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Teedy Kay

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Posts posted by Teedy Kay

  1. The cuts really haven't taken hold yet. They aren't an issue at present.


    Well our force have seen 750 slashed because of them, it's Early Release Schemes and then lack of recruitment that is now creating a void in numbers that are fracturing all Forces nationwide.

  2. Maybe the police need to rethink their recruitment policies. Maybe having the police made up mainly of middle-class university types isn't the best idea when there's a mass riot situation.


    Maybe the police should actually have recruitment policy rather than have dwindling numbers due to cuts?

  3. the sky news pictures for Birmingham aren't exactly the same level. I'm not suggesting that it's not bad in Brum right now, but they jsut went "riotinging in birmingha,!" and they show a door on a mobile phone shop.

    Basically the reporter is a bit of a pussy and is staying at the Police Station, a distance away from it all.


    A Primark is ablaze, and the main trouble is apparently rumbling and building in the inner city areas like Perry Barr, Handsworth, Aston, Whittick and other areas.

  4. Shit's apparently now kicking off in Wolverhampton by all accounts.


    Absolutely no reports from the major news outlets on this at all, completely focussed on London.

  5. That mobile phone recorded report from Sky was awesome, brilliant and brave journalism, especially asking the dumb fucking kids involved if they were having fun.

  6. The Birmingham Childrens Hospital is having windows smashed and stones being pelted at staff, more than Chinese Whispers eh?


    Fucking scandalous, guessing the shopping centre at Perry Barr is going to get destroyed, it's kicking off all round there now.

  7. But the ridiculous cuts to all public services have not been of any help to inner city areas have they?

    Especially with regards to police presence trying to deal with a riot.

  8. I'd actually go in to work free of charge to help deal with these ungrateful and disrespectful tyrants.


    I'd TASER the living fuck out of the lot of them.

  9. The rumor (and I can't stress that word enough) is that the family are saying that the police killed Duggan and then planted a bullet on the officer.



    That is brilliant!

  10. Sky News saying police weren't fired on by Mr. Duggan, but the site of the gun alone was what spooked the police. That won't help.

    I thought the forensic test results weren't due for another day?


    Interested in finding out who the fuck fired the round that almost killed the copper and lodged in the radio.

  11. Yeah, Officers 'SHOULD' be Public Order trained to deal with this sort of thing, basic level is an 80 hour package that not a lot of Officers get.


    That'll be the sticking point, you'll find they're kitting everyone up in the gear to try and cope. V. Surprised the surrounding Forces haven't been called in.

  12. The Met need to desperately call upon the resources of other forces here, assemble one hell of Public Order team and wade in and stop this shit now.


    Further proof this country should've invested in Water Canons years ago.

  13. The police misuse their budget terribly. I used to work occasionally in events, and the police used to regularly splurge much money on badly run 'training courses' for their staff at expensive venues. Having sat through one of these training courses for how to relate with domestic violence or some shit, I can corroborate that they 'taught' nothing more than common sense and wasted a load of money paying the officers to be there, on venue hire and on food and drink.


    Most Police Forces use their purpose built training facilities for things like that, I know our Wethersfield HQ is always dealing with shit like the above, what force were you dealing with?



    I was arrested for possession of two tablets on a night out. I waited, handcuffed, with two officers outside the station for twenty minutes before someone finally came to let me in. I was strip searched, had fingerprints taken and all the rest of it, for a hour or so. I was kept monitored in the cells overnight. I was interviewed for half an hour in the morning, before I was finally let go with not so much of a caution.


    I'd be careful of that one pal, I reckon it'll be on your record, PNC will definitely bring it up.


    So, the police invested much time and money in a minor drugs charge for which I was let go completely scot free.


    CPS would have just laughed, I personally would have liked to have seen you locked up.



    They invested more significant time for a minor driving charge for which they charged me a large sum and gave me points on my license that has cost me nearly
  14. someone posted that wretched Cher Lloyd song earlier so heres the official video



    she's listening to her own song on the Ipod, what an arrogant little thing ahaha. By the way it IS Cher Lloyd and not a 44 year old parodying her.


    Rebecca Blacks "Friday" shits on this.


    People have been killed for lesser atrocities than the above

  15. I'm not the biggest of fans, but I do love a fair amount of their work.


    My favourite Beatles album is Magical Mystery Tour, yes I know it's not Technically an album, more of a soundttack, and even then the CD version released was actually the US version, but I fucking love it.


    Song wise, I love 'Something' and 'In My Life'


    Their early work still strikes me as pop pap though.

  16. Final Harry Potter trailer


    I may be in the minority on here but I cannot wait for this to come out. It looks incredible.


    If it was released this morning, that might mean they're putting it on in cinemas in front of Green Lantern... it's almost enough to make me want to see Green Lantern, just in case they have this on first...


    That looks incredible, can't wait to see the final parts of the last book put on screen.


    In other news, here's the trailer for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo starring Daniel Craig. Loved the books, and from the trailer this adaption seems quite loyal to the original story.

    It's quite loyal to the other The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movie too.


    Whoever it is, they've ruined the Immigrant Song, horrible cover version.

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