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big mickey

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Posts posted by big mickey

  1. It's basicly a street movement so there are no proper memberships, however the more you attend & get to know people the easier it is to involved. Making a donation always helps.


    And "trusted members" are always invited to book places on the coaches set up by the regional members.

  2. Where did you support what happened yesterday? You may not be aware of this, but just underneath the words you write on here, a big sig saying "EDL" comes up. This kind of thing may just be related to the questionning of your intelligence, or it may be another example of a media and government conspiracy to bring in Sharia law, it's very tricky to know for sure.


    Yeah, I am an EDL member, but I'm still allowed to disagree or choose not to take part in certain things that other members of the group do. I don't have to blindly support everything do I?

  3. You're ALL the bad guys, both lots of extremists. Two cheeks of the same arse, as a wise man once said. You are on the absolute margins of our society, and represent only the views of a tiny minority, so the only way to promote your beliefs is through violence and disorder.


    If you had any intelligence, you'd feel nothing but shame over the whole weekend's events.


    Where exactly have I supported anything that happened yesterday?


    Who can be happy about people getting stabbed? What the fuck??


    Oh and look someone else on the intelligence kick.. :bored:

  4. Pleasingly, looks like a couple of your lot actually get stabbed yesterday, by muslim youths apparently


    Whether this was the MAC lot or just a couple of normal muslims who rather dislike the "Fuck allah" signs and things like that your lot bring, I have to confess it is good to read that people are actually stabbing you. They lived, unfortunately, but it still seems a good start.

    And yes, the MAC lot demanding sharia law and using the day of 9/11 to do it are a bunch of cunts as well, and it's a shame none of those got stabbed.


    And we're supposed to be the bad guys! Hahaha this a fucking amazing post right here.

  5. The main thing of the JFK assassination is that as far as conspiracy theories go it's doable.

    1 guy, 1 gun, 1 victim. When you look at the scale of something of 9/11 something like that is far far more complex it's almost unthinkable.


    As far as the single bullet goes, bullets do strange things inside people sometimes.

  6. Bah, you can prove anything with percentages.


    He's pulling them out of his ass though lol


    Good line "you can't bomb terrorism out of existence"


    Soo, maybe let's bomb Muslims out of existence and see how that goes then? (and before anyone shits themselves I don't actually mean that obviously)



  7. It could be fair to say Kennedy was a possible inside job, but the whole grassy knowl stuff is codswallop, he was most definatly shot from the book depository.


    Now wether Oswald was the shooter is another matter, he most probably was but I for one wouldn't be shocked if it was an internal assassination.

  8. so "They" can plan and execute three terror attacks 10 years ago with super holograms controlled demolitions and all the crazy loose change moonbattery that goes with it but they cant plant WMD in Iraq to support the 45 min claim?


    when faced with the conspiracy nutters i find viewing this video helps Conspiracy theorists - STFU!


    Haha! THIS!



  9. The major problem is the scale of highjacking of 4 planes, keeping it secret, misleading the public & crashing them, it's simply not possible, it's too big.


    See a lot of conspiracy theorists thing the government is some kind of perfect organisation capable of directing such large scale plots, when they really aren't, if they truly did have that amount of influence things would be so much different.

  10. Serious question. Approximately how much time have you spent examining the independent research dedicated to 9/11 before coming to the conclusion that said event wasn't an inside job?

    To put it bluntly, none. I don't entertain the conspiracy theory surrounding 9/11 as a job of that scale was not possibly an inside job.

    People seem to think the military and the shadow organisations are like shit you see on TV Or movies, but it really isn't.

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