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Posts posted by Mr.E

  1. High School of The Dead was good in terms of the story behind it, but it was at perv level 5000, which was a bit to much for me. I don't mind the odd boob jokes or whatever, but like 3 episodes in and we had every other shot being gigantic boobs or some lass's crotch. It was a bit much for me.

  2. I can highly recommend Appleseed Alpha, very very good with crazy CGI animation as well.


    Re: Death Note from higher up in the thread, for those wanting to watch it, it is very good although if you read the manga it tends to come across a bit better. The anime itself is word for word what is in the book, and with the lengthy speeches the characters give at times, it can come across better in a written format than listening to people slowly drone on, if that makes sense. Death Note becomes a whole lot of "I know he knows I know, but does he know I know this" type stuff, which by the finale does get very tense, with the final 2 episodes being a huge cut above the rest. 100% worth checking out, but at times you need to gut it out and power through to the good stuff. 

  3. Yeah I read a lot of Manga as well, so all of the above are on my book shelves hah.

    Black Butler is one of those where at first you'll be thinking "what the hell is going on" but a few episodes in, and you'll be hooked. Personally I just think it has a certain vibe to it, and I latched on straight away. End of Season 2 has a "making of black butler" episode, that is worth watching it all just for that hah.


    Attack on Titan is very good, although I've read ahead in terms of the books. But visually its stunning, and the story is fairly simple to follow as well.


    Me and the other half just started "Space Dandy" last night, which is a crazy sci-fi tongue in cheek type thing, that's echo'ing a lot of stuff from much older 70s/80's cartoons, or at least thats the idea I get from it. Very funny so far.

  4. On netflix, check out Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist, both very very good. If you want to try something a bit different, give Black Butler a watch, and if you dont mind over perverted style of anime, check out High School of The Dead (full of giant boobs with bouncing sound effects).

    As well as the above, I'm a huge fan of Dragon Ball (the original and Z/GT) although I haven't seen the latest series yet. Also, Ultimate Muscle maybe one for this forum, as its pro wrestling themed.


    Here's the actual first round (just matches, no results)




    • Samoa Joe and Finn Balor vs. The Lucha Dragons
    • Rhyno and Baron Corbin vs The Ascension
    • Jason Jordan and Chad Gable vs. Solomon Crowe and Neville
    • Tyler Breeze and Bull Dempsey vs. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa




    I can't imagine that's the whole first round - no Enzo & Cass, no Vaudevillains, no Blake & Murphy, no Dash & Wilder, no Hype Bros...






    In fairness, Hype bros are proper shite (and that all on Mojo Rawley as well), and Vaudevillains are the champs, so I presume this gets the winners a tag title match? Blake + Murphy will probably be getting a rematch and everybody is speculating that Enzo + Cas are off to the main roster very soon.



  6. Sting is my favourite wrestler of all time, but why does he always hold belts by the middle plate? Its not a huge thing, as I'm excited about the potential prospect of him as champion (it wont happen, but if it did .....crikey), but that's just a bugbear of mine.

  7. Somebody shared a group on Facebook that relates to "If the metal frame of the  building that exploded in china is still standing, why wont people admit that the fires in  9/11 didnt cause the buildings to fall over" or something equally as retarded. 

    They got deleted straight away.

  8. In this case I don't know his wife personally so I wouldn't tell her as it's not my business to do so.


    I once told a friend at college, a long time back, about his cheating girlfriend and he totally flipped out at me, the pretended I hadn't said anything and continued to go out with her.

  9. A mate of mind had convinced himself that cheating was the most natural thing in the world and backed it up by saying men can have 100's of children whilst women can't.



    That sort of mind set gets me every time. I cant recall who, but some celeb got busted for cheating on their partner and they then explained it as "We're animals, its in our nature to sleep with whoever we find attractive". And whilst I have understand that, we're also smart enough to say "I really like this other person, maybe I shouldn't stay with the one I'm with?" rather than just hoping for the best and not considering other peoples feelings.

  10. I think i've confused myself because I originally thought RVD cashed in to win the ECW title, but he was actually awarded it after beating Cena for the WWE title, wasn't he?





    That's right. He cashed in, in advance, to challenge Cena at ECW one night stand 2, the was awarded the ECW title on the first ECW show.

  11. Spelling and grammatical errors aside, he's in his early 30's, but it doesn't seem to be like a personal crisis or anything.


    He's a bit of a "lad" personality wise, but it just seems like a huge "gimmick" rather than him really being like that. It turns out he's cheated on his now wife before, and she found out about it. Ultimately he had to beg for her forgiveness and so on, but he's back his old ways apparently.  

    Its just very odd, as several of us here are in a similar situation to him , in terms of home life, and wouldn't dream of doing anything like this.

  12. Wasn't sure if this was the right place for this but:

    What are people thoughts on "cheating" in relationships? As in, what causes people to do this, the effects and just in general.

    Nothing to do with my current relationship, but I have been cheated on in the past. I bring this up as it has come out that a bloke at my work has been sleeping about with a women here, an the guy in question is newly married, has a baby, the whole nine yards. And all I can think is "Why would you do that?".

    For me personally, being in a relationship (married or not), means you've said 'I want to be with this person only' and thus you should stop looking around. Does anybody else think the same or is it just me? 

  13. It could also be used for the ECW Title one year but the Undertaker, understandably, decided not to take on Lashley and went for Batista's gold instead.

    Wasnt that the rumble winner? As Taker won the rumble.


    I imagine it did include the ECW title during the WWECW run as well.

  14. After feeling terrible about not reading anything in years, (about 10 years to be exact), while also noticing my book shelf was obscenely bare, I've been on a bit of a mission with reading/purchasing books this year. Its been a combination of reading stuff I've always wanted to read and picking up some of the "classics" that I've missed out on.

    So far I've busted through:

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    The Prestige
    The Lovely Bones
    The Game of Thrones books (currently on book 6 of 7)
    The Catcher in the Rye

    And have many others lined up hah. if anybody is interested I'll post some thoughts on the books I've read/will read.

  15. @Sir Steve Redgrave

    A friend of mine has something similar. He broke up with his wife last year, and although it was her being the driving force behind it, she ultimately constantly wanted to see him, speak to him and even hug him if they were alone together in (now) her house, saying she missed that whole side of things, just simply 'being' with another person.

    Eventually he did reinforce that they are not together anymore, and he now doesn't see her at all. So if you do as others users have suggested, have a friend visit her or just flat out say no, as its not good for you either in the long run.


    Reckon TNA are deliberately their shows God-awful and ridiculous so GWF looks better by comparison, or is that giving them too much credit? 



    That would be GFW who announce a hostile takeover one week and then lose a winner takes all match the week after - yep, they're definitely looking strong with this booking. On GFW's involvement, I get the idea that TV exposure is helpful for them but surely being made to look worse than TNA is not really going to help establish them? A one-off deal to do a HoF induction for Jarrett would've been enough really if they felt an absolute need to do something.


    And what is the point of EY (or anyone for that matter) defecting if it isnt going to affect the result? pointless overbooking, no reason they couldn't have had a 5th GFW person in that team. Even if it was Magnus. Hopefully it will all make more sense/look better on TV than it does reading spoilers but I doubt it.




    Thats the thing, it sounds like a bad idea on GFW's part because it is. GFW loose to a company that is getting booted off the air in September, for basically being terrible.   

  17. They probably do, although I seem to recall the "door" section on the front was broken during its last use, so it may not be worth using. The current belt still has the keys and door gimmick, although the lock doesn't work in the same way.

    Its made by wildcat belts should you want to look it up. 

  18. Mind blown a bit. Do champions not travel round with their title belts then?

    Its down to the company themselves I think. Some allow the talents to keep the belts, whilst others dont. I recall WWE have more than one version of a title (They have the regular belts, then they have super shiny ones for HD TV, is that right?) which they allow the talent to keep hold of the reglar belts for appearances/etc, but WWE keep the super HD ones or something like that.

  19. For the Dragon Gate Fans out there:



    In some shocking and unprecedented news, the Open the Dream Gate title belt was lost in the late hours of 07/21. The title belts are stored in duralumin cases for safe keeping when not in use. They were loaded onto the ring truck after the conclusion of Kobe World. The truck then traveled to the Sanctuary office building. At about 2 AM, the truck departed for the dojo, which is about 10 kilometers from the office building. While stopped at a traffic light about 2km from the office, the driver of another car informed the truck drivers that the back doors were open. The duralumin cases for the Dream & Brave Gate title belts were found to be missing. Management was contacted and a frantic search of the road ensued. The Brave Gate was found by a nearby telephone pole, safe and sound inside the case. However, the Dream Gate case was found in the garbage next to a nearby apartment building. The belt was not inside. Dream Gate champion Masato Yoshino was contacted by telephone, prompting him to get out of bed and conduct his own search of the area. After his tear-filled search proved fruitless, a report was filed with the local police. There are security cameras around the apartment building that could be helpful, and police are in the process of trying to obtain the recordings. 


    The title belt is valued at around 2,000,000 yen, or approximately $20,000 USD. Plans are for a Dream Gate title defense on 08/16 in Ota-ku, so an order has been placed with the America based belt manufacturer for a replacement. There are concerns that the title will not arrive in time. Yoshino is taking this news very hard, and apologized profusely to fans for his upcoming belt-less appearances. He hopes fans will cheer him as loudly as they usually do, despite this indignance. 
    President Takashi Okamura has placed finding the missing belt as the #1 priority right now.



    Picture of the belt: 


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