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Posts posted by PowerButchi

  1. 2 hours ago, StrongStyle said:


    Congratulations on your point from 2 games. Celebrating a draw is poor though. Its meant to be the finest teams in Europe. Especially when you've drawn against though fucking English bastards. 


    While you're looking at permutations if you salvage a draw from Croatia (unlikely), I can watch the Italy game happy in the knowledge that we're essentially through and a loss gives us a better route. 


    With the population you have, the TV money for your professional league which filters into the international set up you should be getting results like this all the while. 


    Fuck Joe Jordan and Big Jock Knew. Its probably what killed him. 

  2. On 6/9/2021 at 8:12 PM, PunkStep said:

    Serves you all right for preferring rugby tbf

    Not actually true. Football Nation on iPlayer puts that myth to bed. 


    Wrexham, pre takeover, were getting about 4500 per game. More than the rugby teams in the Pro However Many It Is Now. Swansea and Cardiff far more too. 


    The majority of people in Wales who fill the millennium for six nations games and the like think Neil Jenkins is still playing. 

  3. 9 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    100%. You remember it the same as everyone else in the world.

    Imagine comparing them to the joyful Czech side from Euro 96! Blasphemy!

    Yeah, the Greeks didn't have everyone trying to replicate Poborksi's lob! 

  4. So let's discuss how Rob Puff is spending Pride month...


    On his mountain bike, chihuahua in his basket, not giving a shit. Same as he has for 30 years. 

  5. On 6/4/2021 at 9:40 PM, Frankie Crisp said:

    Had a smashing few hours with @Philo_Vance and his wonderful wife-to-be down in Folkestone.

    I’m down here for a wedding tomorrow but our diaries allowed a meet up. Next time I see them will be their own wedding. Look at him, all grown up.


    My Shield impression is shit.

    I await the day I have a pint with @Philo_Vance.


    Best man 

  6. Should Olly Robinson be suspended?

    I don't think he should. He said shitty things, but said them 10 years ago. He's a reformed character now by all accounts and has apologised. I'm more concerned about whichever nasty person who sat on the tweets until his debut. Hateful as fuck. They've had 10 years to throw him under the bus. 



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