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Posts posted by $tew

  1. Okay, forgive me if this has been asked already but, y'know, this is a frickin' long thread!Was wantin' to know the name of Cheerleader Melissa's entrance music and the artiste who performed it, as the song, much like Melissa, kicks major arse!

    The song is "#1 Da Woman" by Tricky
  2. Was the "family emergency" that Nancy called him home for ever discovered?

    I think the feeling is that there was no emergency, and that it is basically the cover story Chris used to get out of his weekend wrestling dates
  3. Bryan Alvarez appeared on AM1500 in Minneapolis today to discuss Benoit. I mention this only because he mentions that he believes that the text messages sent from Benoit contained information relating to his estate. It was the bizarre nature of these texts which resulted in WWE asking the local Sheriff's Dept to call round on Monday to check on the family.


    You can download here


    Bryan comes on at about the 22 minute mark.


    I'm still listening right now, but I'm pretty sure no-one's mentioned the content of the texts before now.

  4. I *think* you can sign with another group, you just can't appear on TV. I'm sure the Bashams were turning up to TNA tapings and hanging backstage before they were able to do TV.

    Although funnily enough, The Bashams didn't sign a contract, and unless things have changed in the very recent past, I think they're still working without contract in TNA because I know Doug Basham (and possibly/probably Damaja too) is looking for indy bookings directly. If he was a contracted member of the TNA roster, that would have to go through the TNA office.
  5. Kenny - you're a wee bit out on the WWF title situation, but it's understandable.


    The WWF Jr Heavyweight Title that you talk about that was made famous by Fujinami and Tiger Mask and was retired by The Cobra in '85 - presumably that is the belt that was revived by SWS in '91 was abandoned in 1992 after SWS died. Naoki Sano was the last (and only) champion, and that belt was never revived.


    The belt that featured in the J-Crown was the WWF Light Heavyweight Title. That belt has its origins in the early 80s also, and was made famous by Perro Aguayo and Villano III, primarily in Mexico, under the auspices of the UWA. Great Sasuke brought the belt to Japan in time to be the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion going into the J-Crown tournament - which he went on to win. The title remained part of the J-Crown until WWE asked Shinjiro Ohtani for the belt back in October '97 so they could put it up in the tournament that was won by TAKA. The last champion was X-Pac, before that belt was abandoned in favour of the WCW (now WWE) Cruiserweight Title.


    Here is that title's history

  6. The contracted guys were Mascarita Sagrada, Tsuki, Pequeno Violencia, Octagoncito, Piratita Morgan & Super Porky... although Porky didn't ever get to wrestle - just eat ham.Vince has always liked his midget wrestlers and from time to time likes to go back to them. Think the midgets in there with Bundy and Hillbilly Jim at WrestleMania III, or Dink in the early 90s, or Max Mini, Mini Vader and Mini Mankind in the mid 90s. This was just the latest example of Vince going back to an old standby. As with many things in the WWE, interest was lost after a few weeks and the division died.Whether it was a satire of the X Division only Vince will know - but TNA are very much under the radar and it's not like WWE to blatantly try and mock them like this. There was a story at one time that WWE were looking at using Mistico in this division, but that was surely bollocks as Mistico is like 5'8" or something, and the rest of the division was 5' and below.

    anybody know who done the themes for davey richards, matt sydal and nigel mcguiness used at the koe cup, cant get nigels theme out me head

    I wasn't there, but did Nigel not use "Fuckin' In The Bushes" by Oasis? That's his general music. Also, Davey usually uses "Runnin' With The Devil" by Van Halen.
  7. Nope. I'd forgotten it was even upcoming. It wasn't mentioned on Raw at all.Wait - this goes out the day before One Night Stand? Gah! Presumably they'll do something big on the show that will be resolved at the PPV the next night.That means that next weekend you'll have Smackdown on Friday, SNME on Saturday, One Night Stand on Sunday and Raw on Monday... :crazy:

  8. I tried a search but couldnt find what i was looking for, and i cant find info elsewhere sooIs Luke Dragon Phoenix actually retired, or is it just an SAS angle?

    Yes he is. Or if it is an angle, they didn't bother to tell his best mate Spud, who was very upset that Luke was leaving the business.
  9. Could someone describe the move "Go To Sleep" to me please? I've read that Punk has been using it as a finish in ECW but I'm sure I've seen it attributed to KENTA also.

    Yes, it's KENTA's move, appropriated by Punk from watching puro tapes (as he does with 95% of his offense)Right, imagine this. You lift the guy into a fireman's carry position (as if preparing to do an FU or Death Valley Driver), then in one move jerk your opponent over your head and let him fall in front of you. Lift your knee to catch his face on the way down, knocking him into next week and getting an "ooooooh" from the crowd. Lovely.
  10. Japan is a culture based on honour amongst businessmen. If fellow Japanese offices see that Keiji Mutoh (one of the most well respected wrestlers in the country and the president of one of the longest running promotions in the world) can be ripped off by an unscrupulous British promoter, I imagine it will cause other promotions to think twice before dealing with any Brits again. At least the NOAH representatives that have come over thanks to the Doug Williams connection have been treated well.

  11. Keiji Mutoh is pissedFrom Zach Arnold at www.puroresupower.com

    (1/07/07) - (All Japan) The closure of 1PW is drawing a furious, angry reaction from Keiji Mutoh & All Japan. Mutoh claims that he was swindled out of five million yen over the UK trip. The 1PW closure in the Daily Sports article is being played up essentially as the group disappearing and creating an unprecedent fraud case. Mutoh said that he received a "GOOD-BYE" e-mail right as 1PW was finished.

    Here's the link to the Japanese story - Link
  12. Normal time is a year or so, I believe. Benoit talks about his time at the New Japan dojo on his DVD, and says that for the first six months pretty much all he did was the intense calisthenics work that was a big part of the New Japan way. I believe after that they do hard drills pretty much constantly. Dynamite refers to the instructors hitting guys over the head with a kendo stick every time they made a mistake, thus making sure guys learned to do things right first time pretty quickly. There's also a tough "dues-paying" process - cleaning the dojo, running errands for senior wrestlers, lacing and tying their boots, carrying their bags and so on, as well as standing at ringside watching and learning, as well as getting involved in the odd match, as you'll no doubt have seen on any number of Japanese tapes.

    Also, the rookies live at the dojo too, sharing rooms with each other. Their board is free, their food is free - and apart from their chores, all they have to do is train. It's a pretty spartan life, I guess to separate out the weak minded and the people who don't *really* want to make it.I'd love to hear Fergal Devitt talk about it, because he's the first Westerner to be inducted into the full NJPW dojo system since Benoit - and it'd be really interesting to hear how and if things have changed since Benoit's time.
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