -Ian R.Crane, while researching this issue, discovers that the Seers Tower in Chicago is situated in the US zip code 06.06.06. Ergo he suggests the Seers Tower as a likely target for a terrorist attack on 06/06/06.

    -Ian R.Crane gives numerous public talks on this subject, encouraging his audiences to spread the word in the hope that the 06/06/06 attack on the Seers Tower can be avoided.

    -No attack is carried out on the Seers Tower on 06/06/06.

    -Some time later, a middle eastern Terrorist Cell is aprehended, apparently readying plans for a terror attack on the Seers Tower. No indication is given that 06/06/06 was the planned date of the attack. In fact it appears the arrests came after 06/06/06.

    Thanks for watching it and coming to your own conclusion. I get the impression a lot of people commenting on information I post don't actually check it out being at work at the time and unable to see the videos.


    Did you also do the searches Ian says to do?


    ian crane chicago

    seers tower terror attack


    One of the searches leads to a video of his talk in Chicago alongside a former MI5 agent who is reliable source of information regarding false flag attacks (9/11, 7/7 etc).


    With Ian R Crane he has a good understanding of all this esoteric stuff, which is beyond most people's understanding, at least at first when approaching the information. I don't have much of a clue about numerology but it seems the ruling elite if you buy into it are obsessed with the power of numbers and dates.




    Duane, why do you find Crane's Seers Tower story compelling? Having listened to Crane describe it in his own terms I was surprised just how much it conformed to self-parodic conspiracy theorist stereotype. It's a total non-story.

  10. From having watched the interview I think it's safe to say it is bollocks. Crane summarises it thus:


    -At some point before the 6th of June 2006, Ian R.Crane 'realises' that the powers that be won't let the date 06/06/06 pass without 'something' occuring.

    -Ian R.Crane, while researching this issue, discovers that the Seers Tower in Chicago is situated in the US zip code 06.06.06. Ergo he suggests the Seers Tower as a likely target for a terrorist attack on 06/06/06.

    -Ian R.Crane gives numerous public talks on this subject, encouraging his audiences to spread the word in the hope that the 06/06/06 attack on the Seers Tower can be avoided.

    -No attack is carried out on the Seers Tower on 06/06/06.

    -Some time later, a middle eastern Terrorist Cell is aprehended, apparently readying plans for a terror attack on the Seers Tower. No indication is given that 06/06/06 was the planned date of the attack. In fact it appears the arrests came after 06/06/06.

  11. It's not footage from a movie. It's footage from the premiere of a Charlie Chaplin film, included as an extra on a Chaplin DVD. Also, it's obviously a hearing aid. 'Woman acts strange in 1928, talks to self while holding contemporary hearing aid' is far more parsimonious than 'woman travels back in time, speaks on mobile phone in public to the surprise of no-one near by.' Read the wikipedia page for 'Occam's Razor' KooKoo.

  12. I remember seeing a thread on a message board a while ago, I'm almost sure it was this one, which had a load of really (intentionally) bad drawings done in MS-Paint of stuff like Droz breaking his neck and Benoit killing his family and stuff. I remember it actually making me laugh out loud. It might've been called 'sick wrestling jokes' or 'wrestling comics' or something, but I've searched for those and got nothing. Does anybody remember what I'm talking about?

  13. we`re (most of us anyway) are not falling for the fake wars, terrorist attacks and threat level increases. Another world war is too big for us to take on at the moment because, well theres noone left to fight. And any devistation from trying to annoy the Koreans is way too much even for the NWO to handle.


    Do the NWO not control Korea then? I thought they had their fingers in all the geopolitical pies.

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