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Posts posted by ColinBollocks

  1. 4 hours ago, David said:

    The thing is, he can have the best boxing coach in his corner all he pleases, but if he has no one there to keep him in check mentally and to make sure he doesn't veer off the path then it won't matter a jot. 

    He's always had the boxing ability. That was never the issue, it's his extra-curricular activities that fucked him up, and he has always said that Davison was key to getting him back to where he is today.

    Davison was great in that he managed to get Tyson to lose all that weight. However, by the sounds of it, Tyson happily does all that himself now - it's why some have questioned if he over trains now and Davison can't convince Tyson otherwise. He could fall off the deep end again, but Tyson seems very aware of what to do to make sure that doesn't happen.

    We'll see how it pans out. As discussed, Davison has his critics. 100% he was the best coach for Tyson on the comeback, but his next coach may take him to another level now. If he thumps Wilder and stays healthy then it will prove to be a brilliant move.

  2. I think this could be a positive. Davidson worked with regards to him being the right man to get Fury back into ring shape. However, there have been rumblings after the Wilder fight that he's not really up to it. IIRC, Freddie Roach was critical of the corner advice of Davidson and Roach sort of has a clue about that.

    Also, by the sounds of it, Davidson's influence on Fury has withered post-Wilder (by the sounds of it Tyson does as he pleases). Maybe Fury has found himself in a bit of a rut and has realised he needs new ideas. Certainly if he fights the way he did during his last fight he'll be in for a rough night v Wilder.

  3. 3 hours ago, Fox Piss said:

    Sammy Guevara needs to lose the Iphone gimmick. Pure lesuire centre.

    The fact it's a bit shit is perfect. Not all heels need to be cool. Sammy Guevara is such a natural douche and having something like that is great.

    One of the things I'm looking forward to most over the next year in AEW is how Guevara and Jericho interact.

  4. How is Drew McIntyre doing now? When I was watching semi-regularly a year back he was very clearly ready for a proper run on top. Great look, convincing gimmick and promo, big and can have good matches.

    Absolute shame if he gets squandered.

  5. 4 hours ago, Supremo said:

    I’m here all day for Colby Covington getting his jaw broken and running away. Belter of a fight with the perfect finish. 

    It always amazes me how poetic MMA can be.

    Incredible main event to wrap up a really good show. Until Colby got his jaw broken in the 3rd, there really wasn't much in it. Fair play to Colby for gutting it out in the 4th (I gave him that round) but the power of Usman is what won out in the end. A really gripping and satisfying last minute to end the fight, as we didn't really have a clue how the judges saw that fight. Usman seems like a good man, so was delighted he managed to get the finish, and yes, break Colby's flapping jaw. Although a decision would mean we would get a quick rematch.

    I'm out the loop with the sport these days, which is proving to have a benefit in that I turn up to these cards only knowing the main event. Quite a lovely treat seeing how packed the show was.

    Holloway was "out tacticed" to quote Big Sam. As far as game plans go, it was incredible to watch.


    Wand after the fight. 

  6. 6 hours ago, David said:

    They'll likely push for another independence vote, to the surprise of no one. The only real difference between a new vote in a year or two and the previous vote is that the oil revenue predictions have dropped substantially.

    Last time the financial argument was fairly open for debate, and the remain side still won. This time, it will be more clear-cut so I can see a larger vote in favour of remain. The Scottish GDP deficit is sitting at something like 8%, and the financial gap would see a requirement for austerity measures within Scotland that would make the Tories look like Corbyn-style spend-merchants, 

    It would mean massive cuts to public services, or ridiculous taxes introduced. I can't see the idealistic, teary-eyed nationalistic argument standing up to the financial argument.

    It will be interesting to see how far other factors (such as the EU and a Johnson Tory government) come in to play for such a thing. Sturgeon is a crafty operator.

  7. A real gut puncher.

    It will be interesting to see how Sturgeon navigates the next few years. Scotland turning into a Simpsons character on the electoral map makes it fairly clear what Scotland thinks of all this.

  8. 19 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Ffs how did I forget Paddington 2? Still glad someone shares my love of Rocketman 

    With next day eyes I definitely ranked Rocketman too high. However, it's still one great movie. The scene in the Troubadour where he starts floating during Crocodile Rock is just perfect cinema.

  9. 1) There Will Be Blood - Purely on views alone this tops the list. In lesser hands this film could have easily been a bit of dull disaster, and during filming it very nearly ran away from everyone with all manner of stories about late casting changes, Daniel Day-Lewis having a hard time etc. However the struggle brought us Paul Thomas Anderson's last truly great film and my favourite Daniel Day Lewis performance.
    There are no likeable characters and some may argue the plot is a little thin, but it rumbles along with menace - this in no small part helped by Jonny Greenwood's best work since OK Computer.

    2) Under The Skin - Again, I've watched this a silly amount of times. Incredible visuals and a score that is equal parts jarring and seductive.

    3) You Were Never Really Here - I don't think a film has ever quite battered me like YWNRH. I cried, I was horrified, I was in awe. I was scared to go back and watch it, not because of fear it wouldn't live up to the first viewing, but I didn't want to get mauled again. More Greenwood.

    4) The Red Turtle - Who would guess a cartoon with no dialogue would end up being the most profound existential cinematic experience over the past 20 years? Here we are.

    5) Blade Runner 2049 - Devon summed it up nicely. Stunning with a massive sigh of relief.

    6) Paddington 2 - Both films could have made the list. Just a great time; you're a right boring git if you don't come out of this in a great mood.

    7) Sicario - The most tense finale in modern cinema? Up there, innit.

    8 ) Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - One of Tom's finest haircuts takes third place to the Cavill tash and some mind-blowing action. Let that sit with you.

    9) Rocketman - A bloody good time. The songs are great and the musical parts are so brilliantly creative.

    10) The Irishman - Only watched it a few days ago, but 3 and a half hours and I was up for watching it again immediately after. 'Nuff typed.

    11) John Wick 3 - I've never quite experienced in the cinema the collective giddy rush of that knives scene.

    12) Lost In Translation - Endlessly watchable.

    13) After The Storm - I took a punt on this one boring Sunday afternoon. What a lovely surprise.

    14) No Country For Old Men - The 2nd best film released that year.

    15) Captain Phillips - I very nearly fell asleep during the trailers, but the finale is such a rush that I was wide awake. Plus, HANKS.

    16) Hell Or High Water - There is a certain charm to the whole thing and the pacing is masterful.

    17) 24 Hour Party People - Coogan's best film by quite a distance. It never fails to make me laugh.

    18) The Wrestler - Probably would have placed higher is the Hulkster got the gig, brother.

    19) Logan - One of two acceptable superhero films for such a list. I found this to be very moving.

    20) Milk - Sean Penn is a cunt, but the talented arse had me crying for him again.

    The top 8 is pretty steady, but anything outwith can easily be swapped about.


  10. I've sort of lost a bit or interest in recent weeks too. They've done an appalling job of establishing characters worth investing in, bar 3 or maybe 4. Jericho and Cody are usually always good value but I can't be arsed sitting through overly long matches featuring some dudes because dodgy rankings or something. Rankings could work but, like most of their roster, they've done a terrible job selling the soap.

  11. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Thought it was pretty funny how loads of Last Jedi crybabies bombarded IMDb with 0 / 10 votes for Knives Out but unfortunately for them it's so good that it's now rating at 8.1 currently.


    That's tremendous. I was a big fan of his response to criticism of diversity in films (in particular, Disney Star Wars), the other week. 

  12. 14 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    The debate was an hour long, the Gove vid was a few minutes.  I and others have seen the Gove vid (and the one where he is shown up by a 15 year old activist) but didn't think "Ooh I must vote for his party".  They're clearly pushing the "Banned by the establishment" narrative but the views don't really translate to winning people over.

    Indeed. I've seen plenty of tweets quoting the video and ridiculing Gove and Johnson. Thousands of likes and retweet etc.

  13. Knives Out is fantastic. The cast is something special and everyone puts a shift in, which leads to one of the more charming world's created in film this year. I was worried Craig's southern patter would sink it, early doors, but this may very well be his finest hour (x2).

    I thought the pacing and the timing of the jokes were pretty masterful.

    Plus, Michael Shannon.

    It was directed by Rian Johnson, however. 1*

  14. What I like most about these clashes is, whilst we know both their strengths, both fighters are so elite we won't really know who has the edge until it happens. I mean, what reasonable person would have guessed Jones would be the one to get the better of the wrestling against a stud like DC? Or who would have thought Cain would take years off the career of JDS after they were supposedly the equal of one another going into the 2nd fight.

    The other incredible part of this story is both their win records. Khabib has never lost and Tony hasn't lost in something impressive like 6 years. Both fighting in the UFCs strongest division, of course.

    It's a proper legacy fight. Who is the GOAT? We shall see.

  15. It's the dreamiest of dream matches in modern MMA and probably since Jones first bested DC. Foolish to not figure someone will lose a leg in training but at the very least we've got a date.

    Similar to DC v Jones 1, you can make a solid argument this fight is the battle for the best ever in the division and potentially P4P too.

  16. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    At this point, realistically, what should be Undertaker's last match? 

    That's the thing he mentioned, he's had at least a couple of perfect outs but Vince just phones him again. It may end up going that way until something awful happens.

    Realistically, he should put The Fiend over at 'Mania and call it there. If he needs another big match.

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