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King Coconut

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Posts posted by King Coconut

  1. Exactly. Your body can't digest your food properly if your system is full of catarrh and the motion of the ocean down there can't work to it's fullest, it's simple biology.

    Why would your system be full of catarrh? I've never heard of catarrh build up in the digestive system. Even if it did, I can guarantee you that your stinkhole is more than capable of processing your snot. I'm afraid your 'simple biology' is in fact made-up pseudo science.


    In Kook's defence, a lot of people have absolutely terrible diets nowadays and their digestive systems don't work as God intended, meaning faeces builds up in their system and can even back up into the lower intestines.


    And imagine some of the fatties on here fall into that category, sorry lads.


    In such cases, downing a ton of prune juice and getting the whole thing moving spectacularly will have some health benefits. But only due to the fact the prune juice is a laxative.

    I know that you don't genuinely believe that giving yourself the runs is a viable alternative to a decent diet. Even if it clears your pipes for a day, you're going to be backed up to the hilt again by the weekend.

  2. Of course you're going to do damage if you do it every day. A lot of people take homeopathic advice and go nuts with it thinking that because it's natural it's ok which couldn't be further from the truth.

    To your first point, I'm not claiming you're going to do yourself damage (Harvard Med School is, but I'm not a fellow). I'm just saying you're not going to get any health benefits from it. And you're not.


    To your second point, of course you can go nuts with homeopathy! It has exactly zero medicinal properties. You can drink phials of water til the cows come home. Much like your arse, your cock or minge will simply expel whatever you don't need.


    I'm going to bow out of this now though. I don't want to spoil the fun. We can continue in the paranormal thread if you want...

  3. Can you link me to anything that could reassure me that this is a sensible course of action...

    I doubt it. But failing that, here's a link to an article from the Harvard Medical School which details "a risk of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, impaired bowel function, and disruption of intestinal flora."


    Don't get me wrong though, I don't want to convince anyone that they shouldn't join this experiment. It could very well be the best thing to ever happen on the internet and I want to witness it. I just don't think any of you should go into it believing you're going to get anything from it other than a bit more reading time than usual.

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