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King Mal the Glorious

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Posts posted by King Mal the Glorious

  1. I don't think we have European football thread, but fucking Hell.

    Smashing PSG 4-1 in the first home Champions League game in 20 years is unreal. Half of the starting 11 were here when we were in the Championship and 2 local boys scored, couldn't be happier.

    I'm the last week(ish) we've won 8-0, knocked City out of the cup (playing a weakened side) and stuffed PSG. Good times on Tyneside.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

    How were you watching them? I’d love to see all of the Japanese Godzillas, but they don’t seem to be on any streaming service. 

    I had to resort toa bit of downloading. As far as I can tell they mostly available on physical media, but I don't own anything capable of playing any.

  3. Hardcore bands playing bigger metal festivals has been the norm for a while now. On a lower level (locally to me at least) there's a lot more mixing of the two too.

    Anyone moaning about it these days needs to put down their Manowar LPs and get over it.

  4. 23 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    A ton of things. I can't really swim or ride a bike - like, if you put me in calm water I could probably just about doggy paddle back to shore, but anything more than that I can't do and have no interest in doing, I never enjoyed learning to swim, and don't like the sensation of being in or under water. Bike-riding I just never properly learned; my Dad did some pretty perfunctory "put the kid on a bike and give him a push" lessons, but when everyone else carried on riding I just wasn't interested. Again, I could probably do it now, but I'm hardly going to start trying on London roads. 

    This is basically exactly what I was going to post. I'm sure I could do these things now, but I've no desire to embarrass myself trying in my mid 30s.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Loki said:

    I was at a developer conference over a decade ago, and a guy from Ubisoft was proposing voice generation for large MMOs, based on a payment for usage of voice algorithm.  He was also proposing a similar system but for music composition - something that went down VERY badly with the professional composers in the audience!

    I work for Ubisoft and it's still a thing they're heavily looking into, though the specifics of it are all very hush-hush.

  6. 2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Deer? Reindeer? Antlers? I’ve honestly not got a  Scooby.

    Its a Deer seen from the side, which would give you Deicide, but that’s as good as I’ve got and no doubt way off

    I should have gone for a more Pale, Folkloreish deer. It'd look nice above The Mantle.

  7. Milds and bitters are making a comeback, a few if the craft bars up here always have some in now.

    Saying that, I went to Dundee last weekend and every pub served the exact same shite bitters and milds. It was like stepping back to the 70s.

  8. 3 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    Nigel had an excellent line in the Luchasaurus v Brock Anderson match. "They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... must have been a strong wind that day." 

    Best part of that match was a very clear "...the fuck was that, dude?" from Luchasaurus after Brock botched taking a suplex.

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