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Posts posted by IronSheik

  1. The shoot interview industry was born the day RF sat down with The Iron Sheik in 2007, if you only watch one shoot interview, you've got to watch that two hours of alcohol fueled chaos, tragedy and down right hilarity...

  2. I actually like Cena, he's got charisma and looks like he belongs out there, and number of moves doesn't matter shit to me, so don't get too bogged down by my cheap jab at the current crop of performers... I was really just wondering if the crowd is always as pancake-flat as it was on RAW last Monday? Or was it just that they were in a shite town?


    The crowd makes or breaks the visual and sonic impact of wrestling for me, Rock Hogan at Wrestlemania had the hair on my neck up and tears in my eyes at the time, and it was the audience feeding off the quality of the performers (who told a fuckin great emotional story) that made it. That boisterous electricity in the crowd and mixed loyalty was amazing to watch.


    The crowd engagements and participation (or lack of) must be a worrying sign I would have assumed?

  3. Don't watch the current product (cause it's pish) but flicked RAW on this morning on Sky... Holy fuck! Is the crowd always so dead!? Even HHH couldn't get a peep out of the crowd, and his promo was pretty solid. You could hear a pin drop in the matches. Is it always as dead these days?


    Makes you appreciate how much the crowd play in the spectacle... Also makes me appreciate the nWo, Austin, Rock etc era when the crowds were fuckin awesome.

  4. During the course of some internet trawling - Stephanie Wiand then and now...




    And, horrifically, Todd Pettengill then, and now...



    This has scared the living shit outta me... How fuckin false does he look!?!? New hair, new skin tone, new fuckin teeth..... Fuuuuuuuuck.

  5. There's an interesting 7 part Vampiro shoot on YouTube right now. He's wearing a red t-shirt and has a skin-head... He comes across as a bit of a delusional lying son of a bitch, bit it's compelling viewing...


    He says he pitched the idea for The Undertaker to WWF "two days" before Mark Callaway became the Undertaker... Hmmmm... I think I can smell shite Vamps... He also says "and it's on tape" in reference to the Undertaker claim... So let me get this straight, you knocked on WWF's door in 1990 as an unknown Canadian nobody and pitched an idea for a gimmick and it's "on tape"? FAAAACKIIIIIN BOOOOLSHET!

  6. There's a spate of interviews from 'No Kayfabin.com' which are surprisingly engrossing - despite the fact the interviewer is cringeable. Justin Credible shoot was awesome, and the Roddy Piper shoot was fantastic too.

  7. The quintessential shoot interview has to be RFs 2007 Iron Sheik interview. Highlights includ; Sheik trying to buy crack, Sheik abusing a drug dealer, Sheik calling every wrestler he ever worked with a "no good mother fucker", Sheik destroying B. Brian Blair with words of truth, Sheik giving his opinion of Bin Ladden and Sadam Hussain (both no good mother fuckers), Sheik talking about Jake Roberts not going halfers in his cocaine, I could go on and on....


    Here's some classic quotes...

    Fuck the Ted Dibiase!

    Jake Roberts, you're a no good mother fucker. You didn't have the balls to take your fuckin 8 ball of coke over the border...

    Brian Blair is a fag mother fucker no good piece of shit.

    The only reason you have job in WWF, because you suck Hulk Hogan's dick, and you fuckin suck Hulk Hogan's ass...

    You are not even an ass-hair on the ass of Sgt Slaughter.

    Fuck that no good mother fucker Sadam Hussain.

    If you said that Chris Jericho, you are a fuckin punk, piece of shit Canadian, no good mother fucker.

    Greg the Hammer is my teacher, he teach me A to the Z.

    Dan Merade is a no good mother fucker piece of shit, he's a liar, he's a son of a bitch.

    Randy Savage, he is another no good son of a bitch, and a Jew.

    English Bulldog (referring to The British Bulldogs) one of them was okay.

    Super Fly, you are good, you are the best, but you know, shooting wise, I beat the fuck outta you.

  8. I've become fed-up of you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


    If you don't like Power Slam, don't buy it. I still enjoy the mag, but not as much as I did in the late nineties and early 2000s. Currently, it's the best of a bad lot - by fucking miles.


    I look forward to your next pointless thread...


    EDIT: Oh, and by the way: Power Slam hasn't BECOME an anti-rag. It's ALWAYS been one.

    Hahahaha... from a new guy who knows nothing of anyone or anything on this forum - this reply seems so hilariously out-of-order! The poor bastard starts a thread on a wrestling forum about a wrestling magazine and gets verbally raped and beat up to fuck.... Mental.

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