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Posts posted by ThePhenom

  1. Does Cena draw in new fans though?


    Buyrates and ratings have slowly been slipping for the last few years now, a time where he's clearly positioned as number one. Don't get me wrong, he is clearly a draw for current fans, as his segments on RAW show, but I'd be genuinely interested to see what would happen if he had to take a year off TV. It might open things right up, like when Austin went for neck surgery and missed a year.


    One of the few PPVs of the last few years to not have a Cena match advertised (as he was supposed to be out after neck surgery) was the 2008 Royal Rumble (where the git turned up anyway). That PPV did the best non-wrestlemania buyrate of any WWE PPV since about 2006 (where that year's Rumble did slightly more). The 2008 Rumble did 533 thousand buys, better than anything except Mania in the previous 2 years and better than every (non mania) PPV since. That was all based on a show advertised as having no John Cena.

    That might be for the big Jeff Hardy push, he had the WWE Title shot against Randy Orton. He was the big babyface star that the company needed at the time of Cena's injury, and I feel that he is the star they need now if he is all clean (I don't watch TNA at the moment, so I have no idea what he's been like since the Victory Road incident). During that original Hardy main event push, he's face was put on the poster/advertisement for No Way Out 2008 and it was the highest bought B PPV in almost two years. That number hasn't even come to close to being matched for a smaller PPV since.

  2. Yes, The Undertaker did kidnap Teddy Long. I hoped he was use the line 'Where to now, Teddy?' but he didn't.


    If I'm getting my timelines right, this storyline ran a few months before Bret Hart returned - I'm assuming the whole 'Long screws Undertaker' was to foreshadow that?

    He used the "Buckle Up, Teddy..." line. It was incredibly stupid, what with all the purple smoke going through the back of the car. And is it me, or have they put the same From The Vault match on Smackdown over here for about a month now?

  3. Has there been and decent WWE documentaries released over the last couple of years? Ones that are more documentary than wrestling matches, like The rise and fall of ECW, monday night wars, and the ultimate warrior one? Thanks.

    The new Stone Cold one has a brilliant 2 and half hour documentary on it. And even though I haven't got around to buying it yet, I'm always hearing great things about the Chris Jericho one as well.

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