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Posts posted by DCW

  1. Pig shit brained country fucker,who admitted to taking steroids that just seemed to make him fatter,was in Garda (Irish police) college with me.The very first thing they told us was to never,ever post pictures of yourself in uniform on Facebook.Of course the first weekend away from the college he had posted pictures of himself in uniform and his obese lady friend up as his profile and cover pics the daft prick.He said that he was fraped,and he insisted on keeping the pictures up til he was fucked out of the college.More happier I could not have been,mainly cos I got a room to myself.


    He's still keeping his ''I'm a conspiracy victim'' statuses up after around 4 months now,the prick.

  2. The proud history of wrestling in mugshot form




    Can anyone fill in the blanks out of curiosity?


    DiBiase, Luger, MVP, Jericho, X-Pac, Bagwell, ??, Sid, Is that Wade Barrett??,??, Michaels.

    Eddie, Angle, Vito, Booker, ??, Brian Christopher?, Steiner, ??, ??, Horace Hogan??, Sunny.

    O'Haire, Helms, Andre, Daniels, Nash, hall, Jeff, Awesome Kong, ??, Lesnar, Billy Gunn.

    Santino, Flair, ??, Sandman, ??, Jannetty, Show, Neidhart, Austin, ??, Matt Hardy.

    Tomko, Lita, Kanyon, ??, ??, ??, ??, Test, Is that Sharmell??, Swagger, ??.


    No doubt Im missing a few obvious ones (Took me a while to recgonise santino!).


    Dan Spivey before HBK,Alex Riley is next to Steiner,Daffney is next to Flair,Lucky Cannon beside Austin,Serena (CM Punk's bald SES lady) before the Uso lad,Jillian Hall before Test,Maven after Swagger.

  3. Something the WWE did very well that night was move the camera on when idiots started waving. There were lots of crowd shots while they couldn't show what was happening in the ring and like at any sporting event people see themselves on camera and HAVE to wave at the screen and when they did they cut elsewhere pretty quickly. Obviously couldn't do that while JR was doing his bits to camera but it was incredible people were behaving that way.


    Totally off topic, but I was watching some old award show on YT the other day. There was a crowd shot where some guy pulled out a tissue to cough into, and the camera whipped away so fast you'd think he actually pulled his cock out.


    Again very OT,but I was watching a 2000 Triple H match with Stephanie at ringside doing commentary and Jim Dotson was bodyguarding Steph like she was the fucking US President.Presumably they'd got a threat in that week by some nutjob towards Stephanie or whatever.

  4. It's a pity he never got that feud with Edge at the end of 02,would've been interesting to see how far he could have went.


    Wasn't the whole point that Edge needed someone to work around his injured knee and bump for him,but they stuck A-Train with him instead of Matt which only made Edge's gammy knee worse,because Edge had to do most of the work.


    Vince musn't have been much of a Matitude follower I suppose.

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