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Max Power

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Posts posted by Max Power

  1. 1 hour ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

    It was an inappropriate laugh not because of the content of what he laughed at but because he suddenly burst out laughing on a quiet aeroplane at night. 😩

    Yeah maybe I've misread the thread but I thought it was worth a go. Ah well. It wasn't the scene in the film per se, but rather the silence of the flight punctuated by my thigh slapping tomfoolery.

    Be reight.

  2. I saw 22 Jump Street on my way on holiday last October. A night flight. I'd had a few beers fancied watching some light hearted entertainment/shite so I banged it on having never watched it before.

    Anyway, the bit when Ice Cube is revealed to be whatsernames Dad i absolutely pissed myself. Ridiculously loud guffaw. All the blinds were down. People were trying to sleep. The wife gave me a right bollocking but I couldn't help it. Tears streaming down my face. It's just the look he gives.

    I've watched it since and I can't say it's a cinematic masterpiece. But that one moment floored me.

  3. Enjoyed it mostly.

    Cole was pretty close to the 'Owen Hart Voice' during that opening angle though. Him telling me that WWE take care of all their Superstars, but some things can happen that they can't control isn't something I need to hear.

    Great heel turn though.

  4. I know Vaughan loosely, I played at his club about 12 years ago (the time of the 06/07 tour to be precise) and that rumour isn't true - as far as I'm aware.

    However, it doesn't make any of his comments sound any better. And his social media presence these days are ignorant at best and cunty at worst. But I want a captain to win me the Ashes - and I believe he's the best man for the job.

    To be fair there's a fair few wankers in my side. Pietersen, Broad and Swann are all arseholes, but as long as they bring back that little urn, I'm not too bothered.

    Botham and Gooch will have to take them out on the piss and iron things out - then Russell can feed them soggy weetabix to get rid of the hangovers.

  5. So we beat India then.

    I think we'll turn New Zealand over too, they're the most overrated side in the tournament. The fixtures fell fantastically well for them, as they played the 4 weakest sides first and were then rained off against India. Whenever they've come up against a decent side they've got turned over- Williamson is incredible though.

    Great debate over the last 2 pages. I started watching in the 86/87 Ashes and my side would be....



    Vaughan (c)









    A few things to bring up. Firstly, Vaughan as captain. Following a bit of a resurgence under Hussain, Vaughan completely changed the mentality of the side after the 02/03 Ashes (a series where he played the Aussie attack with his cock end too). His captaincy was severely underrated, and we fell apart after his back went in 2006. It's a shame he's a dickhead now.

    Gooch was a collossus. He would have scored probably another 2000 test runs too if he hadn't been a naughty boy and gone to South Africa, which caused him to miss basically 2 years in the prime of his career. 

    Jack Russell was probably the hardest decision. But if there's a better glove man then I haven't seen him. I reckon he'd be a brilliant wind up merchant too in a good side. Its a shame he played when we were shite as his foibles were just laughed off by the opposition. But imagine him talking bollocks after we'd got 600-4 declared and Swann was bowling into the rough outside the left handers off stump. Be brilliant.

    Pietersen has to be included. I can't see him getting on well with Broad, Anderson and Swann, seeing as their jealousy over his IPL money basically finished his England career, but fuck it.

    Botham over Flintoff.

    Ian Salisbury as 12th man.

  6. By the boys for the boys.

    I've really wanted to like this, really. WWE is shite at the minute, I've not watched it in about 4 years. There was real optimism over what AEW could be or is going to be. But I'm not having that - there's not way that there should be chair shots like that or ridiculous back bumps on aprons. It's so uncomfortable. I don't want to be wincing when I'm watching wrestling.

    And it's only a B show so it doesn't matter? Canadian Stampede was a B show.

    Tony Khan needs to leave the group chat and and work out what he wants this to be. I

  7. We had 3 nights in Singapore as part or our honeymoon last September. It was incredible. We stayed at the Pan Pacific hotel which is basically across the bay from the Marina Bay Sands hotel. 

    I can't recommend it enough. Haven't a clue what the road name was called, but around 7pm it gets closed and suddenly tables and chairs appear with chicken and prawn on skewers been cooked by the side of the road - with waitresses pouring beers out of their backpacks.

    We went to Sentosa for a day also, which was pretty good. The water park was beautiful.

    Those big fucking lizards shit me up though in the park. Monitor Lizards I think they are. Not for me, Clive.

  8. 6 hours ago, Yakashi said:

    Omega Ambrose seems really early. It’s maybe the biggest match they have, but neither guy should be losing yet. Like, at all. Unless you’ve maybe got a redemption arc for Kenny where he loses all the time and then comes back. But that’s shit. Unless it’s a fuck finish, you’ve got Ambrose losing his first big match and Kenny, who i assume is the top star,  losing his second in a row. I’m sure they know what they’re doing though. It’s not Vince. 

    Agree with that. I don't see a way out of it unless shenigans - and that's something they've specifically said they won't do. I suppose when Moxley debuted he had to go after one of the big names, he wasn't gonna jump the barricade and attack Glacier - but in doing that you're gonna make a loser out of him or Omega very early on in the life of the promotion.

    Maybe they've got something up their sleeves, but it'll take something pretty creative to get out of this one credibly.


  9. Great thread.

    I do something very similar, but with cricket - and Under 11s. So you lot probably don't really give a fuck. The principles are the same though, try to focus on basics and technique, rather than playing to win at all costs. The hope being that the winning follows on from mastering the basics. It's frustrating though when some big lad on the other side rocks up and smashes it to all parts. 

    Make sure you get everything on paper. Do your Level One as an absolute minimum. Get on a First Aid Course and make sure you pass the Safeguarding Assessment.

    It's brilliant though really. Most parents are really understanding and are really pleased when something goes right for their kids especially, but also others. It's also nice to see kids you've coached progress and play in men's cricket on a Saturday. 

    Good stuff.

  10. Matt Riddle is a complete wanker. Big Bill made more brass these last 15 minutes than Riddle has made in his entire career.

    "YOU'RE THE WORST WRESTLER EVER" - shut up you pale, 180lb shitstain.

    The match was grim at the end like, but i don't need this tosser acting like he is. 

  11. Bloody William Hague. 

    Think that's about it from my little town, although Lucy Clarkson of Tomb Raider 'fame' was in the year above me at school.

    At least Barnsley is John Stones and not Dickie Bastard Bird.

    Edit: There's a village near us called Wentworth and hilariously Ernie Els crops up. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:


    In what way? just finished listening to the pod and I thought it was great

    It just seemed like "Meltzer said this, Meltzer said that" dominated the show. The Bischoff story was beautiful though.

    Only a minor criticism because it's my favourite podcast. I've listened to it since the beginning - its brilliant.

    I don't think Liam and the lads will lose any sleep over what one weirdo on a wrestling forum thinks either - I'm sure they'll be back on form for the next episode.

  13. 17 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

    I actually really believe this will be be good for WWE long term. AEW eating into WWEs ratings will act as the catalyst that will bring about Vince's long overdue retirement and giving control to Hunter. Then, if NXT is anything to go by.....Then we are all in for a treat.


    Great show mind, I thought it was pretty good from top to bottom. Maybe a 7 or 8 out of 10, which is all you can ask for really.


  14. Echo everything in this thread really. The best thing I've read on another forum was some virgin complaining that dragonfire now makes buildings collapse - as though there's some real life reference point for this.

    The only minor gripe I had was how Cersei died - I'm in the camp of wanting someone to properly fuck her up. She almost died with dignity, in the arms of the man she loved. I wanted her to get her comeuppance good and proper.

    Right, I'm off to research the properties of dragonfire.

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