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Posts posted by Mr.E

  1. Facebook has been , for a while now, the best way to find answer the question: "Who , of the people I went to school with, is a racist?".


    Just seen a post that was shared from our local paper, which involved a student (who currently attends my former high school) who is an immigrant. Nothing strange about that, although a giant brawl apparently erupted and some teachers were involved etc. Considering the school was just as bad when I was there, this doesn't surprise me, and the only reason this is getting any sort of coverage is because the lad involved is originally from eastern Europe, and our town has a high level of immigrants from that area.


    anyway, i saw the post and was like "Ah, same old school" when an old school friend comments "yeah, what do you expect from these bloody immigrants....blah blah". Which just made me groan out loud. And he's in the army now......jesus.


    Starting to really dislike Facebook, I only use it to keep up with people I don't normally see (extended family mainly.)

  2. I'm not the biggest NJPW fan but I would like to watch more so am I assuming that a show called 'New Beggining' would be a good jumping on point for a relative newbie?


    Yes and no. It basically is the official beginning to their year, to my knowledge (like how the night after mania is effecively the beginning of WWE's "year"), but if you stick with the big PPV events, you may as well go back and watch Wrestle Kingdom as well, as it was very good, will give you an idea of what's going on moving forward.

  3. Half the stuff they have is just to slow people down, and force them to go to court/make them spend some money. With Mysterio, it was more that (IIRC), the contracts auto-renew if you don't give your notice, but then you're not getting paid because you're refusing/cant work, thus "breaching" contract with them.

  4. Is it not possible to have some legally binding document made that somebody in Bryan's position could sign, that says something along the lines of "I am well aware WWE's doctor does not approve my current medical position and take these risks of my own free will" ? Thus keeping WWE in the clear.


    Not sure how that might hold up in court though.

  5. See now, I respect everything they do for helping people with drink issues, and staying off it......but do you really need that "higher power" in your life?


    I'd rather go it alone/friends + family support than sign up for something that converts me.

  6. With TNA I'll read the spoilers for the mass TV tapings that they do, and if anything sounds interesting, I'll watch it. The problem is, when reading the spoilers, you end up groaning and the amount of random title changes/random storylines/other nonsensical crap, that it puts me off even more.


    I haven't watched TNA since Austin Aries first came in during the rebooted X division period. I watched from then up until the BFG series, where some random crap happened because they wanted to sweeten up Jeff Hardy or something. Since then, I read the spoils to see how things are going/catch up on the direction of the company........then see it has non and forget about it for another 3 months.


    I imagine that's what every former "fan" of TNA is doing these days.

  7. For myself, it took a lot for me to realise I had an issue with drink.


    For about a year solid I was getting plastered every single day, which in turn caused arguments with family/friends and ultimately the loss of my then girlfriend. In the end, it came down to the fact I'd been going to work on very little sleep, maximum hang over and barely any work being done, which then culminated in me going to leave work for home......and realising I couldn'y physically move due to severe exhaustion. (I'd worked out I hadn't had a full nights sleep in a long time, due to be being out drinking 6+ hours a day, followed by more drinking when I got home). A friend had to come pick me up that day, and I was a wreck to say the least.

    I still have the occasional tipple, although I look at it in a different light, and never drink at home. Since then I've gotten a decent job, have a wife and kid. I also find myself a crazy lightweight after only drinking maybe once per month, but I enjoy having a few, and going to bed early hah.

  8. Tna has always been:


    Certain selection of wrestlers are good in ring
    Another are cracking with promo's
    Some of the best talent in the world, (debatable with its current roster...but you get the idea)

    Hot free agents / under-used talents


    And then for some reason, they take all of that, put it in a can and spin it around.......and out comes garbage. In fairness sometimes they have a gem of a match/story, but on the whole its like 75+% garbage.


    This is why some many wrestling fans can't stand them any more. I was a big WCW fan as a younger man, but in my older years I can see a large/later portion of that was also just as garbage as TNA is.

  9. With Terry Wogan unfortunately passing away, it brought his interviews up on TV, and forum favourite David Icke popped up. I've just wiki'd him, to learn some more about him and some of the stuff he believes in is just bonkers.


    The whole "lizard people from the draco nebula" or whatever, is just nuts. I wouldn't mind, but surely that's him looking at constellations and thinking 'What would a plausible place for lizard people to come from? The one shaped like a giant lizard/dragon......'.


    Oh, and the moon is a giant person controlling satellite? Answers on a postcard please 


    Steve Austin would support Trump wouldn't he?

    I don't think so. No-one with anything above a 1% working mental capacity would support him, which is worrying considering how he came second in the Iowa Caucuses yesterday. While there will be some that agree with his policies, and that's a terrifying thought in it's own right, many will vote for him because they recognise him from the TV.

    Austin strikes a guy who is republican at heart, but is open to other ideologies and willing to listen


    Maybe not wrestling related, but something i heard recently about all of the republican party candidates:


    "They all look like they wouldn't survive the trip through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory"


    Made me chuckle at least. Anyway...back to wrestling things...

  11. Doesn't he get "injured" every year, in/around the time the tour is. I mean I know it's because of a conviction and he can't travel, but do they have to fully write him off every time? They can't just make some other reason up?


    I was very surprised he resigned with them this year, and that TNA could afford him, with rumors knocking about they were going to let him go over cost alone.

  12. Some links in my sig for podcasts im listening to :)

    Weekly planet: comic book movie news/review stuff. Present by two Aussie blokes, talking crap. Its a laugh if anything.


    Plumbing the Death star: More Aussies, this time talking random hypothetical questions like "Which Super Smash Brother would make the best step father" and "which of the Avengers would be the best friend" etc. More random chat shenanigans.


    The Little Dum Dum Club: Even more Aussie's (can you guess i've gotten onto some of these from other podcasts?) chatting rubbish and having a laugh.


    Check them out, if you have a spare 30 mins - 1 hour whilst driving/commuting/whatever. 

  13. In relation to Attack on Titan, the first season is pretty much scene for scene the same as the book, so would presume season two is the same. The books are way ahead at this point (I may dare say ahead of where season 2 may get up to) but its very vrey good, and would suggest it if you have the time.


    In my experience, the anime isnt too different  from the source material, unless "filler" episodes are involved. Full metal Alchemist : Brotherhood is pretty much the same as the books, as is Dragon Ball/ Z and most others.

  14. I've been listening to SCG's Monday Night War timeline series (up to the end of 1996), and have a question about the proposed nWo TV show.


    How was that going to work? Would it only feature nWo members, and would that not mean they could only fight each other? So why would they be fighting each other? Would every match be a 'we're mates, but fighting for shits and giggles', or would there always be dissension within the nWo? I can't quite get my head round how it would work.


    I think because the proposed idea of the nWo, was that it wasn't so much a group of mates, but a whole new "company" coming into take over. So effectively, joining the nWo meant you sided with them in the takeover effort. I know when the genreal idea went it bit "tits up" they just stuck with being a group, so i presume if they did get there own TV show, it'd just be the same but with an "nwo roster" rather than nwo "team mates" if that makes sense?

  15. Isn't more that they are brought in to "Capture/Contain" Enchantress, as opposed to her being the proper baddie in this? I always got the impression she's just discovering her powers, and its just all kicking off.....but like unwillingly if that makes sense.


    As for Joker, I only presumed he'd be in Harley related flashbacks, showing how she became how she is.


    Just speculation from the two trailers though on my part.

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