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Posts posted by CAREBEAR LUVVA

  1. mp3 stuff from Youtube here!




    I'd like to have a go at this but haven't got any recording facilities at home at the moment. The next time I'm anywhere near a studio is to do some stuff with my band, and I doubt I'd get time to do anything then either. But I'll enjoy keeping an eye on this topic to see what comes out of it!

  2. Count me in as another one giving thumbs up for the new Doctor. I always thought Matt Smith looked too wacky in the promo shots, but I reserved passing judgement until seeing him in action. Not the strongest story for the opening episode, but then it was pretty much only there to set the scene with the new characters. Amy and her family seem much more likeable than previous assistants and their families (loved the addition of Mrs Meldrew as the auntie), and Matt Smith seems pretty much perfect as the Doctor. It might be a snap decision but I think I might love him a little bit.


    Edit for the chap above - there's repeats on BBC3 throughout the week. No repeat of Confidential though, which I forgot about and would quite like to see. Bugger.

  3. hi mate , thanks for your request to join bad boys wrestling, to improve group security we now have it closed and open to members only, in order for me to approve your membership can you let me know where you are based, do you wrestle or just watch and where did you hear of bad boys, look forward to adding you to our group soon

    dean aka the pitbull



  4. Mr. Luvva, PM me your address and I'll pop a copy in the post for you, next time I do a round of copying things.


    I thank you kindly for this offer! However it seems to have made its way up to Liverpool already - I mentioned it to a a shit-film-loving friend of mine last night, he had a copy which he's lent to me, along with confirmation that it's absolutely worth watching. I now plan on not getting any more new stuff until I've gone through these two shelves of things I've been meaning to watch for ages... But yes, like I said - thank you very much for the offer!

  5. I've been waiting for a while, but they keep advertising (and then cancelling) a screening of it at the indie cinema in town, so I put off watching it at home in the hope of seeing it on a big screen. But then I saw one too many clips on Youtube and in the end I couldn't wait to see it. After Last Season sounds great as well - so good that the torrent sites haven't even got it!

  6. Rabid Grannies has got that kid who says "that's smashing" though, which saves it from any criticism that anyone could possibly throw at it. Nymphoid Barbarian's painful though.


    I'm going to watch The Room tonight, because it's supposed to be one of the worst films ever made. I tried to watch it on Thursday night but it was really late and I started falling asleep so had to switch it off. The 20 minutes or so that I saw were really really pleasingly bad though. Wikipedia sums it up better than I could ever hope to!



  7. I've just watched Neon Maniacs, and fucking loved it. I'm absolutely full of questions about it, but I know that none of them will be answered no matter how many times I re-watch it. But I will re-watch it, over and over again, because it is a tremendous piece of mid-80s nonsense, and the song about "let me ruin your evening" is one of the finest songs I ever did hear in a shit film. Thank you, Famous Mortimer, for bringing it to my attention!

  8. Neon Maniacs

    A film that doesn't so much end as the cast and crew just seem to have gotten bored and left the set en masse. Weird mutants with the stupidest weakness ever (they

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    dissolve on contact with water, the planet's most abundant element


    [close spoiler]

    ");document.close();) terrorise some kids, for some reason. Still, it had its moments, especially the incidental music, which bore no relation to the action on screen.


    That sounds fucking brilliant, I'll have a hunt round for that one. Sounds almost as stupid as the weakness they discovered at the end of Jack Frost 2 when they

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    realised they could kill Jack by mashing up a load of bananas, pouring them into super soakers, then squirting them all over him


    [close spoiler]

  9. My feeling, which you clearly don't share, is that zombie films with no zombies in them for the first 35 minutes, and nothing else to hold the interest, aren't all that exciting- it very clearly does not "deliver what was advertised" in that time. As far as zombie films go, there aren't any good ones that I can think of which take so damn long to get to the fun stuff - "Dawn of the Dead", the greatest of them all, has them right from the beginning; "The Zombie Dead", one of my favourite cheap-ass Italian films, has them from about 15 minutes in; "Night Of The Living Dead", first scene; "Shaun Of The Dead", I forget...15 minutes or so? "28 Days Later" might be a possible exception (but it's probably still not that long) but it's a much much more interesting film than "Dead Snow".


    The Zombie Dead is absolutely amazing. I'm made up to have seen a mention of it on here! I still don't know what it is about them, but no matter how many times I watch it the zombies in that film are really unsettling. And it also features the naughtiest boy in any film ever.


    On the subject of switching stuff off after half an hour - back in the days before DVDs, me and my mates used to go shopping for cheap ex-rental videos and would swear by the "half an hour rule". If something looked like it might be interesting but we weren't totally sure about spending money on it, we would open the box to look at the tape inside. If it had clearly been left after being watched for about half an hour and then not rewound, someone's obviously thought "this is shit" and got rid of it. Then we'd buy it. Then again, we're probably a bit of an odd bunch. If it's got a budget, chances are none of my mates are going to appreciate it.

  10. Has anyone got a link to this Sprules/Tyler match? Nothing comes up on Youtube... I adore unintentionally rubbish things so I'm curious to see what's so bad about it!


    Edit: I typed it in again and found it. No idea why I didn't see it the first time. My eyes must be dying or something.

  11. Went to see Zombieland last night, and was really disappointed by it. Started off brilliantly, but went downhill very quickly - the jokes alternated between not being funny enough and being too American, so the punchlines were lost on most people in the audience. Sure there were a few chuckles here and there, but most of the lines fell pretty flat. The ways of dispatching the zombies were all a bit old-hat, nowhere near as inventive as they could have been given the locations they found themselves in. And I felt that they didn't make nearly enough out of the theme park situation either - it could have been so well done if only they'd spent more time there instead of taking the best part of 45 minutes just to set up the interchangeable characters who didn't even matter anyway.


    Then again, maybe it was an audience full of hardcore zombie lovers who just found it all a little bit tame. There were some foetuses at the front who seemed to enjoy it though.

  12. It doesn't warrant its own thread, and while it isn't a request for information it's still a question, so... Does anyone know if a decent quality copy of Zack Ryder's theme has made it onto the internet in mp3 form yet? If xylot themes was still going I feel certain they would've been able to get hold of it by now, so I'm thinking maybe it's out there somewhere and I just haven't been able to find it yet. Google has so far only turned up one full-length file but the quality is pretty bad. Are there any secret places on the internet where I might be able to find it?

  13. For everyone interested, the DS roms of "Mario and Luigi:Bowsers inside story" and "Scribblenauts" are up. If anyone wants links, PM me.


    You'd be lucky to get Mario & Luigi to actually work though, there are people crying all over the internet because Nintendo have managed to come up wtih some anti-piracy protection that actually does what it's supposed to do. Scribblenauts is ace though, highly recommended to anyone with a DS and no morals :-)

  14. Call Of Duty World At War (360) - this is my first dabble with Call Of Duty and I haven't been too overjoyed with it so far. I got it because all my mates said how good it was, but so far it just seems like a regular run and gun sort of thing (except maybe with a bit more of a tactical approach so you don't get shot to pieces within seconds). Haven't tried the multiplayer yet, I'm told that's where all the fun is to be had - I'd rather play offline and at least try to work out what I'm doing before I try to take on some actual skilled players though.


    I'm surprised they told you to get World at War as the first CoD game you played. Get CoD 4: Modern Warfare, it's brilliant.


    What's the difference between the two? Obviously they're different games and all that, but what makes Modern Warfare stand out over World At War?

  15. There's a few games I've been meaning to play for a while, I recently traded a load of old tat in at CEX and put the money towards the following:


    Mercenaries 2 (PS3) - I can't get into this one at all, it all seems a bit too drawn-out and not quite as clear as it should be. I don't want to be faffing around all over the map to get the bits you suggest I need for the next mission. And I'd quite like to know where to go for the next mission as well, please. I'm sure I'll go back to it when I can't find anything better to do though.


    Deadly Creatures (Wii) - you alternate between playing as a tarantula and a scorpion, and it's quite good fun crawling all around the place and having fights with other creepy crawlies. I'm already stuck though, and I'm only up to chapter 5.


    Mirror's Edge (360) - enjoyed this lots, partly due to it being

  16. I thought it was all over, so I almost came when I saw this bit of unexpected news just now:



    Two more expansions for Fallout 3 have been announced, including plans for the PS3 version.


    Point Lookout, a massive swampland with new quests and content, and alien abductions in Mothership Zeta will be coming to 360 and PC by July for 800 Microsoft Points.


    The two expansions, as well as all the previous DLC, will finally arrive on the PlayStation 3 from June. Operation: Anchorage will be released in late June, followed by The Pitt and Broken Steel spaced out until August.


    The DLC will also be released across retail packs for 360 and PC, while a Game Of The Year edition featuring the original game and all DLC will be released on all three systems in October.



  17. Does anyone know when tickets for this years Survivor Series go on sale, or if there's anywhere that lists the on-sale dates for WWE events? There's nothing mentioned on the events section of wwe.com yet. I've always wanted to go to Washington DC and I've also always wanted to go to the Survivor Series (even though these days it's not as good as when it was all 10-man elimination tag matches), so I quite fancy booking myself a holiday...

  18. In the mid/late 90s, Children's ITV filmed an episode of their "Go Getters" game show at my school. The celebrity contestants were Daniella Westbrook, Craig Charles and Carol Smillie. Westbrook was all mouth when anyone asked for her autograph ("fack owff!"), Craig Charles was happy to chat with anyone (or possibly he was just happy about not getting found guilty when he'd been charged for rape a while earlier), and Carol Smillie hid in the van the whole time. I was determined to get her autograph for some reason, and went round the back of the van to see if I could speak to her through the window - but she was getting changed and I ran away when I got scared at the sight of a lady taking her top off and sitting there in her bra whilst looking through her bag for a proper t-shirt.


    I do have a story about Alan Davies being polite though! It was back when he was doing adverts for Abbey National, and I was at Lime Street station queueing up for the cash machine. The bloke in front was taking ages, and when he eventually finished he turned round and apologised for taking so long and said he hoped it hadn't made me late for my train. It was definitely Alan Davies, and it was an Abbey National cash machine.


    A couple from the place I used to work - the man who plays the fat policeman with glasses on Shameless is a bit of a prick (miserable bastard REALLY objects to people asking for his autograph), and Sinbad off Brookside was a strange one - surrounded himself with people in the brightest-lit corner of the room, and had one of the door staff standing nearby telling people he was on a night out and didn't want to be disturbed.


    We went to see The Chuckle Brothers for a laugh a few years ago, and before the interval they ran around the audience with custard pies (or shaving foam on paper plates). The taller/fatter/less shrivelled Chuckle came up to me and said "you're a bit old to be here, aren't you?" to which I replied "so are you", and he promptly smashed the plate of foam into my face as hard as he could. It was bad though, I went to the toilets to clean it off and there was a massive queue of kids all crying their eyes out because they'd been pied by their heroes. What cunts those Chuckle Brothers are.

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