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big mickey

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Posts posted by big mickey

  1. As has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the EDL are the biggest hate group out there at the moment so they get the most coverage. In that article they mentioned MAC but given the EDL is about 100 times, if not more, the size of MAC, they are going to get 100 times the coverage. Do you honestly not understand that?


    Hate is hate isn't it? EDL is seen as the big bad wolf by dickheads like Nicky boy, but there are other people out there who are actually more vile than us, but he never goes in-depth about them, I wonder why? Oooohhh it's because there are not as many, so that makes it ok then.


    By the way who decides what the requirements of being a hate group actually are?

  2. But up until 2010 they were not an oil producing country, so anyway don't really see how that would spark an invasion.


    The war in Afghanistan was started to eliminate the Taliban in the fallout from 9/11, THAT is a fact, but of course let's not let the actual official reason get in the way of calling Mickey an idiot, eh?



  3. Just to clarify, are you saying that you believe the actual physical events of 9/11 would be too big as an inside job to pull off, or just a subsequent cover up of said events?

    Both really, the man power, time and covert logistics of doing it and doing it without detection before & after the fact seems impossible.

  4. So you're saying that the problem with 9/11 being an inside job is purely logistical in nature and that you're potentially prepared to believe that if someone had enough to gain from killing thousands of innocent people they'd be content to do it as a calculated gamble if they were absolutely convinced that they could get away with it?


    Well our governments have sent us into war and ended & ruined many lives through it, so it's safe to say they don't mind gambling with people's lives.

    However yes, I think something on the scale of 9/11 was far too big to pull off.

  5. Which is ridicously ironic, as the EDL was created by BNP activists to help create racial tensions and further their cause.


    Not so much, no. It was BNP members who had grown disillusioned with the party and wanted something alternative to the BNP.


    They best thing the EDL can do is not affiliate ourselves with any political party.

  6. Thankfully the National Front have become a sad relic with no political footing whatsoever & the news that the BNP are facing the end does bode pretty well for the EDL, as we've never classed ourselves as an "all White" movement, nor should we and hopefully we can take advantage and stop being linked with them & have no part of whoever inevitably replace them.


    Believe it or not there are many members of the EDL who want no part of any BNP or NF association.

  7. I thought you were in favour of people being able to have their protests, mickey?


    Is it different when it's muslims who want to protest?


    I have no problem with MAC or anyone else protesting and I will say the EDL should never counter protest them.


    What gets me is that the same organisations that want EDL protests banned are always suspiciously quiet when MAC decide to protest.

  8. Ah, see what you're complaining about there is the level of coverage, not the level of condemnation. The level of condemnation is the same.


    They're starting to cover the MAC, so - lucky you! - it looks like the coverage will be getting more even. While still condemning people like you to the same level.


    I can live with that! Won't happen, but still if they start going after MAC with the same gusto they do the EDL, then fair enough :)


    TBF MAC doesn't cause as much trouble as the EDL anyway if the EDL didn't show up yesterday looking for a fight it would be MAC who would of come off looking much worse.


    The EDL only made a bad problem worse


    Ah I see, scumbags openly celebrating the deaths of thousands of people at a remembrance service was ok until the EDL turned up and dragged the event down?


    Look I don't support the EDL being there yesterday, but so called trouble causers or not they didn't sink to the shitty level of those fuckers did.

  9. Which part of 'Exactly the same as each other' are you not understanding?

    Yeah, exactly the same as eachother means that one group is classed on their own website as a hate group and has dozens of articles about them and the other, well, not.


    So yeah according to HNH they might be "exactly the same" but not enough for them to be treated the same, correct?

  10. Yes, I'd say so.


    Then why not highlight the actions of the MAC and the people involved in them instead of turning into nothing more than an EDL article with a couple of throwaway lines about MAC.


    Better yet how about classing MAC as a hate group too, or do they get a free pass as usual?

  11. Possibly, but it's something of a red herring in so far as alot of the times when I've been highly critical of the EDL you've countered with points relating to the UAF. I don't have a big UAF sig, I'm not on here to promote the UAF, I have no doubt that there are things within the UAF I'd disagree with or do differently.

    And I'm sure they're not perfect, and I do take on board your point that they could highlight their ideological opposition to the cause of I4UK and all the rest more strongly.

    However, as chest so rightly pointed out, one has to look at these things contextually. If you're part of the UAF you're actively trying to fight against facism, so you have to look at where your actions can do most good. If the tabloid press, the secret service, the government and the USA are all actively involved in combating muslim extremism, and the muslim extremist demo's are absoloutely tiny. You may think that they represent a poor usage of your time and efforts.

    If you then see that the BNP have euro mp's, local mp's and at one time looked like they might get a seat in the houses of parliament. Then you further see that the EDL is causing havoc in muslim areas, can get over a 1,000 people at their demonstrations, and is growing in popularity without the same amount of clamping down by the auuthorities. It would seem obvious to focus on them.


    No offence mate, but don't give up your day job mate, Psychology really isn't for you.



    Also a very simple reason people don't want to oppose MAC or suchlike is they don't want to be classed or percieved as a racist.


  12. If I walked around peckham tomorrow with a big ol placard saying "Fuck niggers," and I got fucked up, I'd have it coming.

    And the irony here old boy, is that the EDL was set up to oppose, violently in most cases, extremist muslims point of view. You can't have it both ways, if you're pro people being allowed to do and say what they want, you can't then violently protest people for doing just that.

    You're right! People should be allowed to protest and say what they like but the media bias will never allow that to happen, for example the EDL do it in Tower Hamlets, it's on the news, vilified & people wring their hands about it.

    MAC do it and it gets very very little press, I don't even think it got any tv coverage.


    Bit one sided wouldn't you say?

  13. Well no, the other side of the EDL coin is not the UAF, much as they'd like to paint it as such. The other side is the MAC or islam4uk or any of those bunch of twats. And yeah, if during them trying to fuck up a rememberance day for a tragedy which saw 1,000's killed they got sliced for their troubles, they'd fucking deserve it, and I've already said that.

    While I wouldn't necessarily condone every action of every member of the UAF, they are fighting the bad guys, which is a pretty reasonable thing to be doing, and doesn't mean they deserve stabbing.

    Unless of course a couple of UAF members decided to walk round muslim areas with big signs saying fuck allah, or something equally pleasant, in which case - by the same token - they'd probaly have it coming.


    Sooo, it's ok to stab people, maybe even kill them because you don't like what they say?


    So saying "Fuck Allah" in a Muslim area gives the people of the area freedom to commit violent acts?



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